84 research outputs found

    A 160 Gbp fork fern genome shatters size record for eukaryotes

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    Vascular plants are exceptional among eukaryotes due to their outstanding genome size diversity which ranges ∼2,400-fold, including the largest genome so far recorded in the angiosperm Paris japonica (148.89 Gbp/1C). Despite available data showing that giant genomes are restricted across the Tree of Life, the biological limits to genome size expansion remain to be established. Here, we report the discovery of an even larger eukaryotic genome in Tmesipteris oblanceolata, a New Caledonian fork fern. At 160.45 Gbp/1C, this record-breaking genome challenges current understanding and opens new avenues to explore the evolutionary dynamics of genomic gigantism

    A taxonomic, genetic and ecological data resource for the vascular plants of Britain and Ireland

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    The vascular flora of Britain and Ireland is among the most extensively studied in the world, but the current knowledge base is fragmentary, with taxonomic, ecological and genetic information scattered across different resources. Here we present the first comprehensive data repository of native and alien species optimized for fast and easy online access for ecological, evolutionary and conservation analyses. The inventory is based on the most recent reference flora of Britain and Ireland, with taxon names linked to unique Kew taxon identifiers and DNA barcode data. Our data resource for 3,227 species and 26 traits includes existing and unpublished genome sizes, chromosome numbers and life strategy and life-form assessments, along with existing data on functional traits, species distribution metrics, hybrid propensity, associated biomes, realized niche description, native status and geographic origin of alien species. This resource will facilitate both fundamental and applied research and enhance our understanding of the flora’s composition and temporal changes to inform conservation efforts in the face of ongoing climate change and biodiversity loss

    The genome sequence of rosebay willowherb Chamaenerion angustifolium (L.) Scop., 1771 (syn. Epilobium angustifolium L., 1753) (Onagraceae).

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    We present a genome assembly from an individual Chamaenerion angustifolium (fireweed; Tracheophyta; Magnoliopsida; Myrtales; Onagraceae). The genome sequence is 655.9 megabases in span. Most of the assembly is scaffolded into 18 chromosomal pseudomolecules. The mitochondrial and plastid genome assemblies have lengths of 495.18 kilobases and 160.41 kilobases in length, respectively

    Application of chemometric analysis to infrared spectroscopy for the identification of wood origin

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    Chemical characteristics of wood are used in this study for plant taxonomy classification based on the current Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification (APG III System) for the division, class and subclass of woody plants. Infrared spectra contain information about the molecular structure and intermolecular interactions among the components in wood but the understanding of this information requires multivariate techniques for the analysis of highly dense datasets. This article is written with the purposes of specifying the chemical differences among taxonomic groups, and predicting the taxa of unknown samples with a mathematical model. Principal component analysis, t-test, stepwise discriminant analysis and linear discriminant analysis, were some of the chosen multivariate techniques. A procedure to determine the division, class, subclass and order of unknown samples was built with promising implications for future applications of Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy in wood taxonomy classification

    The genome sequence of the Annual Mercury, Mercurialis annua L., 1753 (Euphorbiaceae).

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    We present a genome assembly from a diploid female Mercurialis annua (the Annual Mercury; Tracheophyta; Magnoliopsida; Malpighiales; Euphorbiaceae). The genome sequence is 453.2 megabases in span. Most of the assembly is scaffolded into 8 chromosomal pseudomolecules, including the X chromosome. The organelle genomes have also been assembled, and the mitochondrial genome is 435.28 kilobases in length, while the plastid genome is 169.65 kilobases in length