2 research outputs found

    An Efficient Heuristic for a Discrete Optimization Problem

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    In this paper we deal with a discrete optimization problem, which, among many other such problems, is computationally intractable. Since the existence of an exact solution algorithm for our problem is highly unlikely, the development of heuristic and approximation algorithms is of a great importance. Here we briefly discuss this issue and describe a robust 2-approximation heuristic that is used for getting an approximation solution for the problem of scheduling jobs with release times and due-dates on a single machine to minimize the maximum job lateness

    Adjusting scheduling model with release and due dates in production planning

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    Motivated by the conjecture that an interaction between scheduling and pre-scheduling phases in production planning may give certain benefits, we conduct a detailed study of the optimality conditions and dominance relations for a strongly NP-hard single-machine scheduling model when jobs have release and due-dates and the objective is to minimize maximum job lateness. By exploring the inherent structure of the problem, we establish the optimality conditions when the problem can be efficiently solved. We come to an NP-hard special case of the problem with only two possible job release times, that as we show allows stricter dominance rules and optimality conditions verifiable in polynomial time. The established properties give a potential of a beneficial interaction between scheduling and pre-scheduling phases in production planning, and also provide basic theoretical background for the construction of efficient heuristic and implicit enumerative algorithms