7 research outputs found
The purpose of this research is find a model literacy a medium for elementary school students by the use of the interactive multimedia-based wisdom of local community in Salatiga. It uses qualitative method and ethnography communication approach. The data collection was done through observation and in-depth interviews with cultural and teachers primary schools in Salatiga. The results show that 1) The Local wisdom of Salatiga community has been applied in forms of appreciation, cooperation and tolerance based on the teachings of Raden Mas Said. 2) This local wisdom can be used as a basis for media literacy 3) There are two models of literacy media based on local knowledge, i.e., in the form of informal communication done by teachers and parents, and in the form of education through games. The game with Salatiga City setting and with figures of Wales and Asia as symbols of that tolerance is the local wisdom of Salatiga community which will be used as learning media in schools. This research contributes to provide media literacy model by using interactive multimedia based on local wisdom of the community in Salatiga
Ikatan Dokter Indonesia (IDI) Cabang Kota Salatiga dengan kepengurusan baru bertekad memperbaiki kinerja, dan meningkatkan komunikasi yang baik antar anggotanya, terkhusus yang terkait dengan peningkatan profesionalisme kedokteran. Salah satu media yang diharapkan dapat meningkatkan komunikasi dan kolaborasi antar anggota adalah dengan pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi, terutama dalam bentuk aplikasi berbasis web yang memberikan layanan pusat informasi, update pengetahuan dan forum komunikasi antar anggota. Dengan latar belakang tersebut, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengembangkan sebuah aplikasi berbasis web yang mampu mewadahi kebutuhan tersebut. Selanjutnya agar aplikasi bisa diakses oleh seluruh anggota dengan berbagai jenis perangkat yang berbeda seperti laptop, handpone, tablet dan sebagainya, maka pengembangan dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik Responsif Web Design. Sedangkan metode pengembangan aplikasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan Web based Application Development Methodology, dengan harapan agar aplikasi yang dikembangkan dapat betul-betul sesuai dengan keinginan pengguna. Hasil penelitian adalah website pusat informasi dan forum komunikasi yang diharapkan dapat dimanfaatkan untuk meningkatkan layanan dan profesionalisme kerja para anggota IDI khususnya Cabang Kota Salatiga
Pelatihan Komputer untuk Siswa TK Kristen 1 Satya Wacana Salatiga Melalui Permainan Edukasi Online
This community service activity was carried out to facilitate the needs of the Satya Wacana Christian 1 Kindergarten students in Salatiga as an effort to introduce kindergarten students to computers. Students usually only know cell phones or tablets but rarely use computers. This training activity was attended by kindergarten students with an age range of 5-6 years and was carried out in four stages, namely the planning stage, the preparation stage, the implementation stage, and the evaluation stage. The activity involved a team of lecturers from the Faculty of Information Technology, Satya Wacana Christian University as activity facilitators and three teachers from Satya Wacana Christian 1 Kindergarten. This program was conducted at the Computer Laboratory of the Faculty of Information Technology, Satya Wacana Christian University, which included introducing computer equipment, opening websites, and practicing using a mouse through online educational games. The online educational games used in this activity are mixing colors, counting, getting to know water transportation, getting to know 2D shapes, knowing numbers, and assembling puzzles. The activity went well, where the students could recognize and operate computers, especially using the mouse, and learn through the online educational games.Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilaksanakan untuk memfasilitasi kebutuhan para siswa TK Kristen 1 Satya Wacana Salatiga sebagai salah satu upaya memperkenalkan siswa TK dengan komputer. Para siswa biasanya hanya mengenal handphone atau tablet, tetapi masih jarang yang menggunakan komputer. Kegiatan pelatihan ini diikuti oleh siswa TK dengan rentang umur 5-6 tahun dan dilaksanakan dalam empat tahapan, yaitu tahap perencanaan, tahap persiapan, tahap pelaksanaan, dan tahap evaluasi. Kegiatan dilakukan dengan melibatkan tim dosen dari Fakultas Teknologi Informasi, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana sebagai fasilitator kegiatan dan tiga guru TK Kristen 1 Satya Wacana. Program ini dilakukan secara luring di Laboratorium Komputer Fakultas Teknologi Informasi Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, yang meliputi pengenalan terhadap perangkat komputer, membuka website, dan berlatih menggunakan mouse melalui permainan edukasi online. Permainan edukasi online yang digunakan pada kegiatan ini adalah mencampur warna, berhitung, mengenal transportasi air, mengenal bangun datar, mengenal angka, dan memasang puzzle. Kegiatan berjalan dengan baik, dimana para siswa TK dapat mengenal dan mengoperasikan komputer, terutama penggunaan mouse dan belajar sambil bermain melalui permainan edukasi online yang disediakan
Understanding the Meaning of Self-Identity Construction of Salatiga Community
The Salatiga community is unique than other communities. It lies in the identity they have. Salatiga community had always interacted with the migrants, since the Dutch colonial era. Logically, interactions with migrants will influence the identity of the Salatiga community. In fact, the identity of the Salatiga community still present to this day. Interaction with migrants actually create tolerance. Using a constructivist approach, this paper attempts to construct the identity of Salatiga community. This article using qualitative method with an ethnographic approach to communication. Based on the analysis conducted, as the first place, the construction of Salatiga community identity is the manifestation of Raden Mas Said’s doctrine which emphasizes on togetherness, and accepting others. Secondly, the doctrine of Raden Mas Said become a basic for the emergence of multiculturalism understanding in the lives of the Salatiga community. Thirdly, the identity of the Salatiga community is a symbol of tolerance
Perancangan Arsitektur RESTful pada Integrasi Data Refrensi Buku di Perpustakaan Daerah dan Perpustakaan Universitas (Studi Kasus: Kota Salatiga)
The library in this modern era in the advancement of information technology needsto be developed towards data integeration. Network communication between librariescan be a means of good learning, effective and efficient. The problem often encounteredin collaborating on the business process for integeration of library data is the differenceof application to the user of each part. Technology that can integrate data eventhough different applications / platforms on end users with web service technology.With the web service for RESTFul method can bridge the integration of data exchangefor book refrence in library so that can be know where and where book have referencesto references book or document needed. Restful technology is created with java classand database as prototype and simulation. Clear and viable business processes can beintegrated into an integrated information system