15,562 research outputs found

    Stochastic dynamics of a finite-size spiking neural network

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    We present a simple Markov model of spiking neural dynamics that can be analytically solved to characterize the stochastic dynamics of a finite-size spiking neural network. We give closed-form estimates for the equilibrium distribution, mean rate, variance and autocorrelation function of the network activity. The model is applicable to any network where the probability of firing of a neuron in the network only depends on the number of neurons that fired in a previous temporal epoch. Networks with statistically homogeneous connectivity and membrane and synaptic time constants that are not excessively long could satisfy these conditions. Our model completely accounts for the size of the network and correlations in the firing activity. It also allows us to examine how the network dynamics can deviate from mean-field theory. We show that the model and solutions are applicable to spiking neural networks in biophysically plausible parameter regimes

    New negative differential resistance device based on resonant interband tunneling

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    We propose and demonstrate a novel negative differential resistance device based on resonant interband tunneling. Electrons in the InAs/AlSb/GaSb/AlSb/InAs structure tunnel from the InAs conduction band into a quantized state in the GaSb valence band, giving rise to a peak in the current-voltage characteristic. This heterostructure design virtually eliminates many of the competing transport mechanisms which limit the performance of conventional double-barrier structures. Peak-to-valley current ratios as high as 20 and 88 are observed at room temperature and liquid-nitrogen temperature, respectively. These are the highest values reported for any tunnel structure

    Observation of large peak-to-valley current ratios and large peak current densities in AlSb/InAs/AlSb double-barrier tunnel structures

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    We report improved peak-to-valley current ratios and peak current densities in InAs/AlSb double-barrier, negative differential resistance tunnel structures. Our peak-to-valley current ratios are 2.9 at room temperature and 10 at liquid-nitrogen temperatures. Furthermore, we have observed peak current densities of 1.7×10^5 A/cm^2. These figures of merit are substantially better than previously reported values. The improvements are obtained by adding spacer layers near the barriers, thinner well regions, and thinner barriers

    Demonstration of large peak-to-valley current ratios in InAs/AlGaSb/InAs single-barrier heterostructures

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    We report large peak-to-valley current ratios in InAs/AlxGa1−xSb/InAs single-barrier tunnel structures. The mechanism for single-barrier negative differential resistance (NDR) has been proposed and demonstrated recently. A peak-to-valley current ratio of 3.4 (1.2) at 77 K (295 K), which is substantially larger than what has been previously reported, was observed in a 200-Å-thick Al0.42Ga0.58Sb barrier. A comparison with a calculated current-voltage curve yields good agreement in terms of peak current and the slope of the NDR region. The single-barrier structure is a candidate for high-speed devices because of expected short tunneling times and a wide NDR region

    Reflection high-energy electron diffraction studies of the growth of lnAs/Ga_(1-x)In_xSb strained-layer superlattices

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    We have used reflection high‐energy electron diffraction to study the surface periodicity of the growth front of InAs/GaInSb strained‐layer superlattices (SLSs). We found that the apparent surface lattice spacing reproducibly changed during layers which subsequent x‐ray measurements indicated were coherently strained. Abrupt changes in the measured streak spacings were found to be correlated to changes in the growth flux. The profile of the dynamic streak spacing was found to be reproducible when comparing consecutive periods of a SLSs or different SLSs employing the same shuttering scheme at the InAs/GaInSb interface. Finally, when the interface shuttering scheme was changed, it was found that the dynamic streak separation profile also changed. Large changes in the shuttering scheme led to dramatic differences in the streak separation profile, and small changes in the shuttering scheme led to minor changes in the profile. In both cases, the differences in the surface periodicity profile occurred during the parts of the growth where the incident fluxes differed

    Type II superlattices for infrared detectors and devices

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    Superlattices consisting of combinations of III-V semiconductors with type II band alignments are of interest for infrared applications because their energy gaps can be made smaller than those of any 'natural' III-V compounds. Specifically, it has been demonstrated that both InSb/InAsxSb1-x superlattices and Ga1-xInxSb/InAs superlattices can possess energy gaps in the 8-14 mu m range. The efforts have focused on the Ga1-xInxSb/InAs system because of its extreme broken gap band alignment, which results in narrow energy gaps for very short superlattice periods. The authors report the use of in situ chemical doping of Ga1-xInxSb/InAs superlattices to fabricate p-n photodiodes. These diodes display a clear photovoltaic response with a threshold near 12 mu m. They have also attained outstanding structural quality in Ga1-xInxSb/InAs superlattices grown on radiatively heated GaSb substrates. Cross-sectional transmission electron microscope images of these superlattices display no dislocations, while high resolution X-ray diffraction scans reveal sharp high-order superlattice satellites and strong Pendellosung fringes