26 research outputs found

    MeetEval: A Toolkit for Computation of Word Error Rates for Meeting Transcription Systems

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    MeetEval is an open-source toolkit to evaluate all kinds of meeting transcription systems. It provides a unified interface for the computation of commonly used Word Error Rates (WERs), specifically cpWER, ORC WER and MIMO WER along other WER definitions. We extend the cpWER computation by a temporal constraint to ensure that only words are identified as correct when the temporal alignment is plausible. This leads to a better quality of the matching of the hypothesis string to the reference string that more closely resembles the actual transcription quality, and a system is penalized if it provides poor time annotations. Since word-level timing information is often not available, we present a way to approximate exact word-level timings from segment-level timings (e.g., a sentence) and show that the approximation leads to a similar WER as a matching with exact word-level annotations. At the same time, the time constraint leads to a speedup of the matching algorithm, which outweighs the additional overhead caused by processing the time stamps.Comment: Accepted for presentation at the Chime7 workshop 202

    On Word Error Rate Definitions and their Efficient Computation for Multi-Speaker Speech Recognition Systems

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    We propose a general framework to compute the word error rate (WER) of ASR systems that process recordings containing multiple speakers at their input and that produce multiple output word sequences (MIMO). Such ASR systems are typically required, e.g., for meeting transcription. We provide an efficient implementation based on a dynamic programming search in a multi-dimensional Levenshtein distance tensor under the constraint that a reference utterance must be matched consistently with one hypothesis output. This also results in an efficient implementation of the ORC WER which previously suffered from exponential complexity. We give an overview of commonly used WER definitions for multi-speaker scenarios and show that they are specializations of the above MIMO WER tuned to particular application scenarios. We conclude with a discussion of the pros and cons of the various WER definitions and a recommendation when to use which.Comment: Presented at ICASSP 202

    Frame-wise and overlap-robust speaker embeddings for meeting diarization

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    Using a Teacher-Student training approach we developed a speaker embedding extraction system that outputs embeddings at frame rate. Given this high temporal resolution and the fact that the student produces sensible speaker embeddings even for segments with speech overlap, the frame-wise embeddings serve as an appropriate representation of the input speech signal for an end-to-end neural meeting diarization (EEND) system. We show in experiments that this representation helps mitigate a well-known problem of EEND systems: when increasing the number of speakers the diarization performance drop is significantly reduced. We also introduce block-wise processing to be able to diarize arbitrarily long meetings.Comment: ICASSP 202

    A Teacher-Student approach for extracting informative speaker embeddings from speech mixtures

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    We introduce a monaural neural speaker embeddings extractor that computes an embedding for each speaker present in a speech mixture. To allow for supervised training, a teacher-student approach is employed: the teacher computes the target embeddings from each speaker's utterance before the utterances are added to form the mixture, and the student embedding extractor is then tasked to reproduce those embeddings from the speech mixture at its input. The system much more reliably verifies the presence or absence of a given speaker in a mixture than a conventional speaker embedding extractor, and even exhibits comparable performance to a multi-channel approach that exploits spatial information for embedding extraction. Further, it is shown that a speaker embedding computed from a mixture can be used to check for the presence of that speaker in another mixture.Comment: Accepted for Interspeech 202