39 research outputs found

    Relativistic spin operator and Lorentz transformation of spin state of a massive Dirac particle

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    We have shown the covariant relativistic spin operator is equivalent to the spin operator commuting with the free Dirac Hamiltonian. This implies that the covariant relativistic spin operator is a good quantum observable. The covariant relativistic spin operator has the pure quantum contribution which does not exist in the classical covariant spin operator. Based on this equivalence reduced spin states can be claerly defined. We have shown the change in the entropy of a reduced spin density matrix sweeps through the whole range according to the relative motion of an observer.Comment: published versio

    Newton-Wigner position operator and its corresponding spin operator in relativistic quantum mechanics

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    A relativistic spin operator is to be the difference between the total and orbital angular momentum. As the unique position operator for a localized state, the remarkable Newton-Wigner position operator, which has all desirable commutation relations as a position operator, can give a proper spin operator. Historically important three spin operators respectively proposed by Bogolubov et al., Pryce, and Foldy-Woutheysen are investigated to manifest a corresponding spin operator to the Newton-Wigner position operator. We clarify a unique spin operator in relativistic quantum mechanics described by the Dirac Hamiltonian

    Quantum Probability assignment limited by relativistic causality

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    The quantum nonlocality is limited by relativistic causality, however, the reason is not fully understood yet. The relativistic causality condition on nonlocal correlations has been usually accepted as a prohibition of faster-than-light signaling, called no-signaling condition. We propose another causality condition from the observation that space-like separate events should have no causal relationship. It is proved that the new condition is stronger than no-signaling condition for a pair of binary devices. We derive the standard probability assignment rule, so-called Born rule, on quantum measurement, which determines the degree of quantum nonlocality, by using relativistic causality constraint. This shows how the causality limits the upper bound of quantum nonlocality through quantum probability assignment.Comment: We separated out the first (main part) of the version 1 and made more clear and detailed analysis to prove our arguments on the relation between quantum physics and relativit

    Spin Operators for Massive Particles

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    Since the discovery a century ago, spin describing the intrinsic angular momentum of massive elementary particles has exposed its nature and significant roles in wide ranges of (relativistic) quantum phenomena and practical applications for future quantum technology. Emerging inconsistencies have also disclosed its telltale incomplete description. Finding relativistic spins (operators) of massive particles is a long-standing fundamental problem from the beginning of relativistic quantum mechanics. Here we present the rigorous derivation and the representation of spin operators from the spacetime symmetry. The covariant parity operation, defined by the spin operators, naturally leads to a fundamental equation equivalent to the covariant Dirac equation, which manifests existent relativistic spins. Proper understanding position operator in the Dirac theory on account of the spin operator through total angular momentum predicts no Zitterbewegung as well as conserving orbital and spin currents. The spin operators can be applicable for unraveling the inconsistencies and for exploring unveiled physics of massive particles.Comment: new result for Zitterbewegung added and conserved spin current modified, the main body refine

    Relativistic Spin and Dirac Spin in relativistically covariant Stern-Gerlach Experiment

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    We have studied a relativistically covariant Stern-Gerlach (SG) experiment for a relativistic spin and a Dirac spin. We have obtained the relativistic spin in an arbitrary frame by using the classical spin dipole tensor, which gives the covariant spin dipole interactions, and the relation between a spin and a spin magnetic dipole moment. The relativistic spin is shown to have problems to become a proper spin operator for a massive relativistic particle because of two reasons. First, the relativistic spin three-vector operators cannot satisfy the spin algebra. Second, the SG experiment for the relativistic particle provides a paradox between two observers in the particle rest frame and the laboratory frame, in which the particle is moving. We have shown that the paradox in the SG experiment is resolved by the Dirac spin, which is covariantly defined by a Lorentz transformation in the Dirac spinor representation. The Dirac spin three-vector operators satisfy the spin algebra. It is shown that the SG experiment for the Dirac spin in the inertial frame, where there is only magnetic field, can determine the spin without the information of the momentum of the particle. This shows that the reduced spin density matrix for the Dirac particle can be well-defined by integrating out the momentum degrees of freedom

    Spin operators and representations of the Poincar\'e group

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    We present the rigorous derivation of covariant spin operators from a general linear combination of the components of the Pauli-Lubanski vector. It is shown that only two spin operators satisfy the spin algebra and transform properly under the Lorentz transformation, which admit the two inequivalent finite-dimensional representations for the Lorentz generators through the complexification of the SU(2)SU(2) group. In case that the Poincar\'e group is extended by parity operation, the spin operator in the direct sum representation of the two inequivalent representations, called the new spin distinguished from the Dirac spin, is shown to be equivalent to axial and Hermitian spin operators for particle and antiparticle. We have shown that for spin 1/21/2, the Noether conserved current for a rotation can be divided into separately conserved orbital and spin part for the new spin, unlike for the Dirac spin. This implies that the new spin not the Dirac spin provides good quantum observables.Comment: We clarified some more mathematical subtleties, add comments, and correct typo

    Limits on Quantum Probability Rule by no-Signaling Principle

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    We have studied the possibility of post-quantum theories more nonlocal than the (standard) quantum theory using the modification of the quantum probability rule under the no-signaling condition. For this purpose we have considered the situation that two spacelike separate parties Alice and Bob share an entangled two qubit system. We have modified the quantum probability rule as small as possible such that the first local measurements are governed by the usual Born rule and the second measurement by the modified quantum probability rule. We have shown that only the maximally entangled states can have higher nonlocality than the quantum upper bound while satisfying the no-signaling condition. This fact could be a partial explanation for why the nonlocality of the quantum theory is limited. As a by-product we have found the systematic way to obtain a variety of nonlocal boxes

    Proper relativistic position operators in 1+1 and 2+1 dimensions

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    We have revisited the Dirac theory in 1+1 and 2+1 dimensions by using the covariant representation of the parity-extended Poincar\'e group in their native dimensions. The parity operator plays a crucial role in deriving wave equations in both theories. We studied two position operators, a canonical one and a covariant one that becomes the particle position operator projected onto the particle subspace. In 1+1 dimensions the particle position operator, not the canonical position operator, provides the conserved Lorentz generator. The mass moment defined by the canonical position operator needs an additional unphysical spin-like operator to become the conserved Lorentz generator in 1+1 dimensions. In 2+1 dimensions, the sum of the orbital angular momentum given by the canonical position operator and the spin angular momentum becomes a constant of motion. However, orbital and spin angular momentum do not conserve separately. On the other hand the orbital angular momentum given by the particle position operator and its corresponding spin angular momentum become a constant of motion separately.Comment: 9 page

    Mean spin entanglement of two massive Dirac particles under Lorentz transformations

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    We have studied the relativistic effects on the mean spin entanglement of two massive Dirac particles using the simultaneous eigen-spinors of the Foldy-Woutheysen mean spin operator and the Dirac Hamiltonian. We have obtained the transformation matrix from the spinor with specific momentum to the spinor with a transformed momentum under an arbitrary Lorentz transformation. Using the transformation matrix we have shown the consistent monotonic behavior between the concurrence and the maximum value of Bell parameter in Bell inequality of transformed spin states

    Entanglement of thermal scalar fields in a compact space space

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    Using the thermal Green's function approach we propose a general method to investigate entanglement of the vacuum state or thermal ground states in an arbitrary dimensional space-time. As an application we show quantum separability of the massive thermal scalar field vacuum in the 1+1 dimensional cylindrical space-time. Separability is demonstrated using the positive partial transpose criterion for effective two-mode Gaussian states of collective operators. In this case, for all mass and temperature values entanglement is absent between the collective operators.Comment: title change