9 research outputs found

    Vulnerability in Holstein-Friesian dairy cows : risk factors for culling and effect of temperament on oestrus

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    The general aims of the work were to determine the factors associated with vulnerability in Holstein- Friesian dairy cows in two scenarios: A) culling and B) the effect of temperament on days to first recorded oestrus in dairy cows. Vulnerability was defined as either an increased risk of being culled or having long interval from calving to first recorded oestrus in cows. The work was carried out in two distinct studies. The objective of the first study was to identify the predisposing factors for an increased risk of culling in adult Holstein-Friesian dairy cows. This study was conducted using data sourced from Scottish Agricultural College Langhill database. Between September 2003 and August 2010, 519 cows calved for the first time and 175 of these were culled. The major reasons for culling were fertility (9.2%), udder problems (9.1%) and accident (6.2%) on which further analysis was performed. The culled cows were matched with their cohorts that survived to a later lactation. Cows assessed for the risk of being culled due to major reasons had a mean age at first calving of 26.2 months (Standard Deviation (SD) =2.4). Cows with high body condition score (BCS) at service and low 60-day (60d) milk protein had a significantly (P<0.05) increased likelihood of being culled due to infertility. The regression estimate (RE) was 1.67 for Service BCS and -2.43 for 60d milk protein with predicted probability (PP) of 0.91. However in first lactation heifers, only BCS at service was significant (P<0.05, RE=2.65 and PP=0.86). Cows with a reduced interval to reach peak milk yield had a significant (P<0.01) likelihood of being culled due to udder problems (RE=-0.05 and PP= 0.89). Locomotion score and parity were not significant on increasing the risk of culling cows due to accident. Hence higher BCS at service, low 60d milk protein and short duration to peak lactation are factors that place dairy cows at an increased risk of being culled. The second study aimed at determining the association between temperament and days to first recorded oestrus in adult dairy cows. Temperament traits that were studied were flight response score, nervous, interest, shy, bold, fear and docile. Number of days to first recorded oestrus after calving was the dependent variable in the analysis. Seventy Holstein-Friesian dairy cows, mean age at first calving 25 months (SD=1.9) were used in the study. Temperament traits for individual cows were recorded on day 30 before calving, and on days 30 and 60 after calving. Temperament traits were quantified using an Approach Passageway test. On average the first oestrus occurred 55.5 days (SD=17.9) after calving. The study showed that temperament traits did not significantly affect the number of days to first recorded oestrus. Within the temperament traits, nervousness, shyness, boldness, fearfulness and docility were significantly (P<0.001) related to flight response score while interest was not. In conclusion, higher than average BCS at service, low milk protein content at day 60 in lactation and short duration to peak lactation exposes cows to an increased risk of being culled while temperament did not influence number of days to first recorded oestrus after calving

    Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A and VEGFR-1 change during preimplantation in Heifers

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    Vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGFA) plays a critical angiogenic role in the endometrium of placentalia during preimplantation. The role of VEGFA and its receptors is not fully characterised in bovine reproduction. We analysed the mRNA expression of VEGFA isoforms 121, 165 and 189, and VEGF receptors 1 and 2 in three experimental settings (A, B and C). We compared intercaruncular endometrium of cyclic to pregnant heifers at Days 12, 15 and 18 post insemination (Day 0), and between Day 15 and Day 18 conceptuses (A). We further compared caruncular versus intercaruncular endometrium at Day 15 (B), and endometrium of heifers carrying embryos originating from somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) versus in vitro fertilisation (IVF) at Day 18 (C). Endometrial VEGFA protein was localised and quantified. Pregnant heifers displayed lower intercaruncular endometrial mRNA expression of VEGFA-121 (p = 0.045) and VEGFA-189 (p = 0.009) as well as lower VEGFA protein abundance (p < 0.001) at Day 15. The VEGFA protein was localised in intercaruncular luminal, glandular epithelium and in tunica muscularis of blood vessels. At Day 15, caruncular endometrium displayed higher VEGFA mRNA expression than intercaruncular endometrium (p < 0.05). Intercaruncular endometrial VEGFA protein at Day 18 was higher in abundance in SCNT than in IVF (p = 0.038). Therefore, during preimplantation in cattle, there may be a need for timely physiological reduction in intercaruncular endometrial VEGFA expression in favour of the caruncular area to facilitate a gradient towards the implantation sites. A higher expression of VEGFA in SCNT may predispose for later placentation abnormalities frequently observed following SCNT

    Early Pregnancy Establishment in Cattle: Assessing the Contribution of Local Molecular Factors and Investigating the Nutritional Impact of Different Grazing Systems

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    Embryo mortality is a critical issue negatively affecting reproductive outcome in dairy cows. Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) and vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGFA) isoforms including receptors play important roles during embryonic development. In this thesis, the dynamics of FGF and VEGFA modulation during estrous cycle and early pregnancy in heifers were assessed. Alpine pasture is rich in diverse grass and herb species containing different concentrations of polyphenols. Polyphenols are secondary plant compounds that have the ability to influence cellular metabolism and gene expression e.g. by acting as antioxidants. Scarce information exists with regard to specific mechanisms by which polyphenols and their metabolites may act on the early developing embryo in bovine. Therefore, the nutritional impact of lowland versus alpine grazing systems on reproductive tract redox status and amino acid (AA) profiles at Day 4 of pregnancy was assessed. A number of different techniques was applied including quantitative polymerase chain reaction for the analysis of gene expression and liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry for the quantification of AA. The results show that embryo elongation coincided with endometrial FGF2 protein increase in heifers, as we observed that the endometrial protein abundance of FGF2 increased (P = 0.021) from Day 12 to Day 15 irrespective of the pregnancy status. The endometrial protein abundance of FGF1 decreased (P < 0.001) from Days 12 to 15 and thereafter remained stable until Day 18. Transcripts for FGF receptor 2 (FGFR2) (P = 0.003) and FGFR3 (P < 0.001) were more abundant in Day 18 than Day 15 conceptuses. We speculate that during preimplantation, a timely reduction of intercaruncular endometrial VEGFA in favour of caruncular expression may facilitate a gradient towards implantation sites, as the pregnancy status altered endometrial transcript abundance of VEGFA-121 (P = 0.045) and VEGFA-189 (P = 0.009) at Day 15. The endometrium displayed lower VEGFA mRNA transcripts and protein abundance (P < 0.001) at Day 15 in pregnant than in cyclic heifers. The higher expression of VEGFA in somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) than in in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) (P < 0.05) pregnancies may predispose for later placentation abnormalities frequently observed following SCNT. Antioxidant gene expression in the oviduct ((catalase (CAT), glutathione synthetase (GSS), glutathione s-transferase alpha 2 (GSTa2), NAD(P)H quinone dehydrogenase 1 (NQO1), prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 (PGHS2)) and the endometrium (CAT, glutathione-disulfide reductase (GSR), GSS) differed when comparing lowland to alpine grazing systems (P < 0.05). The CAT activity was lower in endometrium of heifers grazing on lowland than alpine pasture (P = 0.001). Additionally, the grazing systems affected the concentrations of amino acids in reproductive fluids. Of 32 AA analysed, seven and 17 AA were differentially abundant in oviduct and uterine fluids, respectively (P < 0.05). Taken together, successful early pregnancy establishment necessitates a spatiotemporal physiological FGF2 protein increase and a reduction in VEGFA protein in the intercaruncular in favour of caruncular endometrium. Grazing systems differently affected the reproductive milieu regarding the redox status and the AA profiles. Possible and underlying mechanisms of nutritional impact of grazing systems on early pregnancy establishment in cattle require further investigations

    Farmers’ perception on the potential impact of Coronavirus disease on their livelihood in Malawi

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    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was a global health crisis. Its effects did not spare the smallholder farmers. This study aimed at assessing smallholder farmers’ perceived potential impact of COVID-19 on their livelihood in Malawi. During the first wave of the COVID-19, 606 smallholder farmers residing in 12 districts in Malawi were interviewed through an online survey. Farmers’ knowledge, attitudes, and practices on COVID-19 were evaluated. Results showed that 81% of the farmers had knowledge on transmission, prevention, signs and symptoms, groups which were at high risk, and that there was no availability of COVID-19 treatment. The majority of the farmers (96%) reported that the measures which the Government of Malawi instituted to contain the spread of the disease were effective. All the farmers interviewed reported practicing at-least one of the preventive measures as advised by the Government through the Ministry of Health. Ninety nine percent of the farmers reported that they would report using the channels designated by the Government through the Ministry of Health if they suspected that one has symptoms of COVID-19. The critical sources of COVID-19 information for the farmers were radio and television stations (80%), and digital platforms (73%). Based on the farmers’ views, the first wave of the disease negatively impacted their income (85%) and food (63%) sources. These results pinpoint the need for COVID-19 inclusive programming in existing and new developmental initiatives targeting smallholder farmers

    Antibiotic use and resistance patterns at Rumphi District Hospital in Malawi: a cross-sectional study

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    Abstract Background Overuse of antibiotics is a key driver of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) world-wide. Malawi continues to report rising cases of AMR among both in-patients and out-patients. We investigated antibiotic use and resistance patterns among patients with suspected first line antibiotic treatment failure at Rumphi District Hospital, Malawi. Methods We used a cross-sectional study design in which records of patients data on culture and antimicrobial sensitivity tests were extracted, alongside treatment history from 2019 to March, 2023, retrospectively. We also included findings for point prevalence survey (PPS) conducted within four hospital wards in June, 2022 by a well-trained multi-disciplinary team from within the hospital. The data was analyzed for antibiotic use, characterization of pathogens and their susceptibility patterns using Microsoft excel and STATA-14 software. Results A total of 85 patients’ data records were reviewed on antibiotics resistance pattern in which 54 (63.5%) were females. Patient antibiotic history captured indicated Metronidazole (23%), Gentamycin (20%) and Doxycycline (23%) as the most frequently used antibiotics among clients referred for microbiological investigations. Among locally available antibiotics with over 50% sensitivity were Chloramphenicol (61%), ciprofloxacin (55%), and ceftriaxone (54%). Penicillins were among antibiotics with highest resistance: ampicillin (100%), amoxyclav (90%), Piperacilin-tazobactam (63%). The majority of patients came from STI clinic and presented with genital discharges 44% (n = 39). Over 80% of the isolated N. gonorrhoeae exhibited a reduced susceptibility to gentamycin. Prevalence of Methicillin resistant staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) was 46% and were mostly isolated from wound pus. Among 80 data records of the patients reviewed during PPS, Ceftriaxone (54.3%) and Metronidazole (23.3%) emerged as the most frequently used antibiotics in the wards which were prescribed empirically without a microbiological indication. Conclusion In this study setting, we observed high use of watch antibiotics along with problem of multi-drug resistant infections in patients experiencing clinical failure in a variety of clinical syndromes. The findings underline the need to revamp diagnostic microbiology to increase the uptake of antimicrobial susceptibility testing to guide specific prescriptions of broad-spectrum antibiotics in the watch list

    Enhancing knowledge exchange and performance recording through use of short messaging service in smallholder dairy farming systems in Malawi

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    Monitoring animal performance is a challenge due to lack of systematic recording in the smallholder dairy sector in Malawi. A mobile recording system using short messaging service (SMS) was therefore trialled for data capturing and subsequent feedback provision to farmers following analyses and interpretation. This study aimed at drawing lessons regarding use of SMS recording system among dairy farmers. Of the 210 participants, 85% were farmers and 25% were other dairy value chain players. Farmers were from eight intervened (monitored for 18 months) and eight control Milk Bulking Groups (MBG). There are three regions in Malawi and Central region had the highest participants [59% (124)] than Northern [23% (49)] and Southern [1% (2)] regions submitting data using SMS. Milk production was the most recorded data and analyses showed that mean yield in litres per cow (10.7 +/- 0.14) was similar to average estimate in literature for Malawi (10.4 +/- 1.57). Household daily milk consumption (1.2 +/- 0.04), milk sold through formal market (610.0 +/- 55) and amount of milk rejected per day per MBG (5.9 +/- 0.86) in litres were captured. Farmers asked questions and received timely feedback via SMS. Therefore, it is possible to capture quality data using SMS technology that is adequate for conducting analyses to inform decision-making

    Initiation of Conceptus Elongation Coincides with an Endometrium Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF2) Protein Increase in Heifers

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    Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) play an important role during embryo development. To date, the role of FGF and the respective receptors (FGFR) during the preimplantation phase in cattle are not fully characterized. We examined FGF1, FGF2, FGFR1, FGFR2, and FGFR3 in cyclic and early pregnant heifers at Days 12, 15, and 18 after insemination (Day 0). Endometrial FGF1 mRNA transcript abundance in heifers varied significantly with respect to the day after insemination, the pregnancy status, and their interaction. The expression was higher in nonpregnant than in pregnant heifers at Day 18. The conceptus transcripts abundance of FGFR2 and FGFR3 were significantly lower at Day 15 than 18. In the endometrium, FGF1 protein abundance significantly decreased from Day 12 onwards and FGF2 protein abundance showed a minor, but a significant increase at Day 15 in comparison to Days 12 and 18. We concluded that the decrease in FGF1 mRNA expression in pregnant heifers at Day 18 points towards a potential contribution of FGF1 in the preimplantation process. Additionally, successful embryo elongation might require a spatiotemporal FGF2 protein increase in the endometrium.ISSN:1422-006

    Vascular endothelial growth factor a and VEGFR-1 change during preimplantation in heifers

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    Vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGFA) plays a critical angiogenic role in the endometrium of placentalia during preimplantation. The role of VEGFA and its receptors is not fully characterised in bovine reproduction. We analysed the mRNA expression of VEGFA isoforms 121, 165 and 189, and VEGF receptors 1 and 2 in three experimental settings (A, B and C). We compared intercaruncular endometrium of cyclic to pregnant heifers at Days 12, 15 and 18 post insemination (Day 0), and between Day 15 and Day 18 conceptuses (A). We further compared caruncular versus intercaruncular endometrium at Day 15 (B), and endometrium of heifers carrying embryos originating from somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) versus in vitro fertilisation (IVF) at Day 18 (C). Endometrial VEGFA protein was localised and quantified. Pregnant heifers displayed lower intercaruncular endometrial mRNA expression of VEGFA-121 (p = 0.045) and VEGFA-189 (p = 0.009) as well as lower VEGFA protein abundance (p < 0.001) at Day 15. The VEGFA protein was localised in intercaruncular luminal, glandular epithelium and in tunica muscularis of blood vessels. At Day 15, caruncular endometrium displayed higher VEGFA mRNA expression than intercaruncular endometrium (p < 0.05). Intercaruncular endometrial VEGFA protein at Day 18 was higher in abundance in SCNT than in IVF (p = 0.038). Therefore, during preimplantation in cattle, there may be a need for timely physiological reduction in intercaruncular endometrial VEGFA expression in favour of the caruncular area to facilitate a gradient towards the implantation sites. A higher expression of VEGFA in SCNT may predispose for later placentation abnormalities frequently observed following SCNT.ISSN:1422-006