197 research outputs found

    A qualitative study looking at informed choice in the context of non-invasive prenatal testing for aneuploidy

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    OBJECTIVE: To explore women's attitudes towards non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) and determine factors influencing their decisions around uptake of NIPT. METHOD: We conducted qualitative interviews to assess knowledge, attitude and deliberation amongst women offered NIPT in a public health service. In total, 45 women took part in telephone interviews (79% participation rate). RESULTS: Most women could recount the key aspects of NIPT discussed during pre-test counselling but had variable knowledge about Down syndrome. Analysis of women's attitudes towards undergoing NIPT revealed three dominant factors they considered when reflecting on the test: (1) how NIPT compared with alternative testing options, (2) reflections on coping and (3) moral or religious values. Exploring the deliberative process revealed the different paths women take when making decisions. For some, it was an extension of the decision to have Down syndrome screening; some considered it early on following the booking-in appointment; others made step-wise decisions about NIPT when it became relevant to them. CONCLUSION: Our findings support the importance of personalised counselling, whereby women and their partners have the opportunity to reflect on the implications of the test results in the context of their own lives and values. Our data highlight the influence of personal circumstances on decision-making

    Stakeholder attitudes and needs regarding cell-free fetal DNA testing

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    PURPOSE OF REVIEW: To explore stakeholder views on cell-free DNA testing and highlight findings important for successful implementation and the provision of best practice in counseling. RECENT FINDINGS: Noninvasive tests based on the analysis of cell-free fetal DNA are now widely available in clinical practice and applications are expanding rapidly. It is essential that stakeholder views are considered in order to identify and address any ethical and social issues. We provide an overview of stakeholder viewpoints and then focus on the key issues of informed decision making, test uptake, service delivery and information sources. SUMMARY: Stakeholders are positive about the introduction of cell-free fetal DNA testing into clinical practice. They describe both practical and psychological benefits arising from tests that are safe and can potentially be performed earlier in pregnancy. Key concerns, which include the potential for these tests to have a negative impact on informed decision making and increased societal pressure to have testing, can be addressed through careful parent-directed counseling. As applications for these tests expand it is increasingly important to develop innovative approaches to facilitate good understanding for parents who are offered noninvasive prenatal testing

    Next-generation sequencing and the impact on prenatal diagnosis.

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    INTRODUCTION: The advent of affordable and rapid next-generation sequencing has been transformative for prenatal diagnosis. Sequencing of cell-free DNA in maternal plasma has enabled the development of not only a highly sensitive screening test for fetal aneuploidies, but now definitive noninvasive prenatal diagnosis for monogenic disorders at an early gestation. Sequencing of fetal exomes offers broad diagnostic capability for pregnancies with unexpected fetal anomalies, improving the yield and accuracy of diagnoses and allowing better counseling for parents. The challenge now is to translate these approaches into mainstream use in the clinic. AREAS COVERED: Here, the authors review the current literature to describe the technologies available and how these have evolved. The opportunities and challenges at hand, including considerations for service delivery, counseling, and development of ethical guidelines, are discussed. EXPERT COMMENTARY: As technology continues to advance, future developments may be toward noninvasive fetal whole exome or whole genome sequencing and a universal method for noninvasive prenatal diagnosis without the need to sequence both parents or an affected proband. Expansion of cell-free fetal DNA analysis to include the transcriptome and the methylome is likely to yield clinical benefits for monitoring other pregnancy-related pathologies such as preeclampsia and intrauterine growth restriction

    The 100 000 Genomes Project: What it means for paediatrics

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    The 100 000 Genomes Project is a unique, national programme combining research and transformation of clinical care, by undertaking whole genome sequencing (WGS) in patients with rare diseases and cancer. Made possible by technological advances in next-generation sequencing1 and falling costs, this project aims to find the genes which cause a patient's rare disease and identify genetic changes which occur in the tumour of a child or adult with cancer, to understand the mechanism of disease and develop therapies to personalise treatment. Patients are recruited through the National Health Service (NHS) and their medical course is tracked for life through their NHS number with results fed back through routine NHS services. It will also lay the foundations for a new ‘genomic medicine’ service for the NHS.2 The project is coordinated by Genomics England, with participants enrolled through one of 13 NHS Genomic Medicine Centres (figure 1), covering all of England. Unlike genome projects in other countries3 that have yielded information on variants associated with common diseases and ancestry, the scale of the 100 000 Genomes Project is much greater. The ability to track long-term outcomes through the patients' NHS number provides a unique opportunity to link genomic and phenotypic data to hospital admissions (via hospital episode statistics) as well as lifelong response to interventions and treatments

    The role of sonographic phenotyping in delivering an efficient non-invasive prenatal diagnosis (NIPD) service for FGFR3-related skeletal dysplasias

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    Objectives: To evaluate the diagnostic yield of noninvasive prenatal diagnosis (NIPD) for FGFR3‐related skeletal dysplasias and assess the accuracy of referrals based on sonographic findings to inform guidelines for referral. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed laboratory and referral records from 2012 to 2018 to ascertain all NIPD tests performed using our next generation sequencing panel to detect FGFR3 mutations. We calculated the diagnostic yield of the test overall and when sub‐divided according to the phenotypic features identified on ultrasound before testing. Pregnancy outcomes were ascertained wherever possible from referring centers. Results: Of 335 tests, 261 were referred because of sonographic findings, of which 80 (31.3%) had a mutation. The diagnostic yield when short limbs were the only abnormal sonographic feature reported was 17.9% (30/168), increasing to 48.9% (23/47) in the presence of one, and 82.6% (19/23) in the presence of two or more characteristic features in addition to short limbs. Conclusions: Accurate sonographic phenotyping can maximise the diagnostic yield of NIPD in fetuses suspected to have FGFR3‐related skeletal dysplasias. We suggest that clear guidelines for referral are necessary to increase benefits, decrease costs by preventing unnecessary NIPD, and potentially allow first‐line broader spectrum testing for fetuses where the aetiology may be more heterogeneous

    Development and validation of a measure of informed choice for women undergoing non-invasive prenatal testing for aneuploidy.

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    Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) using cell-free DNA for aneuploidy is a highly accurate screening test; however, concerns exist around the potential for routinisation of testing. The multidimensional measure of informed choice (MMIC) is a quantitative instrument developed to assess informed choice for Down syndrome screening (DSS). We have validated a modified MMIC for NIPT and measured informed choice among women offered NIPT in a public health service. The measure was distributed to women recruited across eight maternity units in the United Kingdom who had accepted DSS. Construct validity was assessed by simultaneously conducting qualitative interviews. Five hundred and eighty-five questionnaires were completed and 45 interviews conducted after blood-draw (or equivalent for those that declined NIPT). The measure demonstrated good internal consistency and internal validity. Results indicate the vast majority of women (89%) made an informed choice; 95% were judged to have good knowledge, 88% had a positive attitude and 92% had deliberated. Of the 11% judged to have made an uninformed choice, 55% had not deliberated, 41% had insufficient knowledge, and 19% had a negative attitude. Ethnicity (OR=2.78, P=0.003) and accepting NIPT (OR=16.05, P=0.021) were found to be significant predictors of informed choice. The high rate of informed choice is likely to reflect the importance placed on the provision of pre-test counselling in this study. It will be vital to ensure that this is maintained once NIPT is offered in routine clinical practice

    Noninvasive Prenatal Diagnosis of Single-Gene Diseases: The Next Frontier

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    BACKGROUND: Cell-free fetal DNA (cffDNA) is present in the maternal blood from around 4 weeks gestation and makes up 5%-20% of the total circulating cell-free DNA (cfDNA) in maternal plasma. Presence of cffDNA has allowed development of noninvasive prenatal diagnosis (NIPD) for single-gene disorders. This can be performed from 9 weeks gestation and offers a definitive diagnosis without the miscarriage risk associated with invasive procedures. One of the major challenges is distinguishing fetal mutations in the high background of maternal cfDNA, and research is currently focusing on the technological advances required to solve this problem. CONTENT: Here, we review the literature to describe the current status of NIPD for monogenic disorders and discuss how the evolving methodologies and technologies are expected to impact this field in both the commercial and public healthcare setting. SUMMARY: NIPD for single-gene diseases was first reported in 2000 and took 12 years to be approved for use in a public health service. Implementation has remained slow but is expected to increase as this testing becomes cheaper, faster, and more accurate. There are still many technical and analytical challenges ahead, and it is vital that discussions surrounding the ethical and social impact of NIPD take account of the considerations required to implement these services safely into the healthcare setting, while keeping up with the technological advances

    Lung aeration on post-mortem magnetic resonance imaging is a useful marker of live birth versus stillbirth.

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    Aim of this study was to investigate whether lung assessment on post-mortem magnetic resonance imaging (PMMR) can reliably differentiate between live birth and stillbirth

    Non-invasive prenatal testing for aneuploidy: a systematic review of Internet advertising to potential users by commercial companies and private health providers.

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    BACKGROUND: The development of non-invasive prenatal testing has increased accessibility of fetal testing. Companies are now advertising prenatal testing for aneuploidy via the Internet. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this systematic review of websites advertising non-invasive prenatal testing for aneuploidy was to explore the nature of the information being provided to potential users. METHODS: We systematically searched two Internet search engines for relevant websites using the following terms: 'prenatal test', 'antenatal test', 'non-invasive test', 'noninvasive test', 'cell-free fetal DNA', 'cffDNA', 'Down syndrome test' or 'trisomy test'. We examined the first 200 websites identified through each search. Relevant web-based text was examined, and key topics were identified, tabulated and counted. To analyse the text further, we used thematic analysis. MAIN RESULTS: Forty websites were identified. Whilst a number of sites provided balanced, accurate information, in the majority supporting evidence was not provided to underpin the information and there was inadequate information on the need for an invasive test to definitely diagnose aneuploidy. CONCLUSIONS: The information provided on many websites does not comply with professional recommendations. Guidelines are needed to ensure that companies offering prenatal testing via the Internet provide accurate and comprehensible information