9,248 research outputs found

    Influence of retardation effects on 2D magnetoplasmon spectrum

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    Within dissipationless limit the magnetic field dependence of magnetoplasmon spectrum for unbounded 2DEG system found to intersect the cyclotron resonance line, and, then approaches the frequency given by light dispersion relation. Recent experiments done for macroscopic disc-shape 2DEG systems confirm theory expectations.Comment: 2 pages,2 figure

    Large collective Lamb shift of two distant superconducting artificial atoms

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    Virtual photons can mediate interaction between atoms, resulting in an energy shift known as a collective Lamb shift. Observing the collective Lamb shift is challenging, since it can be obscured by radiative decay and direct atom-atom interactions. Here, we place two superconducting qubits in a transmission line terminated by a mirror, which suppresses decay. We measure a collective Lamb shift reaching 0.8% of the qubit transition frequency and exceeding the transition linewidth. We also show that the qubits can interact via the transmission line even if one of them does not decay into it.Comment: 7+5 pages, 4+2 figure

    Hot Topics in Ultra-Peripheral Collisions

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    Ultra-peripheral collisions of relativistic heavy ions involve long-ranged electromagnetic interactions at impact parameters too large for hadronic interactions to occur. The nuclear charges are large; with the coherent enhancement, the cross sections are also large. Many types of photonuclear and purely electromagnetic interactions are possible. We present here an introduction to ultra-peripheral collisions, and present four of the most compelling physics topics. This note developed from a discussion at a workshop on ``Electromagnetic Probes of Fundamental Physics,'' in Erice, Italy, Oct. 16-21, 2001.Comment: 7 pages, with 3 figures. This developed from a discussion at the workshop on "Electromagnetic Probes of Fundamental Physics," Oct. 16-21, Erice, Ital

    Measurement of resistance exercise force expression

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    This is the publisher's version, also found at http://ehis.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?sid=afef5b5e-42ad-4a92-896e-f02e050a2011%40sessionmgr10&vid=1&hid=17&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=s3h&AN=13021242Displacement-based measurement systems are becoming increasingly popular for assessment of force expression variables during resistance exercise. Typically a linear position transducer (LPT) is attached to the barbell to measure displacement and a double differentiation technique is used to determine acceleration. Force is calculated as the product of mass and acceleration. Despite the apparent utility of these devices, validity data are scarce. To determine whether LPT can accurately estimate vertical ground reaction forces, two men and four women with moderate to extensive resistance training experience performed concentric-only (CJS) and rebound (RJS) jump squats, two sessions of each type in random order. CJS or RJS were performed with 30%, 50%, and 70% one-repetition maximum parallel back squat 5 minutes following a warm-up and again after a 10-min rest. Displacement was measured via LPT and acceleration was calculated using the finite-difference technique. Force was estimated from the weight of the lifter-barbell system and propulsion force from the lifter-barbell system. Vertical ground reaction force was directly measured with a single-component force platform. Two-way random average- measure intraclass correlations (ICC) were used to assess the reliability of obtained measures and compare the measurements obtained via each method. High reliability (ICC > 0.70) was found for all CJS variables across the loadspectrum. RJS variables also had high ICC except for time parameters for early force production. All variables were significantly (p < 0.01) related between LPT and force platform methods with no indication of systematic bias. The LPT appears to be a valid method of assessing force under these experimental conditions

    Myosin heavy chain isoform expression: Influence on isointertial and isometric performance

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    This is the publisher's version, also found at http://ehis.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?vid=3&sid=c184ec76-77d8-4a98-bb1f-f5bceba902aa%40sessionmgr10&hid=2&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=s3h&AN=19495568Thirty-six healthy men with varying degrees of physical training background performed maximal-effort isometric and isoinertial knee extensor actions, with relative loads equal to 40% and 70% of one-repetition maximum. Force, velocity, and power were derived from force and linear position transducers at 500 Hz. Biopsies were taken from the vastus lateralis and analyzed by SDS-PAGE for relative myosin heavy chain (MHC) content. Relative MHC IIx content was included in a regression model, and explained variance noted. Relative MHC I content was subsequently added to the regression model to determine what, if any, additional variance was explained beyond that of MHC IIx. Results indicated that no relationship ( r = 0.0 to 0.1) exists between the relative expression of MHC isoforms from the vastus lateralis and isometric/isoinertial performance in a population with diverse training backgrounds. Lack of nervous system adaptations in the untrained subjects in the study possibly attenuates the significant relationship between MHC and in-vivo muscle performance previously established in trained populations. ABSTRACT FROM AUTHO

    Hermitian quark mass matrices with four texture zeros

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    We provide a complete and systematic analysis of hermitian, hierarchical quark mass matrices with four texture zeros. Using triangular mass matrices, each pattern of texture zeros is readily shown to lead to a definite relation between the CKM parameters and the quark masses. Nineteen pairs are found to be consistent with present data, and one other is marginally acceptable. In particular, no parallel structure between the up and down mass matrices is found to be favorable with data.Comment: 18 pages, no figure, references [8] and [10] adde

    Role of material properties and mesostructure on dynamic deformation and shear instability in Al-W granular composites

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    Dynamic experiments with Al-W granular/porous composites revealed qualitatively different behavior with respect to shear localization depending on bonding between Al particles. Two-dimensional numerical modeling was used to explore the mesomechanics of the large strain dynamic deformation in Al-W granular/porous composites and explain the experimentally observed differences in shear localization between composites with various mesostructures. Specifically, the bonding between the Al particles, the porosity, the roles of the relative particle sizes of Al and W, the arrangements of the W particles, and the material properties of Al were investigated using numerical calculations. It was demonstrated in simulations that the bonding between the "soft" Al particles facilitated shear localization as seen in the experiments. Numerical calculations and experiments revealed that the mechanism of the shear localization in granular composites is mainly due to the local high strain flow of "soft" Al around the "rigid" W particles causing localized damage accumulation and subsequent growth of the meso/macro shear bands/cracks. The "rigid" W particles were the major geometrical factor determining the initiation and propagation of "kinked" shear bands in the matrix of "soft" Al particles, leaving some areas free of extensive plastic deformation as observed in experiments and numerical calculations.Comment: 10 pages, 14 figures, submitted to Journal of Applied Physic

    Synergistic Association between Plasma Aβ1-42 and p-tau in Alzheimer's Disease but Not in Parkinson's Disease or Frontotemporal Dementia

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    Beta-amyloid (Aβ1-42) triggers the phosphorylation of tau protein in Alzheimer's disease (AD), but the relationship between phosphorylated tau (p-tau) and Aβ1-42 in the blood is not elucidated. We investigated the association in individuals with AD (n = 62, including amnesic mild cognitive impairment and dementia), Parkinson's disease (n = 30), frontotemporal dementia (n = 25), and cognitively unimpaired controls (n = 41) using immunomagnetic reduction assays to measure plasma Aβ1-42 and p-tau181 concentrations. Correlation and regression analyses were performed to examine the relation between plasma levels, demographic factors, and clinical severity. Both plasma Aβ1-42 and p-tau concentrations were significantly higher in AD and frontotemporal dementia than in the controls and Parkinson's disease. A significant positive association was found between plasma p-tau and Aβ1-42 in controls (r = 0.579, P < 0.001) and AD (r = 0.699, P < 0.001) but not in frontotemporal dementia or Parkinson's disease. Plasma p-tau was significantly associated with clinical severity in the AD in terms of scores of clinical dementia rating (r = 0.288, P = 0.025) and mini-mental state examination (r = -0.253, P = 0.049). Regression analysis showed that plasma Aβ1-42 levels explain approximately 47.7% of the plasma p-tau levels in the AD after controlling age, gender, and clinical severity. While in non-AD participants, the clinical dementia rating explained about 47.5% of the plasma p-tau levels. The disease-specific association between plasma Aβ1-42 and p-tau levels in AD implies a possible synergic effect in mechanisms involving these two pathological proteins' genesis
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