51 research outputs found

    Bibliometric analysis of Islamic finance

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    Islamic finance and Islamic banking have been the subject of central scientific interest, as demonstrated by the significant increase in publications on the subject in recent years. In the present paper, the use of the bibliometric analytical technique is proposed to examine the research on Islamic finance. The objective of the study consists in carrying out a bibliometric analysis of all the publications on Scopus relative to Islamic finance. The parameters used include the type of document (article), the language of publication (English). Among other things, the author, the publication models, the distribution of the thematic category, the distribution of the author's key words, the country of publication and the most frequently cited article are analyzed. The different rankings reinforce the fact that bibliometric understanding of scientific impact is a multidimensional construct. However, the bibliometric analysis does not take place in an institutional and political vacuum. The institutional context of quality evaluation of public and private research increasingly determines which metrics are applied, with consequent effects on performance evaluation. Through analysis, citation rates are proposed, and the impact factors of journals are quantitative and objective indicators directly linked to published science. The objective of this paper is to identify the future trend of research in the field of Islamic finance

    The creation of public value from the action of hybrid organisations

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    Increasingly, organisations occupy an intermediate position between public and private ownership; such organisations are called hybrid organisations (Doherty et al., 2014), whose goal is to create innovation and synergy in addressing complex social issues, leading to more sustainable development (Karré, 2020). In the paper, we investigate how the actions of hybrid organisations produce public value, adopting a conceptual scheme that relates broad strategic objectives of general (and public) interest to the policies that public administrations put in place. The objective is to plan and report on the sustainability and social impact dimensions of hybrid organisations, information that is central to the public sector entity, whose principal and specific role is to provide quality services to the target community. The hybrid organisation must account for its social performance, report on it and draw up an action plan to improve its performance. Therefore, it is a process through which public administration can better understand the impact of its actions on the community and, consequently, be accountable to its primary stakeholders. In this paper, we address the research question of how value creation is accounted for in hybrid organisations. Several approaches for reviewing the scientific stream can be applied in the management sector. For example, bibliometric reviews use a qualiquantitative approach to evaluate and monitor published research, considering statistics on authors, journals and countries (Zupic & Čater, 2015). According to Massaro et al., (2016), in bibliographic and bibliometric analysis, researchers may be interested in representing a static picture, providing answers about the history of the research field under investigation, and using bibliographic pairing of authors, keywords and citations. In our analysis, the composition of the research field was set: only products from the subject area 'Business, Management & Accounting'. Following the studies by Mariani & Borghi, (2019), Massaro et al., (2016) and Secinaro et al., (2020), only "articles" written in the "English" language were considered. Following studies Li et al., 2017; Xu et al., (2018), articles published in journals on the ABS list (2018) with the classification at 1, 2, 3, 4 and 4* were considered. This choice is widely adopted in bibliometric studies, and researchers commonly employ it to identify quality scientific articles. We have also carefully reviewed the selected papers, highlighting those aspects that are useful for research and considering only those papers that have been published in journals in the relevant subject area. To perform the biometric analysis, we used the Bibliometrix application: a statistical package available on R-Studio (Aria & Cuccurullo, 2017); the software allows the representation of bibliometric information, including authors, citations, countries of production and keywords and Structured literature review

    How to increase sustainable production in the food sector? Mapping industrial and business strategies and providing future research agenda

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    Food waste is a tremendous systemic challenge, mainly at all stages of consumption and the supply chain process. In recent years, the global food supply challenge has called for new methods to decrease food waste or recover them to more valuable materials. Indeed, understanding the techniques for reducing and recovering food waste provides insights into exploring the impact of waste food recovery on the environment. This paper aims to review the literature on food waste in production processes. Hence, we employ a bibliometric and thematic analysis to explore a total number of 163 scientific articles published between 2000 and 2021. The present research uses the theoretical model of circular economy to analyse the literature on the topic both thematically and with cluster analysis. The results provide significant implications for academics and practitioners, drawing attention to a closer relationship between people and food waste, increasing the culture of the value of waste in all processes from agricultural production to distribution and consumption. Finally, it reiterates the need to emphasise the pollution caused by food production
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