67 research outputs found

    A Biomimetic Model of the Outer Plexiform Layer by Incorporating Memristive Devices

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    In this paper we present a biorealistic model for the first part of the early vision processing by incorporating memristive nanodevices. The architecture of the proposed network is based on the organisation and functioning of the outer plexiform layer (OPL) in the vertebrate retina. We demonstrate that memristive devices are indeed a valuable building block for neuromorphic architectures, as their highly non-linear and adaptive response could be exploited for establishing ultra-dense networks with similar dynamics to their biological counterparts. We particularly show that hexagonal memristive grids can be employed for faithfully emulating the smoothing-effect occurring at the OPL for enhancing the dynamic range of the system. In addition, we employ a memristor-based thresholding scheme for detecting the edges of grayscale images, while the proposed system is also evaluated for its adaptation and fault tolerance capacity against different light or noise conditions as well as distinct device yields

    Modelling of Current Percolation Channels in Emerging Resistive Switching Elements

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    Metallic oxides encased within Metal-Insulator-Metal (MIM) structures can demonstrate both unipolar and bipolar switching mechanisms, rendering them the capability to exhibit a multitude of resistive states and ultimately function as memory elements. Identifying the vital physical mechanisms behind resistive switching can enable these devices to be utilized more efficiently, reliably and in the long-term. In this paper, we present a new approach for analysing resistive switching by modelling the active core of two terminal devices as 2D and 3D grid circuit breaker networks. This model is employed to demonstrate that substantial resistive switching can only be supported by the formation of continuous current percolation channels, while multi-state capacity is ascribed to the establishment and annihilation of multiple channels

    Unsupervised Classification of Human Activity with Hidden Semi-Markov Models

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    The modern sedentary lifestyle is negatively influencing human health, and the current guidelines recommend at least 150 min of moderate activity per week. However, the challenge is how to measure human activity in a practical way. While accelerometers are the most common tools to measure activity, current activity classification methods require calibration studies or labelled datasets—requirements that slow the research progress. Therefore, there is a pressing need to classify and quantify human activity efficiently. In this work, we propose an unsupervised approach to classify activities from accelerometer data using hidden semi-Markov models. We tune and infer the model parameters on accelerometer data from the UK Biobank and select the optimal model based on features used and informativeness of the prior. The best model achieves an average correlation of 0.4 between the inferred activities and the reference ones, with the overall physical activity obtaining a correlation of 0.8. Additionally, to prove the clinical significance of the method, we validate it by performing a linear regression between the inferred activities and anthropometric measures such as BMI and waist circumference. We show that for a sedentary behaviour and total physical activity, the proposed method achieves comparable regression coefficients to the reference labelled dataset. Moreover, the proposed method achieves a good agreement with a labelled dataset for daily time spent in a sedentary behaviour and total physical activity. The unsupervised nature of the method allows for a data-driven classification that does not require calibration studies or labelled datasets and can thus facilitate both clinical research as well as lifestyle recommendations

    The spatial pattern of light determines the kinetics and modulates backpropagation of optogenetic action potentials

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    Optogenetics offers an unprecedented ability to spatially target neuronal stimulations. This study investigated via simulation, for the first time, how the spatial pattern of excitation affects the response of channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) expressing neurons. First we described a methodology for modeling ChR2 in the NEURON simulation platform. Then, we compared four most commonly considered illumination strategies (somatic, dendritic, axonal and whole cell) in a paradigmatic model of a cortical layer V pyramidal cell. We show that the spatial pattern of illumination has an important impact on the efficiency of stimulation and the kinetics of the spiking output. Whole cell illumination synchronizes the depolarization of the dendritic tree and the soma and evokes spiking characteristics with a distinct pattern including an increased bursting rate and enhanced back propagation of action potentials (bAPs). This type of illumination is the most efficient as a given irradiance threshold was achievable with only 6 % of ChR2 density needed in the case of somatic illumination. Targeting only the axon initial segment requires a high ChR2 density to achieve a given threshold irradiance and a prolonged illumination does not yield sustained spiking. We also show that patterned illumination can be used to modulate the bAPs and hence spatially modulate the direction and amplitude of spike time dependent plasticity protocols. We further found the irradiance threshold to increase in proportion to the demyelination level of an axon, suggesting that measurements of the irradiance threshold (for example relative to the soma) could be used to remotely probe a loss of neural myelin sheath, which is a hallmark of several neurodegenerative diseases

    Signal identification of DNA amplification curves in custom-PCR platforms

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    Custom-made, point-of-care PCR platforms are a necessary tool for rapid, point-of-care diagnostics in situations such as the current Covid-19 pandemic. However, a common issue faced by them is noisy fluorescence signals, which consist of a drifting baseline or noisy sigmoidal curve. This makes automated detection difficult and requires human verification. In this paper, we have tried to use nonlinear fitting for automated classification of PCR waveforms to identify whether amplification has taken place or not. We have presented several novel signal reconstruction techniques based on nonlinear fitting which will enable better pre-processing and automated differentiation of a valid or invalid PCR amplification curve. We have also tried to perform this classification at lower PCR cycles to reduce decision times in diagnostic tests

    Influence of Cholecystokinin-8 on compound nerve action potentials from ventral gastric vagus in rats

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    Objective: Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) has shown great promise as a potential therapy for a number of conditions, such as epilepsy, depression and for Neurometabolic Therapies, especially for treating obesity. The objective of this study was to characterize the left ventral subdiaphragmatic gastric trunk of vagus nerve (SubDiaGVN) and to analyze the influence of intravenous injection of gut hormone cholecystokinin octapeptide (CCK-8) on compound nerve action potential (CNAP) observed on the same branch, with the aim of understanding the impact of hormones on VNS and incorporating the methods and results into closed loop implant design. Methods: The cervical region of the left vagus nerve (CerVN) of male Wistar rats was stimulated with electric current and the elicited CNAPs were recorded on the SubDiaGVN under four different conditions: Control (no injection), Saline, CCK1 (100pmol/kg) and CCK2 (1000pmol/kg) injections. Results: We identified the presence of

    A point-of-care device for sensitive protein quantification

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    In this paper we present the design of a new point-of-care device for protein quantification. The proposed design is based on a novel aptamer-mediated methodology and real time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), a robust and ultrasensitive method for DNA amplification, which we employ for very sensitive quantification of proteins. In addition, we have also developed an algorithm for the processing of raw fluorescence data from the portable RT-PCR device. The algorithm leads to better linearity than a proprietary software from a commercially available RT-PCR machine. The modular nature of the system allows for easy assembly and adjustment towards a variety of biomarkers for applications in disease diagnosis and personalised medicine

    Extracellular ph monitoring for use in closed-loop vagus nerve stimulation

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    Objective. Vagal nerve stimulation (VNS) has shown potential benefits for obesity treatment; however, current devices lack physiological feedback, which limit their efficacy. Changes in extracellular pH (pHe) have shown to be correlated with neural activity, but have traditionally been measured with glass microelectrodes, which limit their in vivo applicability. Approach. Iridium oxide has previously been shown to be sensitive to fluctuations in pH and is biocompatible. Iridium oxide microelectrodes were inserted into the subdiaphragmatic vagus nerve of anaesthetised rats. Introduction of the gut hormone cholecystokinin (CCK) or distension of the stomach was used to elicit vagal nerve activity. Main results. Iridium oxide microelectrodes have sufficient pH sensitivity to readily detect changes in pHe associated with both CCK and gastric distension. Furthermore, a custom-made Matlab script was able to use these changes in pHe to automatically trigger an implanted VNS device. Significance. This is the first study to show pHe changes in peripheral nerves in vivo. In addition, the demonstration that iridium oxide microelectrodes are sufficiently pH sensitive as to measure changes in pHe associated with physiological stimuli means they have the potential to be integrated into closed-loop neurostimulating devices

    Aptasensor for quantification of leptin through PCR amplification of short DNA-aptamers

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    Protein quantification is traditionally performed through enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), which involves long preparation times. To overcome this, new approaches use aptamers as an alternative to antibodies. In this paper, we present a new approach to quantify proteins with short DNA aptamers through polymerase chain reaction (PCR) resulting in shorter protocol times with comparatively improved limits of detection. The proposed method includes a novel way to quantify both the target protein and the corresponding short DNA-aptamers simultaneously, which also allows us to fully characterize the performance of aptasensors. Human leptin is used as a target protein to validate this technique, because it is considered an important biomarker for obesity-related studies. In our experiments, we achieved the lowest limit of detection of 100 pg/mL within less than 2 h, a limit affected by the dissociation constant of the leptin aptamer, which could be improved by selecting a more specific aptamer. Because of the simple and inexpensive approach, this technique can be employed for Lab-On-Chip implementations and for rapid “on-site” quantification of proteins