15 research outputs found

    Nogo receptor is involved in the adhesion of dendritic cells to myelin

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    BACKGROUND: Nogo-66 receptor NgR1 and its structural homologue NgR2 are binding proteins for a number of myelin-associated inhibitory factors. After neuronal injury, these inhibitory factors are responsible for preventing axonal outgrowth via their interactions with NgR1 and NgR2 expressed on neurons. In vitro, cells expressing NgR1/2 are inhibited from adhering to and spreading on a myelin substrate. Neuronal injury also results in the presence of dendritic cells (DCs) in the central nervous system, where they can come into contact with myelin debris. The exact mechanisms of interaction of immune cells with CNS myelin are, however, poorly understood. METHODS: Human DCs were differentiated from peripheral blood monocytes and mouse DCs were differentiated from wild type and NgR1/NgR2 double knockout bone marrow precursors. NgR1 and NgR2 expression were determined with quantitative real time PCR and immunoblot, and adhesion of cells to myelin was quantified. RESULTS: We demonstrate that human immature myeloid DCs express NgR1 and NgR2, which are then down-regulated upon maturation. Human mature DCs also adhere to a much higher extent to a myelin substrate than immature DCs. We observe the same effect when the cells are plated on Nogo-66-His (binding peptide for NgR1), but not on control proteins. Mature DCs taken from Ngr1/2 knockout mice adhere to a much higher extent to myelin compared to wild type mouse DCs. In addition, Ngr1/2 knockout had no effect on in vitro DC differentiation or phenotype. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that a lack of NgR1/2 expression promotes the adhesion of DCs to myelin. This interaction could be important in neuroinflammatory disorders such as multiple sclerosis in which peripheral immune cells come into contact with myelin debris

    Sphingosine-1-Phosphate and the S1P3 Receptor Initiate Neuronal Retraction via RhoA/ROCK Associated with CRMP2 Phosphorylation

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    This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) or licensor are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.The bioactive lipid sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) is an important regulator in the nervous system. Here, we explored the role of S1P and its receptors in vitro and in preclinical models of peripheral nerve regeneration. Adult sensory neurons and motor neuron-like cells were exposed to S1P in an in vitro assay, and virtually all neurons responded with a rapid retraction of neurites and growth cone collapse which were associated with RhoA and ROCK activation. The S1P1 receptor agonist SEW2871 neither activated RhoA or neurite retraction, nor was S1P-induced neurite retraction mitigated in S1P1-deficient neurons. Depletion of S1P3 receptors however resulted in a dramatic inhibition of S1P-induced neurite retraction and was on the contrary associated with a significant elongation of neuronal processes in response to S1P. Opposing responses to S1P could be observed in the same neuron population, where S1P could activate S1P1 receptors to stimulate elongation or S1P3 receptors and retraction. S1P was, for the first time in sensory neurons, linked to the phosphorylation of collapsin response-mediated protein-2 (CRMP2), which was inhibited by ROCK inhibition. The improved sensory recovery after crush injury further supported the relevance of a critical role for S1P and receptors in fine-tuning axonal outgrowth in peripheral neurons

    Nogo-A Expression in the Brain of Mice with Cerebral Malaria

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    Cerebral malaria (CM) is associated with a high rate of transient or persistent neurological sequelae. Nogo-A, a protein that is highly expressed in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of the mammalian central nervous system (CNS), is involved in neuronal regeneration and synaptic plasticity in the injured CNS. The current study investigates the role of Nogo-A in the course of experimental CM. C57BL/6J mice were infected with Plasmodium berghei ANKA blood stages. Brain homogenates of mice with different clinical severity levels of CM, infected animals without CM and control animals were analyzed for Nogo-A up-regulation by Western blotting and immunohistochemistry. Brain regions with Nogo-A upregulation were evaluated by transmission electron microscopy. Densitometric analysis of Western blots yielded a statistically significant upregulation of Nogo-A in mice showing moderate to severe CM. The number of neurons and oligodendrocytes positive for Nogo-A did not differ significantly between the studied groups. However, mice with severe CM showed a significantly higher number of cells with intense Nogo-A staining in the brain stem. In this region ultrastructural alterations of the ER were regularly observed. Nogo-A is upregulated during the early course of experimental CM. In the brain stem of severely affected animals increased Nogo-A expression and ultrastructural changes of the ER were observed. These data indicate a role of Nogo-A in neuronal stress response during experimental CM

    Nogo-B is associated with cytoskeletal structures in human monocyte-derived macrophages

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The reticulon Nogo-B participates in cellular and immunological processes in murine macrophages. Since leukocytes are an essential part of the immune system in health and disease, we decided to investigate the expression of Nogo-A, Nogo-B and Nogo-C in different human immune cell subpopulations. Furthermore, we analyzed the localization of Nogo-B in human monocyte-derived macrophages by indirect immunofluorescence stainings to gain further insight into its possible function.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>We describe an association of Nogo-B with cytoskeletal structures and the base of filopodia, but not with focal or podosomal adhesion sites of monocyte-derived macrophages. Nogo-B positive structures are partially co-localized with RhoA staining and Rac1 positive membrane ruffles. Furthermore, Nogo-B is associated with the tubulin network, but not accumulated in the Golgi region. Although Nogo-B is present in the endoplasmic reticulum, it can also be translocated to large cell protrusions or the trailing end of migratory cells, where it is homogenously distributed.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Two different Nogo-B staining patterns can be distinguished in macrophages: firstly we observed ER-independent Nogo-B localization in cell protrusions and at the trailing end of migrating cells. Secondly, the localization of Nogo-B in actin/RhoA/Rac1 positive regions supports an influence on cytoskeletal organization. To our knowledge this is the first report on Nogo-B expression at the base of filopodia, thus providing further insight into the distribution of this protein.</p

    Nogo receptor Homolog NgR2 expressed in sensory DRG neurons controls epidermal innervation by interaction with Versican

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    Primary sensory afferents of the dorsal root ganglion (DRG) that innervate the skin detect a wide range of stimuli, such as touch, temperature, pain, and itch. Different functional classes of nociceptors project their axons to distinct target zones within the developing skin, but the molecular mechanisms that regulate target innervation are less clear. Here we report that the Nogo66 receptor homolog NgR2 is essential for proper cutaneous innervation. NgR2(-/-) mice display increased density of nonpeptidergic nociceptors in the footpad and exhibit enhanced sensitivity to mechanical force and innocuous cold temperatures. These sensory deficits are not associated with any abnormality in morphology or density of DRG neurons. However, deletion of NgR2 renders nociceptive nonpeptidergic sensory neurons insensitive to the outgrowth repulsive activity of skin-derived Versican. Biochemical evidence shows that NgR2 specifically interacts with the G3 domain of Versican. The data suggest that Versican/NgR2 signaling at the dermo-epidermal junction acts in vivo as a local suppressor of axonal plasticity to control proper density of epidermal sensory fiber innervation. Our findings not only reveal the existence of a novel and unsuspected mechanism regulating epidermal target innervation, but also provide the first evidence for a physiological role of NgR2 in the peripheral nervous system

    Retinal Axon Regeneration in the Lizard Gallotia galloti in the Presence of CNS Myelin and Oligodendrocytes

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    Retinal ganglion cell (RGC) axons in lizards (reptiles) were found to regenerate after optic nerve injury. To determine whether regeneration occurs because the visual pathway has growth-supporting glia cells or whether RGC axons regrow despite the presence of neurite growth-inhibitory components, the substrate properties of lizard optic nerve myelin and of oligodendrocytes were analyzed in vitro, using rat dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons. In addition, the response of lizard RGC axons upon contact with rat and reptilian oligodendrocytes or with myelin proteins from the mammalian central nervous system (CNS) was monitored. Lizard optic nerve myelin inhibited extension of rat DRG neurites, and lizard oligodendrocytes elicited DRG growth cone collapse. Both effects were partially reversed by antibody IN-1 against mammalian 35/250 kD neurite growth inhibitors, and IN-1 stained myelinated fiber tracts in the lizard CNS. However, lizard RGC growth cones grew freely across oligodendrocytes from the rat and the reptilian CNS. Mammalian CNS myelin proteins reconstituted into liposomes and added to elongating lizard RGC axons caused at most a transient collapse reaction. Growth cones always recovered within an hour and regrew. Thus, lizard CNS myelin and oligodendrocytes possess nonpermissive substrate properties for DRG neurons like corresponding structures and cells in the mammalian CNS, including mammalian-like neurite growth inhibitors. Lizard RGC axons, however, appear to be far less sensitive to these inhibitory substrate components and therefore may be able to regenerate through the visual pathway despite the presence of myelin and oligodendrocytes that block growth of DRG neurites

    The Nogo-66 Receptors NgR1 and NgR3 Are Required for Commissural Axon Pathfinding

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    Nogo-66 receptors (NgR1-3) are glycosylphosphatidyl inositol-linked proteins that belong to the leucine-rich repeat superfamily. Through binding to myelin-associated inhibitors, NgRs contribute to the inhibition of axonal regeneration after spinal cord injury. Their role in limiting synaptic plasticity and axonal outgrowth in the adult CNS has been described previously, but not much is known about their role during the development of the nervous system. Here, we show that NgR1 and NgR3 mRNAs are expressed during spinal cord development of the chicken embryo. In particular, they are expressed in the dI1 subpopulation of commissural neurons during the time when their axons navigate toward and across the floorplate, the ventral midline of the spinal cord. To assess a potential role of NgR1 and NgR3 in axon guidance, we downregulated them using in ovo RNAi and analyzed the trajectory of commissural axons by tracing them in open-book preparations of spinal cords. Our results show that loss of either NgR1 or NgR3 causes axons to stall in the midline area and to interfere with the rostral turn of postcrossing axons. In addition, we also show that NgR1, but not NgR3, requires neuronal PlexinA2 for the regulation of commissural axon guidance

    Reevaluation of the growth-permissive substrate properties of goldfish optic nerve myelin and myelin proteins

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    To determine whether optic nerve myelin of goldfish carries mammalian-like neurite growth inhibitory proteins which can be neutralized by the antibody IN-l, myelin fractions of fish optic nerves were used as substrates for fish retinal ganglion cell axons and rat dorsal root ganglia (DRG). Axonal growth was monitored and compared with that of IN-1 treated preparations. Growth of fish retinal axons and rat DRG neurites was substantial on goldfish optic nerve myelin and no improvement was observed with IN-l. In contrast, rat CNS myelin allowed only poor growth, and number of axons and length of DRG neurites increased significantly with IN-l. In addition, proteins of fish optic nervemyelin and bovine CNS myelin were extracted, reconstituted in liposomes and applied to growth cones. When goldfish myelin proteins in liposomes were seeded onto growth cones, 77% of fish and 89% of rat DRG growth cones continued to elongate, and the proportion of elongating fish growth cones (80%) did not significantly change when liposomes were pretreated with IN-l. But 73% of fish and 93% of rat growth cones collapsed with liposomes containing proteins from bovine CNS myelin. Upon IN-1 treatment, only 24% of fish growth cones collapsed.Thus, axon growth in vitro indicates that goldfish optic nerves, which permit successful axon regeneration in vivo, lack mammalian-like neurite growth inhibitors which are neutralized by IN-l