111 research outputs found

    終葵? 鍾馗? : 鍾馗神話的由來

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    「鍾馗」為中國著名的民間俗神,每每提起驅鬼的神祇,都會浮現起他形貌奇醜、捉鬼而食的形象。時至今天,以「鍾馗斬鬼」為改編主題的戲劇、電影仍廣泛流傳;台灣以及國內某些地區仍有「跳鍾馗」的驅鬼逐疫儀式。可見鍾馗斬鬼的故事影響之久遠,以及鍾馗的信仰仍以「活神話」的儀式留存下來。 本文便從鍾馗神話的角度了解鍾馗的由來,剖析當中的演變過程,分析鍾馗所特有的形象與神力,以及活神話「跳鍾馗」儀式的介紹

    Anti-smoking policy in Hong Kong : implementation capacity, action and challenges

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    published_or_final_versionPolitics and Public AdministrationMasterMaster of Public Administratio

    Genome-Wide Association Study of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Southern Chinese Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection

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    One of the most relevant risk factors for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) development is chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, but only a fraction of chronic HBV carriers develop HCC, indicating that complex interactions among viral, environmental and genetic factors lead to HCC in HBV-infected patients. So far, host genetic factors have incompletely been characterized. Therefore, we performed a genome-wide association (GWA) study in a Southern Chinese cohort consisting of 95 HBV-infected HCC patients (cases) and 97 HBV-infected patients without HCC (controls) using the Illumina Human610-Quad BeadChips. The top single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were then validated in an independent cohort of 500 cases and 728 controls. 4 SNPs (rs12682266, rs7821974, rs2275959, rs1573266) at chromosome 8p12 showed consistent association in both the GWA and replication phases (ORcombined = 1.31–1.39; pcombined = 2.71×10−5–5.19×10−4; PARcombined = 26–31%). We found a 2.3-kb expressed sequence tag (EST) in the region using in-silico data mining and verified the existence of the full-length EST experimentally. The expression level of the EST was significantly reduced in human HCC tumors in comparison to the corresponding non-tumorous liver tissues (P<0.001). Results from sequence analysis and in-vitro protein translation study suggest that the transcript might function as a long non-coding RNA. In summary, our study suggests that variations at chromosome 8p12 may promote HCC in patients with HBV. Further functional studies of this region may help understand HBV-associated hepatocarcinogenesis

    Medium-term Outcomes of Myocarditis and Pericarditis following BNT162b2 Vaccination among Adolescents in Hong Kong

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    In this study, we examined the clinical and electrophysiological outcomes of adolescents in Hong Kong who developed myocarditis or pericarditis following BNT162b2 vaccination for COVID-19, and followed-up for 60 to 180 days after their initial diagnosis. Clinical assessments included electrocardiogram (ECG) and echocardiogram at the initial admission and follow-up were compared. Treadmill testing was also performed in some cases. Between 14 June 2021 and 16 February 2022, 53 subjects were approached to participate in this follow-up study, of which 28 patients were followed up for >60 days with a median follow-up period of 100 days (range, 61-178 days) and were included in this study. On admission, 23 patients had ECG abnormalities but no high-grade atrioventricular block. Six patients had echocardiogram abnormalities, including reduced contractility, small rim pericardial effusions, and hyperechoic ventricular walls. All patients achieved complete recovery on follow-up. After discharge, 10 patients (35.7%) reported symptoms, including occasional chest pain, shortness of breath, reduced exercise tolerance, and recurrent vasovagal near-syncope. At follow-up, assessments, including ECGs, were almost all normal. Among the three patients with possible ECG abnormalities, all their echocardiograms or treadmill testings were normal. Sixteen patients (57.1%) underwent treadmill testing at a median of 117 days post-admission, which were also normal. However, at follow-up, there was a significant mean bodyweight increase of 1.81kg (95%CI 0.47-3.1 kg, p=0.01), possibly due to exercise restriction. In conclusion, most adolescents experiencing myocarditis and pericarditis following BNT162b2 vaccination achieved complete recovery. Some patients developed non-specific persistent symptoms, and bodyweight changes shall be monitored


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    嶺南大學亞太老年學研究中心獲華人永遠墳場管理委員會(「華永會」)資助為期一年的「回首.動情.傳承」長者生命故事計劃(「計劃」)。此計劃旨在讓青年人認識長者生命經驗,學習克服困難與挫折以提升抗逆力,建立正向人生觀。 近年,主流媒體經常批評年輕人的負面人生觀,例如:「躺平主義」、「享樂主義」、「犬儒心態」等,亦不時看到青年人輕生的新聞。我們曾在大學內處理過不少受情緒困擾及企圖自殺的個案,與學生深入交流後,發現他們面對着沉重的學業壓力、財政困難或複雜的家庭關係,內心充滿掙扎不安。 此計劃讓嶺大學生與長者導師進行深度的對談,透過了解長者走過的路、他們經歷過的挫折和教訓,給予年輕人生命的啟示。如果我們以旅遊比喻人生,長者就像環遊世界的資深背包客,即使大家遊覽不同的地點、觀賞過不同的風景,他們總能夠分享一些旅遊的心得,讓新手遊客走少一點冤枉路,或領悟到旅遊的樂趣和意義。長者亦可以藉由敍述人生片段回顧他們生命中的故事,學習接納過去,增加自我認同感。青年人創作生命教育書冊,將長者積極的人生觀傳給年輕一代,並藉此鼓勵其他長者豁達地度過餘年。 我們於2022年初招募嶺南大學學生接受「生命故事敍述」培訓,內容包括:本港的人口老化現象、敍述治療理論、與長者溝通的技巧及模擬實踐練習等,以裝備同學的知識和技巧。本中心再向屯門、元朗區的長者機構發邀請信,誠邀長者擔任生命導師接受訪問。 嶺大安排同學以兩人一組的小隊形式,於2022年6至7月期間前往長者中心、日間護理中心、嶺南大學或長者家中,與十二位長者進行深入訪談。訪談結束後,同學根據訪談的內容,為長者書寫他們獨特的生命故事。例如在人離鄉賤的異國環境下,努力打拼事業的Alfred;堅持不懈持續進修的淑芹和馮春林;即使沒機會求學,仍憑一雙巧手闖出一片天的譚惠;在文化大革命的漩渦中,憑着熱忱而改變命運的蘭英;還有為家人無私奉獻的鳳群、歐婆婆、雅芳及細女;離鄉別井勇闖異地的阿美和阿水;即使被家人賣去做「妹仔」,仍能以「阿Q精神」面對的諒餘。 為保障長者的私隱權益,本書內所有刊登之故事皆經過受訪者或社工審閱,部份受訪者選擇以化名的形式來分享自己的故事,我們亦移除了部份敏感的個人資料。https://commons.ln.edu.hk/apias_guide/1008/thumbnail.jp

    International Guideline on Dose Prioritization and Acceptance Criteria in Radiation Therapy Planning for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma

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    Purpose: The treatment of nasopharyngeal carcinoma requires high radiation doses. The balance of the risks of local recurrence owing to inadequate tumor coverage versus the potential damage to the adjacent organs at risk (OARs) is of critical importance. With advancements in technology, high target conformality is possible. Nonetheless, to achieve the best possible dose distribution, optimal setting of dose targets and dose prioritization for tumor volumes and various OARs is fundamental. Radiation doses should always be guided by the As Low As Reasonably Practicable principle. There are marked variations in practice. This study aimed to develop a guideline to serve as a global practical reference. Methods and Materials: A literature search on dose tolerances and normal-tissue complications after treatment for nasopharyngeal carcinoma was conducted. In addition, published guidelines and protocols on dose prioritization and constraints were reviewed. A text document and preliminary set of variants was circulated to a panel of international experts with publications or extensive experience in the field. An anonymized voting process was conducted to rank the proposed variants. A summary of the initial voting and different opinions expressed by members were then recirculated to the whole panel for review and reconsideration. Based on the comments of the panel, a refined second proposal was recirculated to the same panel. The current guideline was based on majority voting after repeated iteration for final agreement. Results: Variation in opinion among international experts was repeatedly iterated to develop a guideline describing appropriate dose prioritization and constraints. The percentage of final agreement on the recommended parameters and alternative views is shown. The rationale for the recommendations and the limitations of current evidence are discussed. Conclusions: Through this comprehensive review of available evidence and interactive exchange of vast experience by international experts, a guideline was developed to provide a practical reference for setting dose prioritization and acceptance criteria for tumor volumes and OARs. The final decision on the treatment prescription should be based on the individual clinical situation and the patient's acceptance of optimal balance of risk. (C) 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    International Recommendations on Reirradiation by Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy for Locally Recurrent Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma

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    Purpose: Reirradiation for locally recurrent nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is challenging because prior radiation dose delivered in the first course is often close to the tolerance limit of surrounding normal structures. A delicate balance between achieving local salvage and minimizing treatment toxicities is needed. However, high-level evidence is lacking because available reports are mostly retrospective studies on small series of patients. Pragmatic consensus guidelines, based on an extensive literature search and the pooling of opinions by leading specialists, will provide a useful reference to assist decision-making for these difficult decisions. Methods and Materials: A thorough review of available literature on recurrent NPC was conducted. A set of questions and preliminary draft guideline was circulated to a panel of international specialists with extensive experience in this field for voting on controversial areas and comments. A refined second proposal, based on a summary of the initial voting and different opinions expressed, was recirculated to the whole panel for review and reconsideration. The current guideline was based on majority voting after repeated iteration for final agreement. Results: The initial round of questions showed variations in clinical practice even among the specialists, reflecting the lack of high-quality supporting data and the difficulties in formulating clinical decisions. Through exchange of comments and iterative revisions, recommendations with high-to-moderate agreement were formulated on general treatment strategies and details of reirradiation (including patient selection, targets contouring, dose prescription, and constraints). Conclusion: This paper provides useful reference on radical salvage treatment strategies for recurrent NPC and optimization of reirradiation through review of published evidence and consensus building. However, the final decision by the attending clinician must include full consideration of an individual patient's condition, understanding of the delicate balance between risk and benefits, and acceptance of risk of complications. (C) 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved