23 research outputs found

    Matching People And Groups: Recruitment And Selection In Online Games

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    Massively multiplayer online games (MMOGs) have great potential as sites for research within the social and behavioral sciences and human-computer interaction. This is because “guilds” — semi-persistent groups in online games — are much like groups in real organizations. In this paper, we examine how groups and individuals find appropriate matches and whether appropriate matches lead newcomers to stay longer in their groups in an online game environment. Results from archival data, observation, and survey in the game World of Warcraft (WoW) indicate that different selection methods lead to person-group fit for social and task-oriented characteristics and good fit leads recruits to stay longer in their group. In particular, recruitment of new members to task-oriented guilds was most successful when brief interactions were used whereas recruitment to social-oriented guilds was most successful when probationary periods and referrals were used

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    Trust in open versus closed social media: The relative influence of user- and marketer-generated content in social network services on customer trust

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    Recently, ???closed??? or ???private??? social network services (SNSs) have emerged and become popular; this popularity is primarily driven by privacy issues and information overload in open SNSs such as Twitter or Facebook. Scholars and practitioners are interested in the relationship between product reviews and customer trust in both closed and open SNSs, but we do not fully understand why, how, or what types of online product reviews in open or closed SNSs influence trust. This paper explores how customer trust in content is influenced by different types of content generators and SNSs. The results of our experiments show that user-generated content (UGC) has a stronger effect on customers??? cognitive trust than does marketer-generated content (MGC) and that the effect of product reviews in closed SNSs on customers??? cognitive and emotional trust is greater than the effect in open SNSs. Finally, we find that the interaction between content generator types and SNS types affects customers??? emotional trust. This paper contributes to the empirical research on SNSs and online product reviews and has practical implications.clos

    The effects of second-screen viewing and the goal congruency of supplementary content on user perceptions

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    Users??? desire to view additional content while watching TV has increased significantly in recent years. This study investigates the optimal way to show supplementary content and evaluates the types of additional information that should be provided. We conduct two 2 (single screen vs. second screen) ?? 2 (providing additional content with congruent goals vs. incongruent goals) between-subjects design experiments, one with news information (utilitarian content) and the other with soft drama programming (hedonic content). The results showed that viewing supplemental content with related information on a different screen strengthens user perceptions of both news and drama. However, the interaction effect of second-screen viewing and the goals of additional content differed across the main types of TV content. The results of this study are relevant to both scholars and practitioners who seek ways to enhance the effectiveness of second-screen usage.clos

    Empirical Research on Types and Service Attributes of Mobile Donation Applications

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    Mobile Donation Application: Examining the Effect of Function-Cause Fit

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    Collaborate and share: An experimental study of the effects of task and reward interdependencies in online games

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    Today millions of players interact with one another in online games, especially massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs). These games promote interaction among players by offering interdependency features, but to date few studies have asked what interdependency design factors of MMORPGs make them fun for players, produce experiences of flow, or enhance player performance. In this study, we focused on two game design features: task and reward interdependency. We conducted a controlled experiment that compared the interaction effects of low and high task-interdependency conditions and low and high reward-interdependency conditions on three dependent variables: fun, flow, and performance. We found that in a low task-interdependency condition, players had more fun, experienced higher levels of flow, and perceived better performance when a low reward-interdependency condition also obtained. In contrast, in a high task-interdependency condition, all of these measures were higher when a high reward-interdependency condition also obtained.close

    The Effect of the Equity of the Objective Performance on the Cognitive Performance and the Behavioral Intention

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    Culture-technology fit: Effects of cultural characteristics on the post-adoption beliefs of mobile internet users

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    Little is known about how culture affects users' perceptions and beliefs after they have adopted an information technology (IT). This study constructed and verified a research model, based on interaction theory and the cultural lens model, that focuses on the relationship between users' cultural profiles and post-adoption beliefs in the context of the mobile Internet. The results of large-scale on-line surveys in Korea, Hong Kong, and Taiwan indicate that four cultural factors-uncertainty avoidance, individualism, contextuality, and time perception-have a significant influence on users' post-adoption perceptions of mobile Internet services.close656