44 research outputs found

    Methodological Problems of FDI Statistics in Accession Countries and EU Countries

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    Foreign direct investment (FDI) is a crucial indicator for a country's integration into the global division of labour and its general level of development. Empirical analyses of integration processes however require an extensively harmonized procedure to compile and disseminate FDI data. This paper focuses on the question whether and to what extent a comparability of FDI data can be taken for granted. In the recent past, comparability of FDI data has improved a lot: According to IMF surveys in 2001 and 1997, the Applicant Countries (ACs) in particular were rather successful in complying with the international standards. However, a lot of problems remain, especially concerning the inclusion of indirectly owned direct investment enterprises, the comprehensive coverage of FDI components, the reporting of reverse investment and the measurement of stock data. For certain established EU countries the problem of international holding companies causes further complications. Moreover, harmonization in recent years does not necessarily mean respective ex post adjustments. So international comparisons should focus on the very recent years of more successful harmonization and always keep in mind, that deviations might, to a high extent, be due to statistical and methodological reasons.International Relations/Trade,

    Scheitert das neue Gesetz? Telekommunikation

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    Der Anfang vom Ende? UMTS

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    The impact of the Generalized System of Preferences on imports

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    Although the EC’s Generalized System of Preferences has been in force since July 1, 1971, vagueness still prevails with regard to the question to what extent the system has contributed to the lowering of tariff barriers and of what service it has thus been as a tool for the promotion of exports from the developing countries. Now that EC statistics on preferential imports in 1973–1976 are available, it is for the first time possible to undertake a detailed evaluation of the GSP in the light of more germane and comprehensive evidence than the general foreign trade statistics and a few incidental figures at hand previously

    Die Hamburger Betriebe und ihr Verhalten auf dem Arbeitsmarkt: Auswertung des IAB-Betriebspanels 2000 fĂĽr Hamburg

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    Strukturwandel und Dynamik deutscher Direktinvestitionen

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    Die Verlagerung von Arbeitsplätzen in die neuen EU-Beitrittsländer spielt derzeit in der arbeitsmarktpolitischen Diskussion eine große Rolle. Inwieweit hat sich die Öffnung der mittel- und osteuropäischen Beitrittsländer auf die Direktinvestitionen deutscher Unternehmen ausgewirkt? Welche Bedeutung haben sie für die deutsche Auslandsbeschäftigung und -produktion

    Wirtschaftslage und Reformprozesse in Mittel- und Osteuropa: Estland - Lettland - Litauen

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    Methodological problems of FDI statistics in accession countries

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    Foreign direct investment (FDI) is a crucial indicator for a country's integration into the global division of labour and its general level of development. Empirical analyses of integration processes however require an extensively harmonized procedure to compile and disseminate FDI data. This paper focuses on the question whether and to what extent a comparability of FDI data can be taken for granted. In the recent past, comparability of FDI data has improved a lot: According to IMF surveys in 2001 and 1997, the Applicant Countries (ACs) in particular were rather successful in complying with the international standards. However, a lot of problems remain, especially concerning the inclusion of indirectly owned direct investment enterprises, the comprehensive coverage of FDI components, the reporting of reverse investment and the measurement of stock data. For certain established EU countries the problem of international holding companies causes further complications. Moreover, harmonization in recent years does not necessarily mean respective ex post adjustments. So international comparisons should focus on the very recent years of more successful harmonization and always keep in mind, that deviations might, to a high extent, be due to statistical and methodological reasons

    Corporate strategies in the telecommunications sector in an environment of continuing liberalization

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    The article refers to the interplay between deregulation resp. liberalization of the telecommunications sector and the market behaviour of TC-firms. In the past monopolization of the sector left the PTTs in a comfortable national monopolistic situation, but substantially confined their scope of action on the international level. So the internationalization strategies of TC-firms played an essential part in realizing the process of deregulation – besides technological developments and the globalization of demand. Though the new deregulated framework has boosted expansion into new markets, in most countries there still remain some relics of public influence hindering market access on national and international level and impeding the firms´ strategies. The article analyses the main developments of the market behaviour of TC firms, using the new chances and defying the remaining deficiencies of the regulatory system. Finally it raises the question if the emerged market structure, characterized by high and still increasing concentration of power, requires or might in the near future require some correction of the rules.Der Beitrag behandelt das Wechselspiel zwischen der Deregulierung bzw. Liberalisierung des Telekommunikationssektors und den Unternehmensstrategien. In der Vergangenheit führte die Regulierung des Sektors zwar zu einer komfortablen Monopolstellung des nationalen Champions, gleichzeitig wurde jedoch der unternehmerische Handlungsspielraum stark eingeengt. Die Internationalisierungswünsche der TC-Unternehmen haben neben der technologischen Entwicklung und einer Globalisierung der Nachfrage - den Deregulierungsprozess stark beeinflusst. Wenngleich der liberalere Ordnungsrahmen die Expansion in neue Märkte stark gefördert hat, sind immer noch in vielen Ländern Relikte des staatlichen Einflusses erkennbar, die den Marktzutritt auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene und damit die Unternehmensstrategien behindern. Der Beitrag untersucht die wichtigsten Verhaltensmuster von Telekommunikationsunternehmen angesichts dieser Bedingungen und geht der Frage nach, ob die entstehenden, durch wachsende Machtkonzentration gekennzeichneten Marktstrukturen eine Anpassung der Wettbewerbsregeln erforderlich machen