46 research outputs found
With regard to recognition of color image at the early stage of color training (after finishing of training over three times : the three-times training category), an evaluation applied the semantic differential technique indicates the following results : (1) In the grading according to five ranks against color combination, ratings by subjects who belong to three-times training category were closely resembled. (2)As a result of multiple factor analysis for color image, subjects belonging to twice training category selected "clear" as factor 1 and "delicate" as factor 2. On the contrary, subject of the three-times training category indicated an opposite result ("delicate" as factor 1 and "clear" as factor 2). (3)Three-times training changed the basic recognition of color image regarding color combination in similar distant score
The following three results are reached by the semantic differential technique which is applied for the purpose to find the correlation between the continuous color training and the recognition of color image. (1) There are a few effects by continuous color training against both the grading by subjects and the image profile of color combination. (2) At the early stage, common factors controlling image features are replaced between Factor1 and Factor2,but a few effects of continuance causes this replacement. (3) The basic recognition of color image regarding the color combination changes in similar distant score. The difference in the basic recognition is noted obviously by the continuous color training
被服の色彩嗜好と評価に及ぼす呈示刺激素材の影響 : 予備測定結果
今回,色彩嗜好調査・測定に用いられる試料素材の有効性を検討することを目的に,異なる2つの試料素材を呈示する一対比較法を用いて,色の嗜好や評価に影響を与える刺激素材を検討する予備測定を行った。その結果より次の点が示唆された。1)色相R(赤),B(青),G(緑),Gy(灰色)は嗜好と評価に素材の相違による影響は少なく,トーナルカラーを嗜好調査・測定の試料素材としても問題はないことが今回の測定では示された。2)主効果に有意差が認められ,嗜好あるいは評価に素材の種類が影響すると考えられる色相はY(黄),W(白),Bk(黒)であった。ただし,色相Yと色相Wは高明度色で台紙の色の影響を受けたため,さらに測定方法に検討の余地がある。3)主効果の推定値は色相Yと色相Wで同傾向を示し,クレープペーパー(紙),ブロード(布),トーナルカラー(紙)の順に嗜好と評価の程度が高くなった。4)色相Bk(黒)は主効果の分散比値が顕著に高い上に,素材ごとの推定値も差が大きく,トーナルカラー,クレープペーパー,ブロードの順に嗜好と評価の程度が高くなる結果となった。色相Bkでは色彩嗜好調査・測定の試料素材としてトーナルカラーを用いた場合,正確で充分な結果の把握は難しいのではないかと考えられる。なお,本報告は色彩フォーラムin福岡~第1回色彩研究会(2002年12月)において口頭発表した内容に,加筆訂正したものである。The purpose of this study is to clarify the availability of colored paper used for color stimulus under the research of preferred colors of clothing. Seven basic colors (i.e. red, blue, yellow, green, white, grey, black) were selected as color stimulus, and which were consisted of three kinds of materials (i.e. colored paper, crepe paper, cotton broad cloth). Six combinations provided by a matting of three kinds of materials were evaluated by twelve panelists who were healthy young females and those results were analyzed by Scheffes paired comparison test. The results of measurements in this study suggest the following points; 1) With regard to red, blue, green and grey, very few difference between three materials used for stimulus was observed from those measurements. I reached to be no problem that colored paper is used as stimulus in red, blue, green and grey on the research of preferred colors of clothing. 2) Concerning yellow, white and black, statistically significant differences were noted between three kinds of materials used for stimulus. However there is room to improve the choice of materials on those measurements, because yellow and white are the highest and the second highest bright colors respectively. 3) According to comparison of distance scale for the sensory evaluation of materials obtained from Scheffe\u27s paired comparison test, yellow and white were higher in order of crepe paper, cotton broad cloth and colored paper regarding preferred and evaluated materials. 4) As for black, there were significant differences between three materials in all adjective pairs and which were highly significant. These scores were statistically higher with order of colored paper, crepe paper and cotton broad cloth. I concluded that it is difficult for black to obtain correct results when colored paper is used for color stimulus on the research of preferred colors of clothing
For determination of the position of sleeve cap point so that the sleeves are fitting on the arm in various forms, an examination on the sleeve cap position was made by sensory tests based on feeling of wearing for motion adaptability and appearance evaluation for aesthetic sense and the following results were obtained. 1. For the construction of the set-in short sleeve, it was best fitting on the arm in various forms except a special one extremely inclined toward the back, of which inclination angle was as large as -10° to set the sleeve cap point to a position posterior to the shoulder peak of the dress body. 2. The best position of sleeve-cap point for sports wears and working wears, of which adaptability to various motions is regarded as most important, was 1.5 cm posterior to the shoulder point of its body. 3. For some wears placed on an importance on motion adaptability, such as sports wears, warking wears, etc., the construction that the sleeve cap point was set to a position shifted 1.5 cm posterior to the shoulder peak of the dress body was best fitting on the arm in most forms except extremely inclined ones by as much as ten degrees. These results show that on construction of short-sleeved dresses as well as long-sleeved ones it is important to tailor a dress by modulating the distance from the sleeve cap point to the shoulder peak of dress body according to the aim of wearing it
In this paper, the author studied and compared the use of color names of 21 samples that are color-standards used in their daily life in Indonesian and Japanese students. The results are summarized as follows : 1) A group of I (Indonesian) uses more types of color names than a group of II (Japanese), no matter what the difference of hue and tone. Higher frequency of the names of colors "red purple" and "pale brown" is identified in both group of I and II, on the contrary, lower frequency of "achromatic color", "brown" and "yellow" is replied from both groups. 2) "Achromatic color", "yellow", "green", "light blue" (both I and II), "pink" (in the group of I), "red", "yellow green", "light green", and "blue" (in the group of II) indicate higher agreement regarding the relationship between color and color name. However, lower agreement is noted in the replies for the remaining samples. As a result of this study, the necessity of redefinition relating to the industrial standard of color names is concluded to keep higher relationship between them. 3) Factor analysis has extracted three main factors which consist of naming behavior from each groups. These factors are 1. characteristic-word factor, 2. basic modifier-word factor and 3. foreign characteristic-word factor (in the group of I), 1. common basic-word factor, 2. foreign basic-word factor and 3. basic modifier-word factor (in the group of II). 4) Color names of 21 samples are classified by factor scores. "light green" (both I and II), "light blue" (in the group of I) and "olive green" (in the group of II) are color names that are named by using basic modifier-word. The color names of "achromatic color", "yellow", "green", "violet" (both I and II), "yellow green", "blue" (in the group of II) are formed by the basic color words that usually we understand
A pre-investigation was carried out for the purposes of survey regarding the attitude/condition of our students and preparation of future investigation for youth generation in Kagoshima. The results from this pre-investigation suggest the following points : 1. Students surveyed by this pre-investigation indicate that they are satisfied with current style of life and maintain good/calm relationship with their families and friends. 2. On the contrary, they recognize for themselves that they are not independent from their parents and are not adult due to normative attitude given by their parents. New sociability except parent-child relationship is made by part-time work and other factors. 3. Common attitude against present culture are not so strong. No fellow feelings to certain subculture by youth generation were recognized. 4. Their steady attitude with regard to consumption behavior, work and savings are recognized. 5. Additional questioners regarding cause and reason for their attitude and behavior may be needed in the future investigation. Unified theme included in questioners against various areas may be also needed. And it is indispensable to investigate their change in mind, region and their historical background by applying both the longitudinal method and the cross-sectional method
In this paper, the author studied about effects of three attribute of color on correlation between maturity of adolescence and color image. The results of measurements in this study suggest the following points : (1) The measured value of concrete color image was high in the group of high chroma in all color samples used for measurement, and low in the group of low value. (2) As a result of comparing color images that were analyzed by the semantic differential technique, the color image of green yellow was not influenced by value and chroma. As for yellow, green, blue, blue green, blue purple, purple, and red purple, color images in the group of low value differed from other groups. In color images of red and yellow red, the influence by change of value and chroma was large. (3) As a result of classifying color images, the image reminded by chromatic was concrete, on the other hand the tendency to image abstractly from achromatic was strong. In the reaction of both concrete color image and abstract color image, high reaction were in the group of high chroma, the group of high value, and the group of low value in this order. (4) In correlation with the degree of abstraction of an image and the kind of maturity of personality, high correlation coefficient was seen between SR and color image, without being influenced of hue, value, and chroma