322 research outputs found

    The Archaeology of Immateriality

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    Despite changes in archaeological theory and practice over the past 40 years, most archaeologists are still not very good at acknowledging that ā€œsignificanceā€ is context-dependent and non-material. In this paper I present two cases studies from New England where archaeologists collaborated with Native peoples on sites that had significant preservation concerns. I evaluate to what extent these projects were successful in their goal of decolonizing archaeology. I call for a definition of materiality that acknowledges that tangible objects and their intangible contexts and meanings are inextricable, and that values are continuously created and recreated in the present by a variety of memory communities

    Digging and Destruction: Artifact Collecting as Meaningful Social Practice

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    Collected sites are commonly seen as places requiring expert intervention to ā€˜save the pastā€™ from destruction by artifact collectors and looters. Despite engaging directly with the physical effects of collecting and vandalism, little attention is given to the meanings of these actions and the contributions they make to the stories told about sites or the past more broadly. Professional archaeologists often position their engagement with site destruction as heritage ā€˜salvageā€™ and regard collecting as lacking any value in contemporary society. Repositioning collecting as meaningful social practice and heritage action raises the question: in failing to understand legal or illegal collecting as significant to heritage, have archaeologists contributed to the erasure of acts that aim to work out identities, memories and senses of place, and contribute to an individualā€™s or groupā€™s sense of ontological security? This question is explored through a case study from the New England region of North America where archaeologists have allied with Native American and other stakeholders to advocate for heritage protection by taking an anti-looting/collecting stance. We explore alternatives to this position that engage directly with forms of collecting as meaningful social practices that are largely erased in site narratives

    Maturity and growth of female dusky rockfish (Sebastes variabilis) in the central Gulf of Alaska

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    The dusky rockfish (Sebastes variabilis) has recently been resurrected as a distinct species in the genus Sebastes. Reproductive biology and growth were examined for this redescribed species in the central Gulf of Alaska. Age and length at 50% maturity were 9.2 years and 365 mm fork length, respectively, which are lower than previously reported. Fertilized ova and eyed embryos were observed in April and evidence of postparturition was not observed until May. The gonadosomatic index decreased with the onset of postparturition in May. Von Bertalanffy growth parameters for female dusky rockfish, estimated from the maturity samples, were significantly different from growth parameters derived from Gulf of Alaska fishery-independent survey data

    Earning More, Receiving Less: Loss of Benefits and Child Hunger

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    New research from Children's HealthWatch shows that increases in income that trigger loss of public assistance benefits can leave young children without enough food to eat. Families hat have been cut off from SNAP or TANF when their income exceeds eligibility limits are more likely to experience levels of food insecurity that require reducing the size or frequency of children's meals compared to those currently receiving benefits. Previous research has demonstrated that both SNAP and TANF reduce the likelihood of food insecurity. Income eligibility guidelines should be re-examined to ensure that a modest increase in income does not disqulaify a family from the benefits they need to keep their children healthy and well-fed. Families that successfully increase their earnings should not find themselves worse off due to a resulting loss of benefits

    Children of Immigrants: Healthy Beginnings Derailed by Food Insecurity

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    Children of immigrants are the fastest growing child population in the United States. More than 20 percent of children under age six have immigrant parents; approximately 93 percent of these children are American citizens.Of the children who are non-citizens, two-thirds will grow up to become citizens, playing a critical role in our nation's future
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