2 research outputs found
Les dermatoses provoquées par les mycobactéries chez les carnivores domestiques
Les mycobactéries appartiennent au genre Mycobacterium, qui est très homogène d un point de vue morphologique et fonctionnel : toutes les mycobactéries sont des bacilles Gram positif, fins, aérobies, asporulés et immobiles, mais très hétérogène en termes de pouvoir pathogène et d'affinité d hôtes. Leurs caractéristiques structurales leur confèrent des propriétés remarquables de coloration et de résistance, qui les démarquent de tous les autres genres bactériens connus. Elles sont responsables de plusieurs affections cutanées chez les carnivores domestiques, dont le tableau clinique dépend de la place de l'agent causal dans la classification : on distingue les dermatoses provoquées par les mycobactéries opportunistes à croissance rapide, celles provoquées par les mycobactéries à croissance lente, comme la tuberculose et les infections opportunistes, et celles provoquées par des mycobactéries difficiles à cultiver, comme les lèpres félines et canine
Comparison of Two Techniques for the Detection of Flea Faeces in Canine and Feline Coat Brushings
Flea infestation is diagnosed after the detection of either adult parasites or flea faeces in the fur. The latter is generally tested with the wet blotting paper technique (WBPT). However, microscopical examination (MT) of the coat brushing material is sometimes suggested as an alternative. This study aimed to compare the efficiency of the two techniques. In dogs, the entire body was hand-brushed and cats were combed. One half of the collected material was mounted in liquid paraffin on a glass slide and examined microscopically at low magnification. The second half was placed on a blotting paper and sterile water was added. After drying, reddish aureoles were counted. 255 animals (158 dogs and 97 cats) were included. 119 (47%) and 94 (37%) samples were revealed to be positive with WBPT and MT, respectively. 13 cases (5%) were positive with MT only and 38 cases (15%) were positive with WBPT only. 81 cases (32%) were positive and 123 (48%) were negative with both techniques. More positive cases were detected by WBPT than MT (P<0.001). Amongst the 51 samples which were found positive with a sole technique, infestation was considered low in 43 cases and WBPT detected significantly more positive samples (31) than MT (12), P<0.01