3 research outputs found

    Variations in Serum Ferritin in Different Professionals of Mirpurkhas.

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    Introduction: Serum ferritin has been shown to be a good biomarker of body iron stores. Iron is essential mineral that functions to bind oxygen as a part of Heme in Hemoglobin and Myoglobin1. Ferritin, a major protein regulating iron homeostasis, is used as a biomarker for iron status and low grade inflammation, which results in free radical damage to cells and tissues18-19. Accordingly, recent studies demonstrated that serum ferritin concentrations are correlated with diabetes mellitus, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, ischemic heart disease, cardiovascular disease, and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in healthy men and obese patients. Objective: The study was aimed to evaluate possible variations in serum ferritin levels in different professional of Mirpurkhas. Methodology: 250 subjects were randomly selected from the local community of Mirpurkhas from OPDs of Civil Hospital Mirpurkhas and Muhammad Medical College Mirpurkhas. Their Serum ferritin was determined by ELISA. And the data was analyzed by SPSS 15. Results: This was a cross-sectional study. Out of 250 subjects 170 (68%) were male and 80 (32%) were female. The mean age was 55.20 ± 11.046 year the mean height of subjects was 1.6732 ±.09637 meters while the mean weight was estimated as 65.50 ±11.589 kgs. The mean BMI was calculated as 24.2772 ±3.34493 kgs/m2. Serum ferritin was ranged between 46-450 ng/ml of blood with mean serum ferritin 226.32 ± 99.027 ng/ml of blood. Serum Ferritin in male was found 233.59 ±98.366 ng/ml of blood and in female was found to be 210.88 ± 99.268 ng/ml of blood. It was found that the mean serum ferritin in teachers was 181.00 ± 42.312 ng/ml, in doctors 286.67 ±67.788 ng/ml, in farmers 267.91 ±78.188 ng/ml, in laborers 174.40 ±108.939 ng/ml, in house wives 201.14 ±112.797 ng/ml, in Clerks office superintendents 205.50 ±16.338 ng/ml, in peon/ masi/ attendants 233.00 ± 135.262 ng/ml, in unemployed 120.00 ± .000 ng/ml, in retired 304.20 ± 89.084 ng/ml and in Businessmen 193.17 ±89.084 ng/ml. A comparison was made between serum ferritin values of different professionals by applying ANOVA test and found that there is a significant difference between serum ferritin values of different professional with highly significant p=.000 value. Conclusion: It was found that serum ferritin level was not similar in all profession and different type of work do affect its level inside the body

    Hazard of pesticides on the hearing of farmers.

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    Introduction: As the population of world is increasing there is increased use of pes-ticides to enhance the crop production. Farmers are trying different types of chemi-cals to kill harmful germs, but they are exposing themselves to different hazards. Throughout the world insecticides are used to kill insects that harm crops. These insecticides are usually neurotoxic. They have a lethal effect on the nervous trans-mission. Peoples who are exposed to these poisons are also at great risk of neuro-toxic effects .Objective: To study the effects of pesticides on the hearing of the farmers. It was a retrospective and descriptive type of study which was conducted in the department of physiology in association with department of ENT.Methodology: This retrospective study done between Mar 2019 to Aug 2019 at ENT department of Liaquat University Hospital Hyderabad. 100 subjects (50 study group having exposure to pesticides for at least five years, while 50 subjects as controls having no history of exposure to pesticides during last 5 years) were selected. The selected participants were subjected to a detailed otoscopic examination and if no other cause e.g. conductive deafness was found, the selection was finalized. The finalized participants were undergone through a comprehensive audiometric evalu-ation.Results: showed pesticide damages the hearing (P= .003). There was no link be-tween the age of farmers and hearing loss (1.00). It was found that as the duration of exposure increased the intensity of hearing loss increased (.001). It was also de-tected that that hearing loss was more frequent in nonprofessional than in profes-sionals (.001).Conclusion: This study revealed that pesticide affects sense of hearing in humans. Keywords: Pesticide, hearing loss, Farmers

    Effects of Hepatitis C on Hematological Parameters in local areas of Mirpurkhas

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    Introduction: Various diseases have emerged as a major cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis B virus (HCV) confection, now that antiretroviral therapies become more effective e and has prolonged life expectancy in HIV-infected patients1. One of the most frequently identified extra-hepatic abnormalities often seen at the time of diagnosis of HIV is the hematological abnormalityObjective: To determine possible effects of Hepatitis C in local Population of MirpurkhasMethodology:140 diagnosed patients of Hepatitis C were selected from OPD/Ward MMCH and Civil Hospital Mirpurkhas, Patients of Hypertension, Heart Failure, Renal diseases and respiratory disease were excluded Their ALT, GGT, Alk Sodium was determined by kit method. Their RBC count, TLC, Platelet Count was counted and ESR was determinedResults: It was a prospective study and out of 140 hepatitis C patients 86 were male and 54 were female. The mean age was 54.77 ± 14.046 years. The mean height was 159.42 ± 11.188 cm and the mean weight was 53.69±10.604 Kgs. The mean BMI was calculated as 21.235 ± 5.0607 kgs/m2 (Table.1). The mean Hemoglobin was estimated as 10.639± 2.6924 gm% the mean RBC count was found 3.832 ± .8460 millions/cmm. The mean total leukocyte count was 9111.63 ± 4612.845 per cmm and the mean Platelet count was 160447.67 ± 93788.194 /dl. the mean ESR was 51.70 ± 26.320 (Table.2) The mean Alkaline phosphatase was 273.76± 96.818 IU, the mean GGT was 83.40 ± 102.650 IU and the mean ALT was 74.98 ± 58.614 IU. (Table.3.) The Correlation of hepatitis C was estimated by Pearson’s correlation using SPSS 15 and found that hepatitis has a significant correlation with Hemoglobin, RBC count, TLC and Platelet count (r=.167, .165, .181, 238 and p=.092̽*, .031*, 018* and .002** respectively) and it has an inverse correlation with ESR (r=-.213, p=.005**)Conclusion: Our data shows that hepatitis C has positive correlation with Hb, RBC Count, TLC and Platelet count while the hepatitis has a significant inverse correlation with ESR. More work is required to establish criteria regarding correlation between Hepatitis C and Hematological parameter