1,135 research outputs found

    Number-parity effect for confined fermions in one dimension

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    For NN spin-polarized fermions with harmonic pair interactions in a 11-dimensional trap an odd-even effect is found. The spectrum of the 11-particle reduced density matrix of the system's ground state differs qualitatively for NN odd and NN even. This effect does only occur for strong attractive and repulsive interactions. Since it does not exists for bosons, it must originate from the repulsive nature implied by the fermionic exchange statistics. In contrast to the spectrum, the 11-particle density and correlation function for strong attractive interactions do not show any sensitivity on the number parity. This also suggests that reduced-density-matrix-functional theory has a more subtle NN-dependency than density functional theory.Comment: published versio

    Duality of reduced density matrices and their eigenvalues

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    For states of quantum systems of NN particles with harmonic interactions we prove that each reduced density matrix ρ\rho obeys a duality condition. This condition implies duality relations for the eigenvalues Ξ»k\lambda_k of ρ\rho and relates a harmonic model with length scales l1,l2,…,lNl_1,l_2, \ldots, l_N with another one with inverse lengths 1/l1,1/l2,…,1/lN1/l_1, 1/l_2,\ldots, 1/l_N. Entanglement entropies and correlation functions inherit duality from ρ\rho. Self-duality can only occur for noninteracting particles in an isotropic harmonic trap

    Hubbard model: Pinning of occupation numbers and role of symmetries

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    Fermionic natural occupation numbers do not only obey Pauli's exclusion principle, but are even further restricted by so-called generalized Pauli constraints. Such restrictions are particularly relevant whenever they are saturated by given natural occupation numbers Ξ»βƒ—=(Ξ»i)\vec{\lambda}=(\lambda_i). For few-site Hubbard models we explore the occurrence of this pinning effect. By varying the on-site interaction UU for the fermions we find sharp transitions from pinning of Ξ»βƒ—\vec{\lambda} to the boundary of the allowed region to nonpinning. We analyze the origin of this phenomenon which turns out be either a crossing of natural occupation numbers Ξ»i(U),Ξ»i+1(U)\lambda_{i}(U), \lambda_{i+1}(U) or a crossing of NN-particle energies. Furthermore, we emphasize the relevance of symmetries for the occurrence of pinning. Based on recent progress in the field of ultracold atoms our findings suggest an experimental set-up for the realization of the pinning effect.Comment: published versio

    Natural Orbitals and Occupation Numbers for Harmonium: Fermions vs. Bosons

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    For a quantum system of N identical, harmonically interacting particles in a one-dimensional harmonic trap we calculate for the bosonic and fermionic ground state the corresponding 1-particle reduced density operator ρ1\rho_1 analytically. In case of bosons ρ1\rho_1 is a Gibbs state for an effective harmonic oscillator. Hence the natural orbitals are Hermite functions and their occupation numbers obey a Boltzmann distribution. Intriguingly, for fermions with not too large couplings the natural orbitals coincide up to just a very small error with the bosonic ones. In case of strong coupling this still holds qualitatively. Moreover, the decay of the decreasingly ordered fermionic natural occupation numbers is given by the bosonic one, but modified by an algebraic prefactor. Significant differences to bosons occur only for the largest occupation numbers. After all the "discontinuity" at the "Fermi level" decreases with increasing coupling strength but remains well pronounced even for strong interaction

    Quasipinning and its relevance for NN-Fermion quantum states

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    Fermionic natural occupation numbers (NON) do not only obey Pauli's famous exclusion principle but are even further restricted to a polytope by the generalized Pauli constraints, conditions which follow from the fermionic exchange statistics. Whenever given NON are pinned to the polytope's boundary the corresponding NN-fermion quantum state ∣ΨN⟩|\Psi_N\rangle simplifies due to a selection rule. We show analytically and numerically for the most relevant settings that this rule is stable for NON close to the boundary, if the NON are non-degenerate. In case of degeneracy a modified selection rule is conjectured and its validity is supported. As a consequence the recently found effect of quasipinning is physically relevant in the sense that its occurrence allows to approximately reconstruct ∣ΨN⟩|\Psi_N\rangle, its entanglement properties and correlations from 1-particle information. Our finding also provides the basis for a generalized Hartree-Fock method by a variational ansatz determined by the selection rule

    Influence of the Fermionic Exchange Symmetry beyond Pauli's Exclusion Principle

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    Pauli's exclusion principle has a strong impact on the properties of most fermionic quantum systems. Remarkably, the fermionic exchange symmetry implies further constraints on the one-particle picture. By exploiting those generalized Pauli constraints we derive a measure which quantifies the influence of the exchange symmetry beyond Pauli's exclusion principle. It is based on a geometric hierarchy induced by the exclusion principle constraints. We provide a proof of principle by applying our measure to a simple model. In that way, we conclusively confirm the physical relevance of the generalized Pauli constraints and show that the fermionic exchange symmetry can have an influence on the one-particle picture beyond Pauli's exclusion principle. Our findings provide a new perspective on fermionic multipartite correlation since our measure allows one to distinguish between static and dynamic correlations.Comment: title has been changed; very close to published versio

    Universal upper bounds on the Bose-Einstein condensate and the Hubbard star

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    For NN hard-core bosons on an arbitrary lattice with dd sites and independent of additional interaction terms we prove that the hard-core constraint itself already enforces a universal upper bound on the Bose-Einstein condensate given by Nmax=(N/d)(dβˆ’N+1)N_{max}=(N/d)(d-N+1). This bound can only be attained for one-particle states βˆ£Ο†βŸ©|\varphi\rangle with equal amplitudes with respect to the hard-core basis (sites) and when the corresponding NN-particle state ∣Ψ⟩|\Psi\rangle is maximally delocalized. This result is generalized to the maximum condensate possible within a given sublattice. We observe that such maximal local condensation is only possible if the mode entanglement between the sublattice and its complement is minimal. We also show that the maximizing state ∣Ψ⟩|\Psi\rangle is related to the ground state of a bosonic `Hubbard star' showing Bose-Einstein condensation.Comment: to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Pinning of Fermionic Occupation Numbers

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    The Pauli exclusion principle is a constraint on the natural occupation numbers of fermionic states. It has been suspected since at least the 1970's, and only proved very recently, that there is a multitude of further constraints on these numbers, generalizing the Pauli principle. Here, we provide the first analytic analysis of the physical relevance of these constraints. We compute the natural occupation numbers for the ground states of a family of interacting fermions in a harmonic potential. Intriguingly, we find that the occupation numbers are almost, but not exactly, pinned to the boundary of the allowed region (quasi-pinned). The result suggests that the physics behind the phenomenon is richer than previously appreciated. In particular, it shows that for some models, the generalized Pauli constraints play a role for the ground state, even though they do not limit the ground-state energy. Our findings suggest a generalization of the Hartree-Fock approximation

    Diverging exchange force and form of the exact density matrix functional

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    For translationally invariant one-band lattice models, we exploit the ab initio knowledge of the natural orbitals to simplify reduced density matrix functional theory (RDMFT). Striking underlying features are discovered: First, within each symmetry sector, the interaction functional F\mathcal{F} depends only on the natural occupation numbers n\bf{n}. The respective sets PN1\mathcal{P}^1_N and EN1\mathcal{E}^1_N of pure and ensemble NN-representable one-matrices coincide. Second, and most importantly, the exact functional is strongly shaped by the geometry of the polytope EN1≑PN1\mathcal{E}^1_N \equiv \mathcal{P}^1_N , described by linear constraints D(j)(n)β‰₯0D^{(j)}(\bf{n})\geq 0. For smaller systems, it follows as F[n]=βˆ‘i,iβ€²Vβ€Ύi,iβ€²D(i)(n)D(iβ€²)(n)\mathcal{F}[\bf{n}]=\sum_{i,i'} \overline{V}_{i,i'} \sqrt{D^{(i)}(\bf{n})D^{(i')}(\bf{n})}. This generalizes to systems of arbitrary size by replacing each D(i)D^{(i)} by a linear combination of {D(j)(n)}\{D^{(j)}(\bf{n})\} and adding a non-analytical term involving the interaction V^\hat{V}. Third, the gradient dF/dn\mathrm{d}\mathcal{F}/\mathrm{d}\bf{n} is shown to diverge on the boundary βˆ‚EN1\partial\mathcal{E}^1_N, suggesting that the fermionic exchange symmetry manifests itself within RDMFT in the form of an "exchange force". All findings hold for systems with non-fixed particle number as well and V^\hat{V} can be any pp-particle interaction. As an illustration, we derive the exact functional for the Hubbard square.Comment: published versio
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