11 research outputs found

    Physiology and Pathology of Drug Hypersensitivity: Role of Human Leukocyte Antigens

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    Drug Hypersensitivity reactions can be distinguished in adverse drug events and adverse drug reactions. They represent a major problem in the medical scheme, since they are often underestimated. Pharmacogenetic analysis demonstrated significant associations between emerging hypersensitivity reactions and distinct genes of the HLA complex. HLA-mediated hypersensitivity reactions particularly affect skin and liver, however, impairment of the bone marrow and kidney function could also be observed. These life threatening medical conditions can be attributed to the activation of autologous drug-specific T-cells. Severe drug hypersensitivity reactions that resemble acute GvHD are linked to certain specific HLA alleles. The most common hypersensitivity reactions occur after the treatment of HLA-B*57:01+ HIV patients with abacavir and HLA-A*31:01+ or B*15:02+ epileptic patients with carbamazepine (CBZ)

    Dynamic Interaction between Immune Escape Mechanism and HLA-Ib Regulation

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    HLA molecules scan the intracellular proteome and present self- or non-self-peptides to immune effector cells. HLA-Ia (HLA-A, HLA-B and HLA-C) are the most polymorphic genes, resulting in various numbers of allelic variants expressed on the surface of almost all nucleated cells. In contrast to HLA-Ia molecules that activate the immune system during pathogenic invasion, the marginal polymorphic HLA-Ib molecules (HLA-E, HLA-F and HLA-G) are upregulated during pathogenic episodes and mediate immune tolerance. A fine tuning between downregulation of HLA-Ia and upregulation of HLA-Ib can be observed through immunological episodes that require to remain unrecognized by immune effector cells. While HLA-Ia molecules collaborate by presenting a wide range of peptides, every HLA-Ib molecule is highly specialized in its protective immune function and seems to be restricted in the presentation of peptides. Additionally, Ia molecules are expressed ubiquitously while the expression of HLA-Ib molecules is strictly restricted to certain tissues and occurs instantly on demand of the cells/tissue that attempt to be hidden from the immune system. The more knowledge becomes available for the function of HLA-Ib molecules; the question emerges if the molecular typing of HLA-Ib molecules would be reasonable to take a decision post treatment for personalized cellular therapies

    Peptide Presentation Is the Key to Immunotherapeutical Success

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    Positive and negative selection in the thymus relies on T-cell receptor recognition of peptides presented by HLA molecules and determines the repertoire of T cells. Immune competent T-lymphocytes target cells display nonself or pathogenic peptides in complex with their cognate HLA molecule. A peptide passes several selection processes before being presented in the peptide binding groove of an HLA molecule; here the sequence of the HLA molecule’s heavy chain determines the mode of peptide recruitment. During inflammatory processes, the presentable peptide repertoire is obviously altered compared to the healthy state, while the peptide loading pathway undergoes modifications as well. The presented peptides dictate the fate of the HLA expressing cell through their (1) sequence, (2) topology, (3) origin (self/nonself). Therefore, the knowledge about peptide competition and presentation in the context of alloreactivity, infection or pathogenic invasion is of enormous significance. Since in adoptive cellular therapies transferred cells should exclusively target peptide-HLA complexes they are primed for, one of the most crucial questions remains at what stage of viral infection viral peptides are presented preferentially over self-peptides. The systematic analyzation of peptide profiles under healthy or pathogenic conditions is the key to immunological success in terms of personalized therapeutics

    HLA-E: Presentation of a Broader Peptide Repertoire Impacts the Cellular Immune Response—Implications on HSCT Outcome

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    The HLA-E locus encodes a nonclassical class Ib molecule that serves many immune functions from inhibiting NK cells to activating CTLs. Structural analysis of HLA-E/NKG2A complexes visualized fine-tuning of protective immune responses through AA interactions between HLA-E, the bound peptide, and NKG2A/CD94. A loss of cellular protection through abrogation of the HLA-E/NKG2A engagement is dependent on the HLA-E bound peptide. The role of HLA-E in posttransplant outcomes is not well understood but might be attributed to its peptide repertoire. To investigate the self-peptide repertoire of HLA-E∗01:01 in the absence of protective HLA class I signal peptides, we utilized soluble HLA technology in class I negative LCL cells in order to characterize HLA-E∗01:01-bound ligands by mass-spectrometry. To understand the immunological impact of these analyzed ligands on NK cell reactivity, we performed cellular assays. Synthesized peptides were loaded onto recombinant T2 cells expressing HLA-E∗01:01 molecules and applied in cytotoxicity assays using the leukemia derived NK cell line (NKL) as effector. HLA-E in complex with the self-peptides demonstrated a shift towards cytotoxicity and a loss of cell protection. Our data highlights the fact that the HLA-E-peptidome is not as restricted as previously thought and support the suggestion of a posttransplant role for HLA-E

    Proteomic Profiling and T Cell Receptor Usage of Abacavir Susceptible Subjects

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    Type B adverse drug reactions (ADRs) represent a significant threat as their occurrence arises unpredictable and despite proper application of the drug. The severe immune reaction Abacavir Hypersensitivity Syndrome (AHS) that arises in HIV+ patients treated with the antiretroviral drug Abacavir (ABC) strongly correlates to the presence of the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) genotype HLA-B*57:01 and discriminates HLA-B*57:01+ HIV+ patients from ABC treatment. However, not all HLA-B*57:01+ HIV+ patients are affected by AHS, implying the involvement of further patient-specific factors in the development of AHS. The establishment of a reliable assay to classify HLA-B*57:01 carriers as ABC sensitive or ABC tolerant allowed to investigate the T cell receptor (TCR) Vβ chain repertoire of effector cells and revealed Vβ6 and Vβ24 as potential public TCRs in ABC sensitive HLA-B*57:01 carriers. Furthermore, distinct effects of ABC on the cellular proteome of ABC sensitive and tolerant volunteers were observed and suggest enhanced activation and maturation of dentritic cells (DC) in ABC sensitive volunteers. Analysis of ABC-naïve cellular proteomes identified the T cell immune regulator 1 (TCIRG1) as a potential prognostic biomarker for ABC susceptibility and the involvement of significantly upregulated proteins, particularly in peptide processing, antigen presentation, interferon (IFN), and cytokine regulation

    Unravelling the Proteomics of HLA-B*57:01<sup>+</sup> Antigen Presenting Cells during Abacavir Medication

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    Type B adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are unpredictable based on the drug’s pharmacology and represent a key challenge in pharmacovigilance. For human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-mediated type B ADRs, it is assumed that the protein/small-molecule interaction alters the biophysical and mechanistic properties of the antigen presenting cells. Sophisticated methods enabled the molecular appreciation of HLA-mediated ADRs; in several instances, the drug molecule occupies part of the HLA peptide binding groove and modifies the recruited peptide repertoire thereby causing a strong T-cell-mediated immune response that is resolved upon withdrawal of medication. The severe ADR in HLA-B*57:01+ patients treated with the antiretroviral drug abacavir (ABC) in anti-HIV therapy is an example of HLA-drug-T cell cooperation. However, the long-term damages of the HLA-B*57:01-expressing immune cells following ABC treatment remain unexplained. Utilizing full proteome sequencing following ABC treatment of HLA-B*57:01+ cells, we demonstrate stringent proteomic alteration of the HLA/drug presenting cells. The proteomic content indisputably reflects the cellular condition; this knowledge directs towards individual pharmacovigilance for the development of personalized and safe medication