303 research outputs found

    The Role of ATP in Sleep Regulation

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    One of the functions of sleep is to maintain energy balance in the brain. There are a variety of hypotheses related to how metabolic pathways interact with sleep/wake regulation. A major finding that demonstrates an interaction between sleep and metabolic homeostasis is the involvement of adenosine in sleep homeostasis. An accumulation of adenosine is supplied from ATP, which can act as an energy currency in the cell. Extracellularly, ATP can act as an activity-dependent signaling molecule, especially in regard to communication between neurons and glia, including astrocytes. Furthermore, the intracellular AMP/ATP ratio controls the activity of AMP-activated protein kinase, which is a potent energy regulator and is recently reported to play a role in the regulation of sleep homeostasis. Brain ATP may support multiple functions in the regulation of the sleep/wake cycle and sleep homeostasis

    ATP and sleep

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    One of the functions of sleep is to maintain energy balance in the brain. There are a variety of hypotheses related to how metabolic pathways interact with sleep/wake regulation. A major finding that demonstrates an interaction between sleep and metabolic homeostasis is the involvement of adenosine in sleep homeostasis. An accumulation of adenosine is supplied from ATP, which can act as an energy currency in the cell. Extracellularly, ATP can act as an activity-dependent signaling molecule, especially in regard to communication between neurons and glia, including astrocytes. Furthermore, the intracellular AMP/ATP ratio controls the activity of AMP-activated protein kinase, which is a potent energy regulator and is recently reported to play a role in the regulation of sleep homeostasis. Brain ATP may support multiple functions in the regulation of the sleep/wake cycle and sleep homeostasis

    Rotigotine suppresses sleep-related muscle activity augmented by injection of dialysis patients’ sera in a mouse model of restless legs syndrome

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    Idiopathic restless legs syndrome (RLS) has a genetic basis wherein BTBD9 is associated with a higher risk of RLS. Hemodialysis patients also exhibit higher rates of RLS compared with the healthy population. However, little is known about the relationship of BTBD9 and end-stage renal disease to RLS pathophysiology. Here we evaluated sleep and leg muscle activity of Btbd9 mutant (MT) mice after administration of serum from patients with either idiopathic or RLS due to end-stage renal disease (renal RLS) and investigated the efficacy of treatment with the dopamine agonist rotigotine. At baseline, the amount of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep was decreased and leg muscle activity during non-REM (NREM) sleep was increased in MT mice compared to wild-type (WT) mice. Wake-promoting effects of rotigotine were attenuated by injection of serum from RLS patients in both WT and MT mice. Leg muscle activity during NREM sleep was increased only in MT mice injected with serum from RLS patients of ideiopatic and renal RLS. Subsequent treatment with rotigotine ameliorated this altered leg muscle activity. Together these results support previous reports showing a relationship between the Btbd9/dopamine system and RLS, and elucidate in part the pathophysiology of RLS

    Feeding Rhythm-Induced Hypothalamic Agouti-Related Protein Elevation via Glucocorticoids Leads to Insulin Resistance in Skeletal Muscle

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    Circadian phase shifts in peripheral clocks induced by changes in feeding rhythm often result in insulin resistance. However, whether the hypothalamic control system for energy metabolism is involved in the feeding rhythm-related development of insulin resistance is unknown. Here, we show the physiological significance and mechanism of the involvement of the agouti-related protein (AgRP) in evening feeding-associated alterations in insulin sensitivity. Evening feeding during the active dark period increased hypothalamic AgRP expression and skeletal muscle insulin resistance in mice. Inhibiting AgRP expression by administering an antisense oligo or a glucocorticoid receptor antagonist mitigated these effects. AgRP-producing neuron-specific glucocorticoid receptor-knockout (AgRP-GR-KO) mice had normal skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity even under evening feeding schedules. Hepatic vagotomy enhanced AgRP expression in the hypothalamus even during ad-lib feeding in wild-type mice but not in AgRP-GR-KO mice. The findings of this study indicate that feeding in the late active period may affect hypothalamic AgRP expression via glucocorticoids and induce skeletal muscle insulin resistance

    Dissolution Properties of CO2 in the High Pressure Environment Equivalent to 3500m Deep Sea

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    AbstractThe purpose of the present study is to investigate the influence of CO2 hydrate formation and dissociation on the dissolution properties of liquid CO2. In order to clarify the influence of CO2 hydrate formation and dissociation, pressure and temperature are measured under both conditions of hydrate region and non-hydrate region. Hysteresis is obtained in the formation and dissociation of CO2 hydrate as a function of temperature. It is confirmed that there is hysteresis in the case of hydrate region, however, virtually no hysteresis in the case of non-hydrate region. As the result, it is confirmed that hysteresis is caused by CO2 hydrate and all hysteresis loop obtained in this study are all different, though experiment conditions is almost same. In other words, it is suggested that the amount of CO2 hydrate is constant chang

    Role of orexin in exercise-induced leptin sensitivity in the mediobasal hypothalamus of mice

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    Orexin is known as an important neuropeptide in the regulation of energy metabolism. However, the role of orexin in exercise-induced leptin sensitivity in the hypothalamus has been unclear. In this study, we determined the effect of transient treadmill exercise on leptin sensitivity in the mediobasal hypothalamus (MBH) of mice and examined the role of orexin in post-exercise leptin sensitivity. Treadmill running for 45 min increased the orexin neuron activity in mice. Intraperitoneal injection of a submaximal dose of leptin after exercise stimulated the phosphorylation of signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) in MBH of mice post-exercise compared with that in non-exercised mice, although intracerebroventricular (icv) injection of leptin did not enhance STAT3 phosphorylation, even after exercise. Icv injection of an orexin receptor antagonist, SB334867 reduced STAT3 phosphorylation, which was enhanced by icv injection of orexin but not by direct injection of orexin into MBH. Exercise increased the phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERKs) in the MBH of mice, while ERK phosphorylation was reduced by SB334867. Leptin injection after exercise increased the leptin level in MBH, whereas icv injection of SB334867 suppressed the increase in the leptin level in MBH of mice. These results indicate that the activation of orexin neurons by exercise may contribute to the enhancement of leptin sensitivity in MBH. This effect may be mediated by increased transportation of circulating leptin into MBH, with the involvement of ERK phosphorylation


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    Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARα) is a transcription factor that belongs to the nuclear receptor family and plays an important role in regulating gene expression associated with lipid metabolism. PPARα promotes hepatic fatty acid oxidation and ketogenesis in response to fasting. Because energy metabolism is known to affect sleep regulation, manipulations that change PPARα are likely to affect sleep and other physiological phenotypes. In this study, we examined the role of PPARα in sleep/wake regulation using PPARα knockout (KO) mice. Sleep, body temperature (BT), locomotor activity, arterial pressure (AP) and heart rate (HR) were recorded in KO mice and wild-type (WT) controls under ad libitum-fed conditions and 24-hour food deprivation (FD). KO and WT mice were identical in basal sleep amount, BT, mean AP and HR, although KO mice showed enhanced sleepiness (enhanced EEG slow-wave activity). In response to FD, KO mice showed a large drop in wakefulness and locomotor activity at the end of the dark phase, whereas WT mice did not. Similarly, AP and HR, which were suppressed by FD, decreased more in KO than in WT mice. Compared to WT mice, KO mice showed a reduced concentration of plasma ketone bodies and decreased mRNA expression of the ketogenic enzyme gene Hmgcs2 in the liver and brain under FD conditions. These results suggest that PPARα and/or lipid metabolism is involved in the maintenance of wakefulness and locomotor activity during fasting in mice


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    Mast cells (MCs) exist intracranially and have been reported to affect higher brain functions in rodents. However, the role of MCs in the regulation of emotionality and social behavior is unclear. In the present study, using male mice, we examined the relationship between MCs and social behavior and investigated the underlying mechanisms. Wild-type male mice intraventricularly injected with a degranulator of MCs exhibited a marked increase in a three-chamber sociability test. In addition, removal of MCs in Mast cell-specific Toxin Receptor-mediated Conditional cell Knock out (Mas-TRECK) male mice showed reduced social preference levels in a three-chamber sociability test without other behavioral changes, such as anxiety-like and depression-like behavior. Mas-TRECK male mice also had reduced serotonin content and serotonin receptor expression and increased oxytocin receptor expression in the brain. These results suggested that MCs may contribute to the regulation of social behavior in male mice. This effect may be partially mediated by serotonin derived from MCs in the brain