3 research outputs found

    Littoral cell angioma of the spleen accompanied by haemophagocytic syndrome in a dialysis patient suffering from aa amyloidosis

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    Littoral cell angioma (LCA) is a rare form of vascular tumor unique to the spleen that arises from the specialized endothelial cells that line the splenic sinuses (littoral cells). Haemophagocytic syndrome (HS) is also a rare hematologic disorder that some times accompanies LCA. The authors describe a young dialysis patient with a history of familiar mediteranean fever and secondary amyloidosis who was found to have this rare association of AA amyloidosis with LCA and haemophagocytic syndrome

    Acute Kidney Injury in Patients with COVID – 19 Infection: Α Tertiary Referral Hospital Experience

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    The emersion of the new coronavirus SARS COV 2 (Severe Acute Respiratory SyndromeCoronavirus 2) was rapidly characterized as a pandemic by WHO. The majormanifestation of the virus is respiratory distress; however, the involvement of other organsshould not be overlooked. The kidney is one of the most important target organsof the specific virus with acute kidney injury (AKI) described in 5-36% of COVIDpositive patients and an average 25% within the severely ill.Purp ose: The purpose of this study was to consider the incidence of AKI in patientswith COVID 19 in our cohort and to better understand risk factors associated withAKI. Further, we wanted to investigate the impact of AKI on survival and in hospitalmortality.Methods: Patients admitted to Evagelismos General Hospital with confirmed COVID-19 infection from 11th March until 22th May were investigated. Patients 18 yearsold as well as transplanted patients were excluded from this study. AKI was definedaccording to the AKI criteria.Results : From 99 patients with COVID-19 infection, AKI occurred in 41 (41.4%).A total of 44 patients (44.4%) were admitted to Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and 31 ofthem (70.5%) developed AKI. Of the 44 patients with AKI, 16 (39%) required renalreplacement therapy. Hospital mortality, in total, was 16.2% (37% among patientswith AKI versus 0.02% among those without AKI, p=0.000).Conclusion: AKI was common among patients hospitalized with COVID 19. AKIwas associated with older age, clinical severity and existing CKD

    Minimal Change Disease Associated with Malignant Epithelioid Mesothelioma: A Case Report

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    We report the case of a 64 year old male patient with a recent diagnose of pulmonary nodules with pleural thickening who was admitted to the nephrology department of our hospital for further evaluation of nephrotic syndrome (NS). Malignant epithelioid mesothelioma (MEM) was diagnosed after pleural biopsy while the renal biopsy showed minimal change disease (MCD) with acute tubular necrosis and interstitial lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. MCD is the most common cause of nephrotic syndrome in children while it accounts for a smaller proportion of NS in adults. The underlying cause of MCD is unclear (Cameron, 1987). Evidence so far suggests that T-cell dysfunction results in the production of a circulating factor directly affecting the glomerular capillary wall with consequent foot process fusion. MCD as paraneoplastic syndrome is common in hematological disorder while the incidence in lung pulmonary malignancies is rare. Early recognition leads to an early diagnosis of malignancy improving the outcome and diminishing the associated co-morbidities