26,606 research outputs found

    Quantum Phase Transitions in Josephson Junction Chains

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    We investigate the quantum phase transition in a one-dimensional chain of ultra-small superconducting grains, considering both the self- and junction capacitances. At zero temperature, the system is transformed into a two-dimensional system of classical vortices, where the junction capacitance introduces anisotropy in the interaction between vortices. This leads to the superconductor-insulator transition of the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless type, as the ratios of the Josephson coupling energy to the charging energies are varied. It is found that the junction capacitance plays a role similar to that of dissipation and tends to suppress quantum fluctuations; nevertheless the insulator region survives even for arbitrarily large values of the junction capacitance.Comment: REVTeX+5 EPS figures, To appear in PRB Rapid

    Current-voltage characteristics of the two-dimensional XY model with Monte Carlo dynamics

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    Current-voltage characteristics and the linear resistance of the two-dimensional XY model with and without external uniform current driving are studied by Monte Carlo simulations. We apply the standard finite-size scaling analysis to get the dynamic critical exponent zz at various temperatures. From the comparison with the resistively-shunted junction dynamics, it is concluded that zz is universal in the sense that it does not depend on details of dynamics. This comparison also leads to the quantification of the time in the Monte Carlo dynamic simulation.Comment: 5 pages in two columns including 5 figures, to appear in PR

    GaAs interfacial self-cleaning by atomic layer deposition

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    The reduction and removal of surface oxides from GaAs substrates by atomic layer deposition (ALD) of Al2O3 and HfO2 are studied using in situ monochromatic x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Using the combination of in situ deposition and analysis techniques, the interfacial "self-cleaning" is shown to be oxidation state dependent as well as metal organic precursor dependent. Thermodynamics, charge balance, and oxygen coordination drive the removal of certain species of surface oxides while allowing others to remain. These factors suggest proper selection of surface treatments and ALD precursors can result in selective interfacial bonding arrangements

    Frequency dispersion reduction and bond conversion on n-type GaAs by in situ surface oxide removal and passivation

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    The method of surface preparation on n-type GaAs, even with the presence of an amorphous-Si interfacial passivation layer, is shown to be a critical step in the removal of accumulation capacitance frequency dispersion. In situ deposition and analysis techniques were used to study different surface preparations, including NH4OH, Si-flux, and atomic hydrogen exposures, as well as Si passivation depositions prior to in situ atomic layer deposition of Al2O3. As–O bonding was removed and a bond conversion process with Si deposition is observed. The accumulation capacitance frequency dispersion was removed only when a Si interlayer and a specific surface clean were combined

    Small SUSY phases in string-inspired supergravity

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    In supersymmetric models, there are new CP violating phases which, if unsuppressed, would give a too large neutron electric dipole moment. We examine the possibility of small SUSY phases in string-inspired supergravity models in which supersymmetry is broken by the auxiliary components of the dilaton and moduli superfields. It is found that the SUSY phases can be suppressed by a small factor governing the breakdown of the approximate Peccei Quinn symmetries nonlinearly realized for the moduli superfields that participate in supersymmetry breaking. In many cases, the symmetry breaking factors are exponentially small for moderately large values of the moduli, leading to small phase values in a natural way.Comment: 15pages, Latex, SNUTP 93-8

    Numerical studies of the 2 and 3D gauge glass at low temperature

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    We report results from Monte Carlo simulations of the two- and three-dimensional gauge glass at low temperature using parallel tempering Monte Carlo. In two dimensions, we find strong evidence for a zero-temperature transition. By means of finite-size scaling, we determine the stiffness exponent theta = -0.39 +/- 0.03. In three dimensions, where a finite-temperature transition is well established, we find theta = 0.27 +/- 0.01, compatible with recent results from domain-wall renormalization group studies.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures. Proceedings of "2002 MMM Conference", Tampa, F

    String or M theory axion as a quintessence

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    A slow-rolling scalar field (Q≡Q\equiv Quintessence) with potential energy VQ∌(3×10−3eV)4V_Q\sim (3\times 10^{-3} {\rm eV})^4 has been proposed as the origin of accelerating universe at present. We investigate the effective potential of QQ in the framework of supergravity model including the quantum corrections induced by generic (nonrenormalizable) couplings of QQ to the gauge and charged matter multiplets. It is argued that the K\"ahler potential, superpotential and gauge kinetic functions of the underlying supergravity model are required to be invariant under the variation of QQ with an extremely fine accuracy in order to provide a working quintessence potential. Applying these results for string or MM-theory, we point out that the heterotic MM-theory or Type I string axion can be a plausible candidate for quintessence if (i) it does not couple to the instanton number of gauge interactions not weaker than those of the standard model and (ii) the modulus partner Re(Z){\rm Re}(Z) of the periodic quintessence axion Im(Z)≡Im(Z)+1{\rm Im}(Z)\equiv {\rm Im}(Z)+1 has a large VEV: Re(Z)∌12πln⁥(m3/22MPlanck2/VQ){\rm Re}(Z)\sim \frac{1}{2\pi}\ln(m_{3/2}^2 M_{Planck}^2/V_Q). It is stressed that such a large Re(Z){\rm Re}(Z) gives the gauge unification scale at around the phenomenologically favored value 3×10163\times 10^{16} GeV. To provide an accelerating universe, the quintessence axion should be at near the top of its effective potential at present, which requires a severe fine tuning of the initial condition of QQ and Q˙\dot{Q} in the early universe. We discuss a late time inflation scenario based on the modular and CP invariance of the moduli effective potential, yielding the required initial condition in a natural manner if the K\"ahler metric of the quintessence axion superfield receives a sizable nonperturbative contribution.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figures, version to be published at Phys. Rev.

    Phase ordering on small-world networks with nearest-neighbor edges

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    We investigate global phase coherence in a system of coupled oscillators on a small-world networks constructed from a ring with nearest-neighbor edges. The effects of both thermal noise and quenched randomness on phase ordering are examined and compared with the global coherence in the corresponding \xy model without quenched randomness. It is found that in the appropriate regime phase ordering emerges at finite temperatures, even for a tiny fraction of shortcuts. Nature of the phase transition is also discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, Phys. Rev. E (in press

    Structural Relaxation, Self Diffusion and Kinetic Heterogeneity in the Two Dimensional Lattice Coulomb Gas

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    We present Monte Carlo simulation results on the equilibrium relaxation dynamics in the two dimensional lattice Coulomb gas, where finite fraction ff of the lattice sites are occupied by positive charges. In the case of high order rational values of ff close to the irrational number 1−g1-g (g≡(5−1)/2g\equiv(\sqrt{5} -1)/2 is the golden mean), we find that the system exhibits, for wide range of temperatures above the first-order transition, a glassy behavior resembling the primary relaxation of supercooled liquids. Single particle diffusion and structural relaxation show that there exists a breakdown of proportionality between the time scale of diffusion and that of structural relaxation analogous to the violation of the Stokes-Einstein relation in supercooled liquids. Suitably defined dynamic cooperativity is calculated to exhibit the characteristic nature of dynamic heterogeneity present in the system.Comment: 12 pages, 20 figure
