8 research outputs found

    Occupational Therapy’s Role in Early Language Development of Babies and Young Children

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    Occupational therapy practitioners in their interactions with babies, young children and their families, can be change-agents who promote rich language environments as a foundation to social interactions, social participation and academic successes. OTPs may be the sole provider working with a family or may reinforce with families the plan of care developed by speech-language pathologists (SLP) or early intervention teachers. The first step for OTPs is deeper knowledge of the importance of early language exposure, social interaction and participation development in young children and approaches that promotes rich language environments

    A Company-Wide Initiative to Improve Screening for Vision Impairment

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    Objectives: \u3e 1 out of 6 point up in knowledge of vision impairment & confidence in screening (6 questions; 1=strongly disagree to 7=strongly agree) 40% of clients will undergo vision screening Identify & resolve barriers to vision screening (4 questions

    Sensory-Based Interventions in the School Setting: Perspectives of Paraeducators

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    Sensory experiences or environmental modifications can: Regulate behavior Improve sensory modulation Improve readiness for activities Improve focus for learnin

    Effect of Verbal Directions on Grip Strength Evaluated Using the Handheld Dynamometer

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    Background: Grip strength measurement using the handheld dynamometer is a key aspect of the evaluation of an upper extremity injury. The handheld dynamometer manufacturer has established research-based guidelines outlining body positioning during grip strength measurement. However, verbal direction guidelines, while provided, have not yet been shown to be most effective through research. This study seeks to determine whether the use of one of two types of verbal directions, with and without encouragements, resulted in greater grip strength as measured by the handheld dynamometer. Method: The grip strength of healthy females (n = 60) was compared using two sets of prerecorded verbal directions administered in random order. All other procedures were constant and closely followed a standardized procedure. Results: A statistically significant difference in the right- and left-hand grip strength (mean difference: 5.55 and 5.74 lb, respectively) was found between the two sets of verbal directions with verbal encouragement eliciting higher strength (p \u3c 0.0001). Conclusions: Verbal directions significantly affect grip strength scores in healthy females when evaluated using the handheld dynamometer. Evaluators should use verbal directions with encouragements when seeking to elicit maximum grip strength

    Occupational Therapy Students’ Perception of Types of Class Preparation Activities

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    This mixed-methods pilot study examined OT student perceptions of the practicality and perceived benefits of 4 class preparation activities used in 3 occupational therapy courses

    State of Knowledge on the Use of Coaching in Occupational Therapy: A Scoping Review

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    Occupational therapy practitioners who use coaching within their practice find that the intervention leads to many positive outcomes, including improved occupational performance, performance satisfaction, parent competence, self-efficacy, and quality of life. Due to the growing body of literature focused on coaching within OT, there is a need to clarify coaching definitions. Coaching is an umbrella term that encompasses an assortment of approaches. Some of the aforementioned coaching approaches include occupational performance coaching (OPC), occupation-based coaching, health coaching, solution-focused coaching, and coaching in context5. As the pool of information about OT-led coaching continues to grow, so does the need for an updated overview of the existing literature. A contemporary OT coaching scoping review would support evidence-based practice and identify gaps in the research to inform best practice moving forward