27 research outputs found

    Swallowing impairment in neurologic disorders: The role of videofluorographic swallowing study

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    Patients with neurologic diseases almost inevitably develop various degrees of swallowing disorders during their life. Dysphagia is one of the main negative prognostic factors in this class of patients, leading to severe morbidity (i.e. aspiration pneumonia, dehydration, malnutrition, and life quality deterioration) and to a noticeable increase in public health spending. Videofluorographic swallowing study is considered the gold standard technique for swallowing impairment assessment. It is aimed at early identification of the risk of aspiration, definition of the kind and grade of dysphagia, and an indication to suspend oral nutrition and adopt other feeding strategies, and define when the patient is able to return to physiological nutrition. Every radiologist should be familiar with the main videofluorographic swallowing features in neurological patients, not only because early diagnosis of deglutition disorders widely improves their prognosis, but also because customising feeding strategies has a great impact on patients’ quality of life

    The burnout phenomenon among student radiographers: a single centre experience

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    Burnout syndrome is a condition that may occur not only for staff in human service sectors/jobs, involving intensive interactions with others, but also people that are engaged in activities psychologically similar to work, such as students. Radiographers in training suffer double stress, first linked to the status of being a university student and secondly as early career workers who have relations with the public of the health system. Aim of our study was to investigate the prevalence and levels of burnout syndrome among radiographers in training in an University Hospital

    Analisi retrospettiva degli errori di posizione dei pazienti e l'impatto della dose nella colonscopia virtuale mediante TCMS: esperienza di un singolo centro

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    La Colonscopia virtuale (CV) tramite tomografia computerizzato multi-strato (TCMS) è una nota e valida tecnica alternativa alla colonscopia ottica per la valutazione della parete del colon e la individuazione di nuove lesioni. Lo svantaggio principale per la sua esecuzione è l’esposizione del paziente alle radiazioni ionizzanti. Questo è il motivo per cui linee guida raccomandano procedure di acquisizione a basso dosaggio standardizzate volte a ridurre al minimo le radiazioni di esposizione. Abbiamo retrospettivamente esaminato l'impatto in termini di esposizione alle radiazioni ionizzanti in base alla posizione del paziente e la durata della scansione. [1]