28,716 research outputs found

    Yang-Mills Flow and Uniformization Theorems

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    We consider a parabolic-like systems of differential equations involving geometrical quantities to examine uniformization theorems for two- and three-dimensional closed orientable manifolds. We find that in the two-dimensional case there is a simple gauge theoretic flow for a connection built from a Riemannian structure, and that the convergence of the flow to the fixed points is consistent with the Poincare Uniformization Theorem. We construct a similar system for the three-dimensional case. Here the connection is built from a Riemannian geometry, an SO(3) connection and two other 1-form fields which take their values in the SO(3) algebra. The flat connections include the eight homogeneous geometries relevant to the three-dimensional uniformization theorem conjectured by W. Thurston. The fixed points of the flow include, besides the flat connections (and their local deformations), non-flat solutions of the Yang-Mills equations. These latter "instanton" configurations may be relevant to the fact that generic 3-manifolds do not admit one of the homogeneous geometries, but may be decomposed into "simple 3-manifolds" which do.Comment: 21 pages, Latex, 5 Postscript figures, uses epsf.st

    Air Taxi Skyport Location Problem for Airport Access

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    Witnessing the rapid progress and accelerated commercialization made in recent years for the introduction of air taxi services in near future across metropolitan cities, our research focuses on one of the most important consideration for such services, i.e., infrastructure planning (also known as skyports). We consider design of skyport locations for air taxis accessing airports, where we present the skyport location problem as a modified single-allocation p-hub median location problem integrating choice-constrained user mode choice behavior into the decision process. Our approach focuses on two alternative objectives i.e., maximizing air taxi ridership and maximizing air taxi revenue. The proposed models in the study incorporate trade-offs between trip length and trip cost based on mode choice behavior of travelers to determine optimal choices of skyports in an urban city. We examine the sensitivity of skyport locations based on two objectives, three air taxi pricing strategies, and varying transfer times at skyports. A case study of New York City is conducted considering a network of 149 taxi zones and 3 airports with over 20 million for-hire-vehicles trip data to the airports to discuss insights around the choice of skyport locations in the city, and demand allocation to different skyports under various parameter settings. Results suggest that a minimum of 9 skyports located between Manhattan, Queens and Brooklyn can adequately accommodate the airport access travel needs and are sufficiently stable against transfer time increases. Findings from this study can help air taxi providers strategize infrastructure design options and investment decisions based on skyport location choices.Comment: 25 page

    Locally addressable tunnel barriers within a carbon nanotube

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    We report the realization and characterization of independently controllable tunnel barriers within a carbon nanotube. The nanotubes are mechanically bent or kinked using an atomic force microscope, and top gates are subsequently placed near each kink. Transport measurements indicate that the kinks form gate-controlled tunnel barriers, and that gates placed away from the kinks have little or no effect on conductance. The overall conductance of the nanotube can be controlled by tuning the transmissions of either the kinks or the metal-nanotube contacts.Comment: related papers at http://marcuslab.harvard.ed

    Synchronization and oscillatory dynamics in heterogeneous mutually inhibited neurons

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    We study some mechanisms responsible for synchronous oscillations and loss of synchrony at physiologically relevant frequencies (10-200 Hz) in a network of heterogeneous inhibitory neurons. We focus on the factors that determine the level of synchrony and frequency of the network response, as well as the effects of mild heterogeneity on network dynamics. With mild heterogeneity, synchrony is never perfect and is relatively fragile. In addition, the effects of inhibition are more complex in mildly heterogeneous networks than in homogeneous ones. In the former, synchrony is broken in two distinct ways, depending on the ratio of the synaptic decay time to the period of repetitive action potentials (Ď„s/T\tau_s/T), where TT can be determined either from the network or from a single, self-inhibiting neuron. With Ď„s/T>2\tau_s/T > 2, corresponding to large applied current, small synaptic strength or large synaptic decay time, the effects of inhibition are largely tonic and heterogeneous neurons spike relatively independently. With Ď„s/T<1\tau_s/T < 1, synchrony breaks when faster cells begin to suppress their less excitable neighbors; cells that fire remain nearly synchronous. We show numerically that the behavior of mildly heterogeneous networks can be related to the behavior of single, self-inhibiting cells, which can be studied analytically.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, Kluwer.sty. Journal of Compuational Neuroscience (in press). Originally submitted to the neuro-sys archive which was never publicly announced (was 9802001

    New negative differential resistance device based on resonant interband tunneling

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    We propose and demonstrate a novel negative differential resistance device based on resonant interband tunneling. Electrons in the InAs/AlSb/GaSb/AlSb/InAs structure tunnel from the InAs conduction band into a quantized state in the GaSb valence band, giving rise to a peak in the current-voltage characteristic. This heterostructure design virtually eliminates many of the competing transport mechanisms which limit the performance of conventional double-barrier structures. Peak-to-valley current ratios as high as 20 and 88 are observed at room temperature and liquid-nitrogen temperature, respectively. These are the highest values reported for any tunnel structure

    Cooperative hunting in a discrete predator-prey system

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    We propose and investigate a discrete-time predator-prey system with cooperative hunting in the predator population. The model is constructed from the classical Nicholson-Bailey host-parasitoid system with density dependent growth rate. A sufficient condition based on the model parameters for which both populations can coexist is derived, namely that the predator's maximal reproductive number exceeds one. We study existence of interior steady states and their stability in certain parameter regimes. It is shown that the system behaves asymptotically similar to the model with no cooperative hunting if the degree of cooperation is small. Large cooperative hunting, however, may promote persistence of the predator for which the predator would otherwise go extinct if there were no cooperation
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