10,576 research outputs found

    Influence of retardation effects on 2D magnetoplasmon spectrum

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    Within dissipationless limit the magnetic field dependence of magnetoplasmon spectrum for unbounded 2DEG system found to intersect the cyclotron resonance line, and, then approaches the frequency given by light dispersion relation. Recent experiments done for macroscopic disc-shape 2DEG systems confirm theory expectations.Comment: 2 pages,2 figure

    Digital Literacy Learning In Higher Education Through Digital Storytelling Approach

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    It is necessary to develop digital literacy skills with which students can communicate and express their ideas effectively using digital media. The educational sectors around the world are beginning to incorporate digital literacy into the curriculum. Digital storytelling, one of the possible classroom activities, is an approach which may help engage and motivate students to learn digital literacy skills. To investigate this approach, the present small-scale study employs the methods including interviewing and analysing the artefacts of three students selected from a purposive sample on a multimedia course. The findings indicate that the three students have improved in terms of three aspects of digital literacy skills, namely, digital competence, digital usage and digital transformation regardless of their prior knowledge and levels of digital literacy.

    Chiral fermions on the lattice and index relations

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    Comparing recent lattice results on chiral fermions and old continuum results for the index puzzling questions arise. To clarify this issue we start with a critical reconsideration of the results on finite lattices. We then work out various aspects of the continuum limit. After determining bounds and norm convergences we obtain the limit of the anomaly term. Collecting our results the index relation of the quantized theory gets established. We then compare in detail with the Atiyah-Singer theorem. Finally we analyze conventional continuum approaches.Comment: 34 pages; a more detaild introduction and a subsection with remarks on literature adde

    A Perturbative Study of a General Class of Lattice Dirac Operators

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    A perturbative study of a general class of lattice Dirac operators is reported, which is based on an algebraic realization of the Ginsparg-Wilson relation in the form γ5(γ5D)+(γ5D)γ5=2a2k+1(γ5D)2k+2\gamma_{5}(\gamma_{5}D)+(\gamma_{5}D)\gamma_{5} = 2a^{2k+1}(\gamma_{5}D)^{2k+2} where kk stands for a non-negative integer. The choice k=0k=0 corresponds to the commonly discussed Ginsparg-Wilson relation and thus to the overlap operator. We study one-loop fermion contributions to the self-energy of the gauge field, which are related to the fermion contributions to the one-loop β\beta function and to the Weyl anomaly. We first explicitly demonstrate that the Ward identity is satisfied by the self-energy tensor. By performing careful analyses, we then obtain the correct self-energy tensor free of infra-red divergences, as a general consideration of the Weyl anomaly indicates. This demonstrates that our general operators give correct chiral and Weyl anomalies. In general, however, the Wilsonian effective action, which is supposed to be free of infra-red complications, is expected to be essential in the analyses of our general class of Dirac operators for dynamical gauge field.Comment: 30 pages. Some of the misprints were corrected. Phys. Rev. D (in press

    Domain wall fermion and CP symmetry breaking

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    We examine the CP properties of chiral gauge theory defined by a formulation of the domain wall fermion, where the light field variables qq and qˉ\bar q together with Pauli-Villars fields QQ and Qˉ\bar Q are utilized. It is shown that this domain wall representation in the infinite flavor limit N=N=\infty is valid only in the topologically trivial sector, and that the conflict among lattice chiral symmetry, strict locality and CP symmetry still persists for finite lattice spacing aa. The CP transformation generally sends one representation of lattice chiral gauge theory into another representation of lattice chiral gauge theory, resulting in the inevitable change of propagators. A modified form of lattice CP transformation motivated by the domain wall fermion, which keeps the chiral action in terms of the Ginsparg-Wilson fermion invariant, is analyzed in detail; this provides an alternative way to understand the breaking of CP symmetry at least in the topologically trivial sector. We note that the conflict with CP symmetry could be regarded as a topological obstruction. We also discuss the issues related to the definition of Majorana fermions in connection with the supersymmetric Wess-Zumino model on the lattice.Comment: 33 pages. Note added and a new reference were added. Phys. Rev.D (in press

    First-order super-radiant phase transitions in a multi-qubit--cavity system

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    We predict the existence of novel first-order phase transitions in a general class of multi-qubit-cavity systems. Apart from atomic systems, the associated super-radiant phase transition should be observable in a variety of solid-state experimental systems, including the technologically important case of interacting quantum dots coupled to an optical cavity mode.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Hot Topics in Ultra-Peripheral Collisions

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    Ultra-peripheral collisions of relativistic heavy ions involve long-ranged electromagnetic interactions at impact parameters too large for hadronic interactions to occur. The nuclear charges are large; with the coherent enhancement, the cross sections are also large. Many types of photonuclear and purely electromagnetic interactions are possible. We present here an introduction to ultra-peripheral collisions, and present four of the most compelling physics topics. This note developed from a discussion at a workshop on ``Electromagnetic Probes of Fundamental Physics,'' in Erice, Italy, Oct. 16-21, 2001.Comment: 7 pages, with 3 figures. This developed from a discussion at the workshop on "Electromagnetic Probes of Fundamental Physics," Oct. 16-21, Erice, Ital

    Large collective Lamb shift of two distant superconducting artificial atoms

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    Virtual photons can mediate interaction between atoms, resulting in an energy shift known as a collective Lamb shift. Observing the collective Lamb shift is challenging, since it can be obscured by radiative decay and direct atom-atom interactions. Here, we place two superconducting qubits in a transmission line terminated by a mirror, which suppresses decay. We measure a collective Lamb shift reaching 0.8% of the qubit transition frequency and exceeding the transition linewidth. We also show that the qubits can interact via the transmission line even if one of them does not decay into it.Comment: 7+5 pages, 4+2 figure

    Experimental procedures for precision measurements of the Casimir force with an Atomic Force Microscope

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    Experimental methods and procedures required for precision measurements of the Casimir force are presented. In particular, the best practices for obtaining stable cantilevers, calibration of the cantilever, correction of thermal and mechanical drift, measuring the contact separation, sphere radius and the roughness are discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure