27,756 research outputs found

    Numerical integrators for motion under a strong constraining force

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    This paper deals with the numerical integration of Hamiltonian systems in which a stiff anharmonic potential causes highly oscillatory solution behavior with solution-dependent frequencies. The impulse method, which uses micro- and macro-steps for the integration of fast and slow parts, respectively, does not work satisfactorily on such problems. Here it is shown that variants of the impulse method with suitable projection preserve the actions as adiabatic invariants and yield accurate approximations, with macro-stepsizes that are not restricted by the stiffness parameter

    Electromagnetic Potential in Pre-Metric Electrodynamics: Causal Structure, Propagators and Quantization

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    An axiomatic approach to electrodynamics reveals that Maxwell electrodynamics is just one instance of a variety of theories for which the name electrodynamics is justified. They all have in common that their fundamental input are Maxwell's equations dF=0\textrm{d} F = 0 (or F=dAF = \textrm{d} A) and dH=J\textrm{d} H = J and a constitutive law H = # F which relates the field strength two-form FF and the excitation two-form HH. A local and linear constitutive law defines what is called local and linear pre-metric electrodynamics whose best known application are the effective description of electrodynamics inside media including, e.g., birefringence. We analyze the classical theory of the electromagnetic potential AA before we use methods familiar from mathematical quantum field theory in curved spacetimes to quantize it in a locally covariant way. Our analysis of the classical theory contains the derivation of retarded and advanced propagators, the analysis of the causal structure on the basis of the constitutive law (instead of a metric) and a discussion of the classical phase space. This classical analysis sets the stage for the construction of the quantum field algebra and quantum states. Here one sees, among other things, that a microlocal spectrum condition can be formulated in this more general setting.Comment: 34 pages, references added, update to published version, title updated to published versio

    Invariant meromorphic functions on Stein spaces

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    In this paper we develop fundamental tools and methods to study meromorphic functions in an equivariant setup. As our main result we construct quotients of Rosenlicht-type for Stein spaces acted upon holomorphically by complex-reductive Lie groups and their algebraic subgroups. In particular, we show that in this setup invariant meromorphic functions separate orbits in general position. Applications to almost homogeneous spaces and principal orbit types are given. Furthermore, we use the main result to investigate the relation between holomorphic and meromorphic invariants for reductive group actions. As one important step in our proof we obtain a weak equivariant analogue of Narasimhan's embedding theorem for Stein spaces.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figur
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