47 research outputs found

    Strongly Fillable Contact Manifolds and J-holomorphic Foliations

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    We prove that every strong symplectic filling of a planar contact manifold admits a symplectic Lefschetz fibration over the disk, and every strong filling of the 3-torus similarly admits a Lefschetz fibration over the annulus. It follows that strongly fillable planar contact structures are also Stein fillable, and all strong fillings of the 3-torus are equivalent up to symplectic deformation and blowup. These constructions result from a compactness theorem for punctured J-holomorphic curves that foliate a convex symplectic manifold. We use it also to show that the compactly supported symplectomorphism group on the cotangent bundle of the 2-torus is contractible, and to define an obstruction to strong fillability that yields a non-gauge-theoretic proof of Gay's recent nonfillability result for contact manifolds with positive Giroux torsion.Comment: 44 pages, 2 figures; v.3 has a few significant improvements to the main results: We now classify all strong fillings and exact fillings of T^3 (without assuming Stein), and also show that a planar contact manifold is strongly fillable if and only if all its planar open books have monodromy generated by right-handed Dehn twists. To appear in Duke Math.

    Holomorphic Curves in Blown Up Open Books

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    We use contact fiber sums of open book decompositions to define an infinite hierarchy of filling obstructions for contact 3-manifolds, called planar k-torsion for nonnegative integers k, all of which cause the contact invariant in Embedded Contact Homology to vanish. Planar 0-torsion is equivalent to overtwistedness, while every contact manifold with Giroux torsion also has planar 1-torsion, and we give examples of contact manifolds that have planar k-torsion for any k≥2k \ge 2 but no Giroux torsion, leading to many new examples of nonfillable contact manifolds. We show also that the complement of the binding of a supporting open book never has planar torsion. The technical basis of these results is an existence and uniqueness theorem for J-holomorphic curves with positive ends approaching the (possibly blown up) binding of an ensemble of open book decompositions.Comment: This preprint is now superseded by the paper "A Hierarchy of Local Symplectic Filling Obstructions for Contact 3-Manifolds", arXiv:1009.274

    Contact 3-manifolds, holomorphic curves and intersection theory

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    This is a revision of some expository lecture notes written originally for a 5-hour minicourse on the intersection theory of punctured holomorphic curves and its applications in 3-dimensional contact topology. The main lectures are aimed primarily at students and require only a minimal background in holomorphic curve theory, as the emphasis is on topological rather than analytical issues. Some of the gaps in the analysis are then filled in by the appendices, which include self-contained proofs of the similarity principle and positivity of intersections, and conclude with a "quick reference" for the benefit of researchers, detailing the basic facts of Siefring's intersection theory.Comment: 170 pages, 20 figures; v2 is an extensive revision, with a new introduction and expanded appendices (including a self-contained proof of positivity of intersections, new material on intersection products of holomorphic buildings, and a comparison of conventions with the ECH literature). To appear as a book in the Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics series with Cambridge University Pres

    Algebraic Torsion in Contact Manifolds

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    We extract a nonnegative integer-valued invariant, which we call the "order of algebraic torsion", from the Symplectic Field Theory of a closed contact manifold, and show that its finiteness gives obstructions to the existence of symplectic fillings and exact symplectic cobordisms. A contact manifold has algebraic torsion of order zero if and only if it is algebraically overtwisted (i.e. has trivial contact homology), and any contact 3-manifold with positive Giroux torsion has algebraic torsion of order one (though the converse is not true). We also construct examples for each nonnegative k of contact 3-manifolds that have algebraic torsion of order k but not k - 1, and derive consequences for contact surgeries on such manifolds. The appendix by Michael Hutchings gives an alternative proof of our cobordism obstructions in dimension three using a refinement of the contact invariant in Embedded Contact Homology.Comment: 53 pages, 4 figures, with an appendix by Michael Hutchings; v.3 is a final update to agree with the published paper, and also corrects a minor error that appeared in the published version of the appendi