7 research outputs found

    A real-time and energy-efficient embedded system for intelligent ADAS with RNN-based deep risk prediction using stereo camera

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    The advanced driver assistance system (ADAS) has been actively researched to enable adaptive cruise control and collision avoidance, however, conventional ADAS is not capable of more advanced functions due to the absence of intelligent decision making algorithms such as behavior analysis. Moreover, most algorithms in automotive applications are accelerated by GPUs where its power consumption exceeds the power requirement for practical usage. In this paper, we present a deep risk prediction algorithm, which predicts risky objects prior to collision by behavior prediction. Also, a real-time embedded system with high energy efficiency is proposed to provide practical application of our algorithm to the intelligent ADAS, consuming only ~1 W in average. For validation, we build the risky urban scene stereo (RUSS) database including 50 stereo video sequences captured under various risky road situations. The system is tested with various databases including the RUSS, and it can maximally achieve 30 frames/s throughput with 720p stereo images with 98.1% of risk prediction accuracy

    Accurate 3D Reconstruction from Small Motion Clip for Rolling Shutter Cameras

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    Structure from small motion has become an important topic in 3D computer vision as a method for estimating depth, since capturing the input is so user-friendly. However, major limitations exist with respect to the form of depth uncertainty, due to the narrow baseline and the rolling shutter effect. In this paper, we present a dense 3D reconstruction method from small motion clips using commercial hand-held cameras, which typically cause the undesired rolling shutter artifact. To address these problems, we introduce a novel small motion bundle adjustment that effectively compensates for the rolling shutter effect. Moreover, we propose a pipeline for a fine-scale dense 3D reconstruction that models the rolling shutter effect by utilizing both sparse 3D points and the camera trajectory from narrow-baseline images. In this reconstruction, the sparse 3D points are propagated to obtain an initial depth hypothesis using a geometry guidance term. Then, the depth information on each pixel is obtained by sweeping the plane around each depth search space near the hypothesis. The proposed framework shows accurate dense reconstruction results suitable for various sought-after applications. Both qualitative and quantitative evaluations show that our method consistently generates better depth maps compared to state-of-the-art methods

    Depth from a Light Field Image with Learning-based Matching Costs

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    One of the core applications of light field imaging is depth estimation. To acquire a depth map, existing approaches apply a single photo-consistency measure to an entire light field. However, this is not an optimal choice because of the non-uniform light field degradations produced by limitations in the hardware design. In this paper, we introduce a pipeline that automatically determines the best configuration for photo-consistency measure, which leads to the most reliable depth label from the light field. We analyzed the practical factors affecting degradation in lenslet light field cameras, and designed a learning based framework that can retrieve the best cost measure and optimal depth label. To enhance the reliability of our method, we augmented an existing light field benchmark to simulate realistic source dependent noise, aberrations, and vignetting artifacts. The augmented dataset was used for the training and validation of the proposed approach. Our method was competitive with several state-of-the-art methods for the benchmark and real-world light field datasets.11Nsciescopu

    Depth from a Light Field Image with Learning-Based Matching Costs

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    Refining Geometry from Depth Sensors using IR Shading Images

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    We propose a method to refine geometry of 3D meshes from a consumer level depth camera, e.g. Kinect, by exploiting shading cues captured from an infrared (IR) camera. A major benefit to using an IR camera instead of an RGB camera is that the IR images captured are narrow band images that filter out most undesired ambient light, which makes our system robust against natural indoor illumination. Moreover, for many natural objects with colorful textures in the visible spectrum, the subjects appear to have a uniform albedo in the IR spectrum. Based on our analyses on the IR projector light of the Kinect, we define a near light source IR shading model that describes the captured intensity as a function of surface normals, albedo, lighting direction, and distance between light source and surface points. To resolve the ambiguity in our model between the normals and distances, we utilize an initial 3D mesh from the Kinect fusion and multi-view information to reliably estimate surface details that were not captured and reconstructed by the Kinect fusion. Our approach directly operates on the mesh model for geometry refinement. We ran experiments on our algorithm for geometries captured by both the Kinect I and Kinect II, as the depth acquisition in Kinect I is based on a structured-light technique and that of the Kinect II is based on a time-of-flight technology. The effectiveness of our approach is demonstrated through several challenging real-world examples. We have also performed a user study to evaluate the quality of the mesh models before and after our refinements.11Nsciescopu