10 research outputs found

    Revealing charge-tunneling processes between a quantum dot and a superconducting island through gate sensing

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    We report direct detection of charge-tunneling between a quantum dot and a superconducting island through radio-frequency gate sensing. We are able to resolve spin-dependent quasiparticle tunneling as well as two-particle tunneling involving Cooper pairs. The quantum dot can act as an RF-only sensor to characterize the superconductor addition spectrum, enabling us to access subgap states without transport. Our results provide guidance for future dispersive parity measurements of Majorana modes, which can be realized by detecting the parity-dependent tunneling between dots and islands.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, supplemental material included as ancillary fil

    Controllable Single Cooper Pair Splitting in Hybrid Quantum Dot Systems

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    Cooper pair splitters hold utility as a platform for investigating the entanglement of electrons in Cooper pairs, but probing splitters with voltage-biased Ohmic contacts prevents the retention of electrons from split pairs since they can escape to the drain reservoirs. We report the ability to controllably split and retain single Cooper pairs in a multi-quantum-dot device isolated from lead reservoirs, and separately demonstrate a technique for detecting the electrons emerging from a split pair. First, we identify a coherent Cooper pair splitting charge transition using dispersive gate sensing at GHz frequencies. Second, we utilize a double quantum dot as an electron parity sensor to detect parity changes resulting from electrons emerging from a superconducting island.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures. D.J. and C.G.P. contributed equally to this wor

    Flux-tunable Josephson Effect in a Four-Terminal Junction

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    We study a phase-tunable four-terminal Josephson junction formed in an InSbAs two-dimensional electron gas proximitized by aluminum. By embedding the two pairs of junction terminals in asymmetric DC SQUIDs we can control the superconducting phase difference across each pair, thereby gaining information about their current-phase relation. Using a current-bias line to locally control the magnetic flux through one SQUID, we measure a nonlocal Josephson effect, whereby the current-phase relation across two terminals in the junction is strongly dependent on the superconducting phase difference across two completely different terminals. In particular, each pair behaves as a Ï•0\phi_0-junction with a phase offset tuned by the phase difference across the other junction terminals. Lastly, we demonstrate that the behavior of an array of two-terminal junctions replicates most features of the current-phase relation of different multiterminal junctions. This highlights that these signatures alone are not sufficient evidence of true multiterminal Josephson effects arising from hybridization of Andreev bound states in the junction.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Radio-frequency C-V measurements with sub-attofarad sensitivity

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    We demonstrate the use of radio-frequency (rf) resonators to measure the capacitance of nano-scale semiconducting devices in field-effect transistor configurations. The rf resonator is attached to the gate or the lead of the device. Consequently, tuning the carrier density in the conducting channel of the device affects the resonance frequency, quantitatively reflecting its capacitance. We test the measurement method on InSb and InAs nanowires at dilution-refrigerator temperatures. The measured capacitances are consistent with those inferred from the periodicity of the Coulomb blockade of quantum dots realized in the same devices. In an implementation of the resonator using an off-chip superconducting spiral inductor we find sensitivity values reaching down to 75~zF/\sqHz at 1~kHz measurement bandwidth, and noise down to 0.45~aF at 1~Hz bandwidth. We estimate the sensitivity of the method for a number of other implementations. In particular we predict typical sensitivity of about 40~zF/\sqHz at room temperature with a resonator comprised of off-the-shelf components. Of several proposed applications, we demonstrate two: the capacitance measurement of several identical 80~nm-wide gates with a single resonator, and the field-effect mobility measurement of an individual nanowire with the gate capacitance measured in-situ

    Dispersive Gate Sensing of Hybrid Quantum Dot Systems

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    Spin and topological-qubit based quantum computers require an easily scalable and highly sensitive method for readout and manipulation, for which Dispersive Gate Sensing (DGS) is a promising candidate [1, 2]. DGS enables sensing of single electron tunneling events in a mesoscopic system by measuring a reflected Radio Frequency (RF) signal from a resonator capacitively coupled to one of the system’s gate electrodes. From the resonator’s perspective, the system is modeled as an effective ‘parametric capacitance’ [3]. Motivated by its viability for qubit readout and control, we measure transport characteristics of a semiconducting-superconducting hybrid charge island system using this method. Doing so, we observe a spin degeneracy modulation of interdot tunnel couplings resulting from hybridization of a dot orbital with a subgap state of the superconductor, measured entirely within Coulomb blockade. Without DC measurement, we also track a subgap state’s energy via voltage intervals between island charge states as a function of field. Subsequently, we attempt to correlate changes in the resonator’s internal dissipation with coherence of tunneling into the superconducting island. In particular, we collapse a superconducting island’s lowest energy state to the Fermi level by applying a magnetic field. Contrary to expectations, internal dissipation in the resonator did not change dramatically with field, in fact decreasing at charge degeneracy points at all field strengths. We corroborate measurements with existing theory, augmented by simple analytical and numerical models demonstrating that coherence factors of superconducting quasiparticle states and the degeneracy of dot orbitals modulate parametric capacitance. A master equation model of finite temperature interdot tunneling is solved, agreeing with experimental evidence that Sisyphus dissipation is negligible when a dot orbital is hybridized with multiple independent quasiparticle states. To be employed in quantum computers, a full understanding of all phenomena contributing to a DGS signal in these hybrid systems is critical. Hence, these results mark a step towards unambiguous readout of Majorana parity in topological qubits [4].Applied Physic

    Simple Z

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    Rapid Microwave-Only Characterization and Readout of Quantum Dots Using Multiplexed Gigahertz-Frequency Resonators

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    Superconducting resonators enable fast characterization and readout of mesoscopic quantum devices. Finding ways to perform measurements of interest on such devices using resonators only is therefore of great practical relevance. We report the experimental investigation of an InAs nanowire multi-quantum dot device by probing GHz resonators connected to the device. First, we demonstrate accurate extraction of the DC conductance from measurements of the high-frequency admittance. Because our technique does not rely on DC calibration, it could potentially obviate the need for DC measurements in semiconductor qubit devices. Second, we demonstrate multiplexed gate sensing and the detection of charge tunneling on microsecond time scales. The GHz detection of dispersive resonator shifts allows rapid acquisition of charge-stability diagrams, as well as resolving charge tunneling in the device with a signal-to-noise ratio of up to 15 in one microsecond. Our measurements show that GHz-frequency resonators may serve as a universal tool for fast tune-up and high-fidelity readout of semiconductor qubits