64 research outputs found


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    In this paper, we seek a closer comparative dialectological study of the dialects of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the Korean dialects of the ethnically Korean Chinese near the Korea-China border. Accessible resources published in English and other languages besides Korean are particularly necessary in these times of increasing instability in the North Korean regime and foreseeable cases of asylum seekers. Speech samples are discussed to illustrate the relative difficulty of distinguishing between North Korean and Korean-Chinese speakers, compared to distinguishing between North Korean and South Korean speakers. Based on an over-view of previous literature, some guidelines are developed for identifying some distinguishing characteristics of these speech communities. Continuing dialectological research with refugees and field research making direct comparisons between these communities are necessary for further and up-to-date insight.이 연구는 북한과, 북한-중국 국경 부근에 거주하는 한국계 중국인들의 방언 비교 분석을 다룬다. 북한 정권의 불안정과 난민의 증가가 예견되는 지금, 한국어 외에도 영어 및 다른 언어로도 볼 수 있는 자료물이 시급히 필요하다. 본고는 남-북한 방언 구분보다 북한-조선족 방언 구분이 더 힘든 점을 음성 샘플 분석을 통해 보이고, 문헌 분석을 바탕으로 이 방언들의 구분되는 특징을 찾는 데 유용한 지침을 제시한다. 지속적인 새터민들과의 협력과 비교방언학 현지조사를 통해 최신 정보를 더 구축해야 할 것이다.W niniejszym artykule przedstawione zostanie badanie dialektologiczne dialektów, jakimi posługują się użytkownicy języka Demokratycznej Republiki Ludowej Korei oraz koreańskich dialektów etnicznych u Koreańczyków pochodzenia koreańsko-chińskiego na granicy koreańsko-chińskiej. Badanie tych dialektów jest obecnie niezmiernie istotne zwłaszcza w kontekście politycznym i społecznym (w zakresie osób mogących ubiegać się o azyl). Przytoczone i omówione zostają przykłady próbek mowy by zilustrować trudności w odróżnianiu osób z Korei Północnej od osób posługujących się dialektami etnicznymi koreańsko-chińskimi. Punktem wyjścia dla zobrazowania tych trudności jest uprzednie zestawienie próbek mówców północnokoreańskich i południowokoreańskich. W oparciu o dotychczasową literaturę przedmiotu, sformułowane zostają wskazówki dotyczące sposobów identyfikacji mówców należących do tych wspólnot komunikatywnych. Wskazana jest także konieczność kontynuacji badań w tym zakresie

    Massive field contributions to the QCD vacuum tunneling amplitude

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    For the one-loop contribution to the QCD vacuum tunneling amplitude by quarks of generic mass value, we make use of a calculational scheme exploiting a large mass expansion together with a small mass expansion. The large mass expansion for the effective action is given by a series involving higher-order Seeley-DeWitt coefficients, and we carry this expansion up to order 1/(mρ)81/(m\rho)^8, where mm denotes mass of the quark and ρ\rho the instanton size parameter. For the small mass expansion, we use the known exact expression for the particle propagation functions in an instanton background and evaluate explicitly the effective action to order (mρ)2(m\rho)^2. A smooth interpolation of the results from both expansions suggests that the quark contribution to the instanton tunneling amplitude have a relatively simple mρm\rho-dependent behavior.Comment: revtex, 4figures, 33page

    Some chirality-related properties of the 4-D massive Dirac propagator and determinant in an arbitrary gauge field

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    For a 4-D massive Dirac field in the background of arbitrary gauge fields, we show that the Dirac propagator and functional determinant are completely determined by knowledge of the corresponding quantities for just one of the chirality sectors of the second-order Dirac operator. This generalizes the related, previously known, statements in (anti-)self-dual background gauge fields. The logarithms of the (renormalized) functional determinants from the two chirality sectors are shown to be different only by a term reflecting the integrated chiral anomaly.Comment: 17 pages, late