48 research outputs found

    France's strategy in the Baltic region: military and political aspects

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    This article examines the current military-political strategy of France in the Baltic region. This area has not traditionally been among the main priorities of French diplomacy. However, under President Emmanuel Macron, France pays closer attention to the Baltic Sea due to the growing tension between Russia and the West. According to France's key strategic documents, the government assesses the present-day situation mainly in a negative way, considering Russian actions as the main reason for the militarization of the region and expressing its readiness to show solidarity with NATO allies. On this basis, Paris is gradually increasing its military presence in the Baltic region, which now exceeds its contingents in the Middle East and the Sahel. For example, French forces still participate in the NATO air policing programme as well as in naval exercises, keeping the troops in Estonia within the Lynx mission. France's further activity in the region includes enhanced cooperation with Sweden and Finland after they accede to NATO, an already planned increase in military contingent in the Baltic States in 2023, and the development of the European Political Community project. The author concludes that even if France's presence in the Baltic does not yet pose a critical threat to Russian security, Paris's policy is becoming more pro-Atlantic to the detriment of previous statements about ‘European sovereignty’ and dialogue with Russia

    French Arms Export Policy: Features and Prospects

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    Introduction. As part of French foreign policy, arms trade is currently considered to be a specific way to promote national influence in the world and support defense industry at home. This approach has been already exercised for several decades, but the last presidency was an entirely new and interesting point in this respect because in 2015 and 2016 French arms trade attained the highest income rates. Methods. The key notion of this article is French ‘strategic autonomy’ which remains a pivotal point of any diplomatic activity of France since Charles de Gaulle’s presidency. Arms export perfectly corresponds to this point because it helps to maintain French autonomy in economic and political ways. To prove it, several methods were provided such as functional method, comparative analysis and SWOT-analysis. Analysis. This article aims to identify the specifics of contemporary French arms export policy. In this regard, the text is divided in three parts. The first one defines military export as a part of ‘strategic autonomy’ concept. To explain the recent growth, the second part explores a new governmental approach to arms trade. The third part brings together the issues and prospects of French military export expected for Emmanuel Macron’s term. Results. The main conclusion is that the new president seems to conduct the same policy as his predecessor. The government has reaffirmed its main principles in the field and renewed a political support for arms contracts. Military cooperation with foreign countries still officially depends on the idea of ‘strategic autonomy’ of France and its defense industry


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    The article analyzes various leading paradigm of psychological theory of personal adaptation. The authors consider adaptation by means of integrative approach in psychology. Everything in nature has a unified and holistic origin and this constitutes a hierarchy in which each element is “whole” in relation to the parts and “part” in relation to the bigger one. Therefore, personal adaptability is considered in the research as an integrative feature of cadets in the military academies.В статье проанализированы различные ведущие парадигмы психологической теории процесса адаптации личности. Адаптация рассмотрена через интегративный подход в психологии. Все в природе обладает целостностью, сама природа целостна и представляет собой иерархию, в которой каждый элемент является «целым» по отношению к своим частям и «частью» по отношению к большему целому. Так и адаптивность личности рассматривается в проведенном нами исследовании как интегративная особенность курсантов в военных вузах

    Изотопный состав атмосферных осадков и природных вод в районе Баренцбурга (Шпицберген)

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    In 2016–2017, during Russian Arctic Expedition on Svalbard (RAE‑S) we have collected the samples of atmospheric precipitation, terrestrial waters, snow and ice on Spitsbergen island in the vicinity of Grønfjorden. The measurements of stable water isotope content (δ18O and δD) in the atmospheric precipitation has allowed to draw the Local Meteoric Water Line (δD = 6,93δ18O − 0,35) and to analyze the relationship between the isotopic content and condensation temperature. Aside from this, the d-excess values in precipitation (dexc= δD − 8δ18O) was interpreted as a marker of the moisture source. It has been demonstrated that the isotopic content of the surface waters (lakes and rivers) clearly points to the dominating type of feeding (atmospheric, ground) of these hydrological objects. We have discovered the interannual variability of the isotopic composition of Lake Kongress water during 2 years and defined the sources of water in its tributes: 13 of them have atmospheric source and 9 – ground source. In general, isotopic content of water in the vicinity of Grønfjorden (mean values are: δ18O = −10,3 ‰, δD = −72,5 ‰) is higher than in other regions of Svalbard.Ключевые слова: атмосферные осадки, изотопный состав, природные воды, Шпицберген. Приведена интерпретация изотопных исследований проб воды, снега и льда, отобранных на ледниках Альдегонда, Западный и Восточный Грёнфьорд и в их долинах (озёра, снежники, реки), а также в долине оз. Конгресс. На основании анализа изотопного состава атмосферных осадков в посёлке Баренцбург в 2016–2017 гг. обсуждается использование изотопного состава как индикатора источника влаги для атмосферных осадков


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    In the circumstances of growing international tensions, changes in interrelations between Russia and different European states, it is of urgent demand to study concrete strategies that are connected with defence and security of leading European states. These strategies present the following information: self-positioning of a state in the world, defining of key partners, dangers, risks, resources to develop military sphere and ideology of foreign policy activities. The European Union is still one of the most important economic partners of Russia, at the same time our partnership is limited by mutual. Besides that, we witness growth of anti-Russian declarations and actions. This situation makes us develop analysis of interstate relations considering such criteria as military and political resources, coalitions, positioning of a state. Here, of particular importance is the understanding of the national interests of the states, both in the broad context of international relations and in relation to Russia. In addition, it is the analysis of strategic documents that makes it possible to correctly solve the security dilemma by analyzing the choice made by the state between rivalry and cooperation.Taking into account the traditional historical experience and current events, it can be said that the positions of France and Great Britain lined up the construction of Europe. It is no coincidence that now it is France, and not Germany, which is proposing military-strategic initiatives for the European Union. And the UK is still conducting a selection of initiatives, seeking to preserve the status of a state that ensures European security. It is especially interesting to compare the strategies of these states in the context of Brexit.In the article, the authors compare documents in the field of security and defense of Great Britain and France, specifically: the tasks, tools and “image of the world” that are advanced in the military-political doctrines and strategies of the countries. These data are necessary for understanding the development of Europe as a whole in the field of security and defense, the directions of projecting the positions indicated in the doctrines on interaction with Russia and other key international players