15 research outputs found

    Modelling studies on neurodegenerative disease causing triplet repeat sequences d(CGG/GCC) and d(CAG/CTG): Duplexes vs Quadruplexes

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    Model building and molecular mechanics studies have been carried out to examine the potential structures for d(GGC/GCC)5 and d(CAG/CTG)5 that might relate to their biological function and association with triplet repeat expansion diseases. Model building studies suggested that hairpin and quadruplex structures could be formed with these repeat sequences. Molecular mechanics studies have demonstrated that the hairpin and hairpin dimmer structures of triplet repeat sequences formed by looping out of the two strands are as favourable as the corresponding B-DNA type hetero duplex structures. Further, at high salt condition, Greek key type quadruplex structures are energetically comparable with hairpin dimer and B-DNA type duplex structures. All tetrads in the quadruplex structures are well stacked and provide favourable stacking energy values. Interestingly, in the energy minimized hairpin dimer and Greek key type quadruplex structures, all the bases even in the non-G tetrads are cyclically hydrogen bonded, even though the A, C and T-tetrads were not hydrogen bonded in the starting structures

    Effect of coordinated ions on structure and flexibility of parallel G-quadruplexes: A molecular dynamics study

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    ingle tract guanine residues can associate to form stable parallel quadruplex structures in the presence of certain cations. Nanosecond scale molecular dynamics simulations have been performed on fully solvated fibre model of parallel d(G(7)) quadruplex structures with Na+ or K+ ions coordinated in the cavity formed by the O6 atoms of the guanine bases. The AMBER 4.1 force field and Particle Mesh Ewald technique for electrostatic interactions have been used in all simulations. There quadruplex structures are stable during the simulation, with the middle four base tetrads showing root mean square deviation values between 0.5 to 0.8 Angstrom from the initial structure as well the high resolution crystal structure. Even in the absence of any coordinated ion in the initial structure, the G-quadruplex structure remains intact throughout the simulation. During the 1.1 ns MD simulation, one Nai counter ion from the solvent as well as several water molecules enter the central cavity to occupy the empty coordination sites within the parallel quadruplex and help stabilize the structure. Hydrogen bonding pattern depends on the nature of the coordinated ion, with the G-tetrad undergoing local structural variation to accommodate cations of different sizes. in the absence of any coordinated ion. due to strong mutual repulsion, O6 atoms within G-tetrad are forced farther apart from each other, which leads to a considerably different hydrogen bonding scheme within the G-tetrads and very favourable interaction energy between the guanine bases constituting a G-tetrad. However, a coordinated ion between G-tetrads provides extra stacking energy for the G-tetrads and makes the quadruplex structure more rigid. Na+ ions, within the quadruplex cavity, are more mobile than coordinated K+ ions. A number of hydrogen bonded water molecules are observed within the grooves of all quadruplex structures

    A nanosecond molecular dynamics study of antiparallel d(G)<SUB>7</SUB> quadruplex structures: effect of the coordinated cations

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    Nanosecond scale molecular dynamics simulations have been performed on antiparallel Greek key type d(G7) quadruplex structures with different coordinated ions, namely Na+ and K+ ion, water and Na+ counter ions, using the AMBER force field and Particle Mesh Ewald technique for electrostatic interactions. Antiparallel structures are stable during the simulation, with root mean square deviation values of &#732;1.5 &#197; from the initial structures. Hydrogen bonding patterns within the G-tetrads depend on the nature of the coordinated ion, with the G-tetrad undergoing local structural variation to accommodate different cations. However, alternating syn-anti arrangement of bases along a chain as well as in a quartet is maintained through out the MD simulation. Coordinated Na+ ions, within the quadruplex cavity are quite mobile within the central channel and can even enter or exit from the quadruplex core, whereas coordinated K+ ions are quite immobile. MD studies at 400K indicate that K+ ion cannot come out from the quadruplex core without breaking the terminal G-tetrads. Smaller grooves in antiparallel structures are better binding sites for hydrated counter ions, while a string of hydrogen bonded water molecules are observed within both the small and large grooves. The hydration free energy for the K+ ion coordinated structure is more favourable than that for the Na+ ion coordinated antiparallel quadruplex structure

    G-quadruplex structure can be stable with only some coordination sites being occupied by cations: A six-nanosecond molecular dynamics study

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    Guanine tetrads are formed spontaneously by guanine rich sequences in the presence of certain cations. Various quadruplex helical structures, stabilized by such tetrads, apparently play an important biological role in vivo. To understand the importance of the cations, a 6 ns molecular dynamics simulation has been performed on a 7-mer G-quadruplex, surrounded by Na+ counterions and explicit water molecules, but without any ions in the initial structure. Interestingly, the quadruplex structure does not fall apart, but undergoes small structural changes, which enable the solvent molecules, including Na+ ions, to enter the empty central channel of structure. This channel is fully hydrated within the first 100 ps and two ions move into the central channel between 0.5 and 2 ns of MD simulation, by replacing some of the water molecules. The ions once trapped within the quadruplex channel are not expelled even during 1.5 ns of M-D at 400 K. In fact they penetrate deeper into the channel to facilitate entry of additional ions, though all coordination sites within the quadruplex are not occupied even after 6.1 ns of MD simulation. The entry of cations into the central channel leads to a quadruplex structure with more favorable free energy of hydration, which is comparable to that of a fully coordinated quadruplex