301 research outputs found

    On the Public Economics of Casino Gambling

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    This paper studies casino-style gambling from the public economics point of view in a jurisdiction populated by oligopolistically competitive legal casinos. We consider three different regimes: laissez-faire, entry regulation and tax regulation. The model highlights three important external effects from casino-style gambling: non-casino income creation, social disorder costs, and casino exporting to other jurisdictions. In the generalized case with an endogenously-determined ratio of local to total gamblers, we allow the configuration of casinos to be centralized or jurisdiction-wide dispersed. A complete comparison between equilibrium and command optimum outcomes is provided, and the welfare consequences under the three regimes and two casino configurations are examined.Casino gambling, externalities, oligopoly pricing, entry, tax regulation

    The Overshooting Hypothesis of Agricultural Prices: The Role of Asset Substitutability

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    By allowing for various degrees of asset substitutability between bonds and agricultural products, this paper reexamines the robustness of the overshooting hypothesis of agricultural product prices. It is found, in both a closed economy and an open economy, that the crucial factor determining whether agricultural prices overshoot or undershoot their long-run response following an expansion in the money stock depends upon the extent of asset substitutability between bonds and agricultural goods.asset substitutability, commodity prices, overshooting, Demand and Price Analysis,

    Working Hours Reduction and Endogenous Growth

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    This paper formulates an endogenous growth model and uses it to inquire into the long-run impact of work-sharing arrangements on economic growth. We show that the styles of wage contract, namely salary-style and hourly-style contracts, are a key factor in determining the long-run growth effects of working time reduction. If the labor market is overwhelmingly salaried arrangement, then the extent of wage flexibility is relatively low; as a consequence, a policy of reducing working hours will deteriorate economic growth. On the contrary, if hourly pay predominates, then the wage system tends to increase the degree of wage flexibility. Thus, a cut in working time may favor the economy’s growth rate.Working hours reduction, Endogenous growth

    A “Managerial” Trade Union and Economic Growth

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    By setting up a simple Romer-type (1989) endogenous growth model embodying a political trade union (rather than the traditional economic labor union), this paper explores the effects of unionization on unemployment, growth and welfare by highlighting the essence of internal conflict within the union. It is shown that the conflicting interests between the leadership and membership within the union play a decisive role in the unemployment, growth and welfare effects of unionization. Given the fact that taxation, besides unions, is another potential candidate in explaining the poor performance of employment and economic growth, we re-examine the taxation effects within the growth model with equilibrium unemployment caused by the presence of the trade union and compare our findings with those for the traditional full-employment growth model. In addition, the dynamic properties of the unionized economy are also examined, with particular emphasis being placed on the role of the trade union in the formation of equilibrium indeterminacy.Managerial trade union, collective bargaining, unemployment, economic growth

    Interest Rate Rules, Target Policies, and Endogenous Economic Growth in an Open Economy

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    This paper sets up an endogenous growth model of an open economy in which the monetary authority implements a gradualist interest-rate rule with targets for inflation and economic growth. We show that, under a passive rule, a monetary equilibrium exists and is unique; moreover, the equilibrium is locally determinate. Under an active rule, the open economy either generates multiple equilibria or does not have any equilibrium. If equilibria exist, the high-growth equilibrium is locally determinate while the low-growth equilibrium is a source. Besides these, the stabilization and growth effects of alternative target policies are also explored in this study.Nominal interest rate rules, gradualism, endogenous economic growth

    Comparing the Overhead of Topological and Concatenated Quantum Error Correction

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    This work compares the overhead of quantum error correction with concatenated and topological quantum error-correcting codes. To perform a numerical analysis, we use the Quantum Resource Estimator Toolbox (QuRE) that we recently developed. We use QuRE to estimate the number of qubits, quantum gates, and amount of time needed to factor a 1024-bit number on several candidate quantum technologies that differ in their clock speed and reliability. We make several interesting observations. First, topological quantum error correction requires fewer resources when physical gate error rates are high, white concatenated codes have smaller overhead for physical gate error rates below approximately 10E-7. Consequently, we show that different error-correcting codes should be chosen for two of the studied physical quantum technologies - ion traps and superconducting qubits. Second, we observe that the composition of the elementary gate types occurring in a typical logical circuit, a fault-tolerant circuit protected by the surface code, and a fault-tolerant circuit protected by a concatenated code all differ. This also suggests that choosing the most appropriate error correction technique depends on the ability of the future technology to perform specific gates efficiently

    Abatement R&D, Market Imperfections, and Environmental Policy in an Endogenous Growth Model

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    This paper develops an endogenous growth model featuring environmental externalities, abatement R&D, and market imperfections. We compare the economic performances under three distinct regimes that encompass public abatement, private abatement without tax recycling, and private abatement with tax recycling. It is found that the benefit arising from the private conduct of abatement will be larger if the degree of the firms’ monopoly power is greater. With a reasonably high degree of monopoly power, a mixed abatement policy by which the government recycles environmental tax revenues to subsidize the private abatement R&D is a plausible way of reaching the highest growth rate and welfare

    Abatement R&D, Market Imperfections, and Environmental Policy in an Endogenous Growth Model

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    This paper develops an endogenous growth model featuring environmental externalities, abatement R&D, and market imperfections. We compare the economic performances under three distinct regimes that encompass public abatement, private abatement without tax recycling, and private abatement with tax recycling. It is found that the benefit arising from the private conduct of abatement will be larger if the degree of the firms’ monopoly power is greater. With a reasonably high degree of monopoly power, a mixed abatement policy by which the government recycles environmental tax revenues to subsidize the private abatement R&D is a plausible way of reaching the highest growth rate and welfare