1,708 research outputs found

    Structural Break or Asymmetry? An Empirical Study of the Stock Wealth Effect on Consumption

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine whether the stock wealth effect of consumption exhibits structural change(s) or behaves asymmetrically over business cycles. We first perform a general test of linearity for the behavior of aggregate consumption in response to changes in stock wealth based on Hamilton's (2001) approach. When a nonlinear relation is discovered, we move on to investigate the source(s) of this nonlinearity. We consider two types of nonlinearity: structural break and asymmetry. It is of interest to policy makers whether the sensitivity of consumption to changes in households' financial wealth shows a significant shift over time due to institutional and policy changes, and whether consumption is likely to decline more due to stock wealth shrinkage when the economy is in a downturn, as has been found in investmeconsumption, stock wealth, asymmetric effect, structural change

    Different Implications of Paternal and Maternal Atopy for Perinatal IgE Production and Asthma Development

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    Asthma is a hereditary disease associated with IgE-mediated reaction. Whether maternal atopy and paternal atopy have different impacts on perinatal IgE production and asthma development remains unclear. This paper reviews and summarizes the effects of maternal and paternal atopy on the developmental aspects of IgE production and asthma. Maternal atopy affects both pre- and postnatal IgE production, whereas paternal atopy mainly affects the latter. Maternally transmitted genes GSTP1 and FceRI-beta are associated with lung function and allergic sensitization, respectively. In IgE production and asthma development, the maternal influence on gene-environment interaction is greater than paternal influence. Maternal, paternal, and/or postnatal environmental modulation of allergic responses have been linked to epigenetic mechanisms, which may be good targets for early prevention of asthma

    Complementary Traditional Chinese Medicine Therapy for Traumatic Brain Injury

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    The number of cases of traumatic brain injury (TBI) is increasing daily, predominantly because of the increasing rate of motor vehicle accidents. TBI has become one of the major causes of mortality and morbidity worldwide among individuals of all ages. TBI-inducing accidents usually occur very suddenly, leading to a heavy burden for both families and society at large. Beside conventional treatments such as surgery, medication, and rehabilitation, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a promising complementary therapy that is practiced worldwide. This chapter will investigate the advances in TCM therapy for TBI

    Low-rank matrix recovery with structural incoherence for robust face recognition

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    We address the problem of robust face recognition, in which both training and test image data might be corrupted due to occlusion and disguise. From standard face recog-nition algorithms such as Eigenfaces to recently proposed sparse representation-based classification (SRC) methods, most prior works did not consider possible contamination of data during training, and thus the associated performance might be degraded. Based on the recent success of low-rank matrix recovery, we propose a novel low-rank matrix ap-proximation algorithm with structural incoherence for ro-bust face recognition. Our method not only decomposes raw training data into a set of representative basis with corre-sponding sparse errors for better modeling the face images, we further advocate the structural incoherence between the basis learned from different classes. These basis are en-couraged to be as independent as possible due to the regu-larization on structural incoherence. We show that this pro-vides additional discriminating ability to the original low-rank models for improved performance. Experimental re-sults on public face databases verify the effectiveness and robustness of our method, which is also shown to outper-form state-of-the-art SRC based approaches. 1

    Fault Zone Resistivity Structure and Monitoring at the Taiwan Chelungpu Drilling Project (TCDP)

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    The Taiwan Chelungpu-fault drilling project (TCDP) has undertaken scientific drilling and directly sampled the sub-surface rupture of the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake. Audio-magnetotelluric (AMT) measurements were used to investigate electrical resistivity structure at the TCDP site from 2004 - 2006. These data show a geoelectric strike direction of N15°E to N30°E. Inversion and forward modeling of the AMT data were used to generate a 1-D resistivity model that has a prominent low resistivity zone (< 10 ohm-m) between depths of 1100 and 1500 m. When combined with porosity measurements, theAMT measurements imply that the ground water has a resistivity of 0.55 ohm-m at the depth of the fault zone

    Semantic Segmentation Using Super Resolution Technique as Pre-Processing

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    Combining high-level and low-level visual tasks is a common technique in the field of computer vision. This work integrates the technique of image super resolution to semantic segmentation for document image binarization. It demonstrates that using image super-resolution as a preprocessing step can effectively enhance the results and performance of semantic segmentation