8 research outputs found

    Helicobacter pylori and Epstein-Barr virus infection in gastric diseases: Correlation with IL-10 and IL1RN polymorphism.

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    Introduction: Helicobacter pylori and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection have recently 23 been shown to be associated with gastric diseases. Polymorphisms in genes encoding 24 cytokines such as interleukin 10 (IL-10) and interleukin 1 Receptor (IL-1RN) influence 25 cytokine secretion levels and appear to contribute to the risk of developing gastroduodenal 26 diseases. 27 To our knowledge, this is the first preliminary study to address the association of 28 coinfection with H. pylori and EBV and their correlation with genetic predisposition in the 29 development of gastric diseases. 30 Methods: Gastric biopsy samples of 96 patients with different gastric diseases were used. 31 Results: Our results showed that the rate of co-infection was higher in patients with 32 gastric cancer than in patients with normal gastric mucosa, active chronic gastritis and 33 MALT lymphoma. As regards the characterization of H. pilory strains, the 34 polymorphism s1m1i1 of vacA gene was more frequent in patients with MALT 35 Lymphoma in comparison to others, while the polymorphism s2m2i2 was most 36 frequent in patients with normal gastric mucosa. In addition, patients who tested 37 positivefor the cagA gene were more frequently those affected with gastric cancer than 38 those with inactive chronic gastritis. Similarly, the patients with oipA gene ON were more 39 frequently those with gastric cancer than those with inactive chronic gastritis. 40 Conclusion: According to our analysis, there was no correlation between coinfection 41 and polymorphisms in genes encoding IL-10 and IL-1RN. We conclude that various 42 factors can be involved in the development of gastric diseases

    Extra-Intestinal Fluoroquinolone-Resistant Escherichia coli Strains Isolated from Meat

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    Extra-intestinalE.coliareemergingasaglobalthreatduetotheirdiffusionasopportunisticpathogensand,aboveall,totheirwide setofantibioticresistancedeterminants.Therearestillmanygapsinourknowledgeoftheiroriginandspreadpathways,although food animalshavebeenadjudicatedvehiclesfor passingmult-drugresistantbacteriatohumans.Thisstudyanalyzed 46samples of meat purchasedfrom retail stores in Palermo in order toobtain quinolone-resistant E. coli isolates. Strains were screenedfor their phylogeneticgroups, ST131-associatedsingle nucleotidepolymorphisms (SNPs),andthentypedbyERIC-PCR. Theirsetof virulencefactors,namely,kpsMII,papA,sfaS,focG,iutA,papC,hlyD,andafagenes,wereinvestigatedandtheirfluoroquinoloneresistancedeterminantsevaluated.Thedataobtainedshowadramaticallyhighprevalenceofmultidrugresistancepatternsinthe Palermoarea,with28%oftheisolateshavingvirulencefactorgenestypicalofExPEC strains.NoB2grouporST131 strainswere detected.Moreover,20%ofourisolatesshowedpositivitytoalltheplasmid-mediatedquinoloneresistance(PMQR)determinants, showingapotentialtotransferthesegenesamongotherbacteria.Therefore,thesedataunderlinethepossibilitythatfoodanimals and,specifically,poultryinparticularmaybeasignificantsourceofresistantbacterialstrains,posingapotentialzoonoticrisk

    Candida parapsilosis Infection:A Multilocus Microsatellite Genotyping-Based Survey Demonstrating an Outbreak in Hospitalized Patients

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    Microsatellite analysis identifies specific genotypes and the genetic relationship between strains. Our objective was to analyze the genotypes of C. parapsilosis strains isolated on different wards of aTertiary- Referral University Center. We evaluated 70 C. parapsilosis strains in total, isolated from samples of patients admitted to five different wards over two years (January 2015-December 2016). Eight microsatellite markers were selected, and two multiplex PCR assays were set up for microsatellite analysis. The 70 strains, examined at eight microsatellite loci, showed 46 different multilocus genotypes profiles. A total of 74 alleles were detected, with an average of 9.25 alleles per locus. The most variable loci were CP6 and CP4, with 20 and 15 alleles, respectively. Four clusters were detected in four out of five wards. A significant cluster that involved 16 patients in the General Surgery department was also found in two patients who had been transferred to the General Medicine ward. Two multiplex PCRs allowed us to minimize costs, define genotypes and study the isolates’ genetic diversity with extreme accuracy, demonstrating the high discriminative power of the microsatellite markers. Molecular epidemiology constitutes an appropriate tool for evaluating horizontal transmission of C. parapsilosis in different clinical settings. Microsatellite genotyping and the utilization of Bruvo’s genetic distance are suitable for detecting and appraising nosocomial fungal infections

    Cluster of Legionnaires’ Disease in an Italian Prison

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    Background: Legionella pneumophila (Lp) is the most common etiologic agent causing Legionnaires’ Disease (LD). Water systems offer the best growth conditions for Lp and support its spread by producing aerosols. From 2015 to 2017, the Regional Reference Laboratory of Clinical and Environmental Surveillance of Legionellosis of Palermo monitored the presence of Lp in nine prisons in Western Sicily. During this investigation, we compared Lp isolates from environmental samples in a prison located in Palermo with isolates from two prisoners in the same prison. Methods: We collected 93 water samples from nine Sicilian prisons and the bronchoalveolar lavages (BALs) of two prisoners considered cases of LD. These samples were processed following the procedures described in the Italian Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Legionellosis of 2015. Then, genotyping was performed on 19 Lp colonies (17 from water samples and 2 from clinical samples) using the Sequence-Based Typing (SBT) method, according to European Study Group for Legionella Infections (ESGLI) protocols. Results: Lp serogroup (sg) 6 was the most prevalent serogroup isolated from the prisons analyzed (40%), followed by Lp sg 1 (16%). Most of all, in four penitentiary institutions, we detected a high concentration of Lp >104 Colony Forming Unit/Liter (CFU/L). The environmental molecular investigation found the following Sequence Types (STs) in Lp sg 6: ST 93, ST 292, ST 461, ST 728, ST 1317 and ST 1362, while most of the isolates in sg 1 belonged to ST 1. We also found a new ST that has since been assigned the number 2451 in the ESGLI-SBT database. From the several Lp sg 1 colonies isolated from the two BALs, we identified ST 2451. Conclusions: In this article, we described the results obtained from environmental and epidemiological investigations of Lp isolated from prisons in Western Sicily. Furthermore, we reported the first cluster of Legionnaires’ in an Italian prison and the molecular typing of Lp sg 1 from one prison’s water system and two BALs, identified the source of the contamination, and discovered a new ST

    Serological status for TORCH in women of childbearing age: a decade-long surveillance (2012-2022) in Italy

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    Introduction. Serological screening and seroprevalence data for TORCH infections represent a key instrument to estimate immunity and vaccination levels and exposure rates to prevent and treat TORCH congenital infections.Hypothesis. Serology allows us to identify women susceptible to primary infection.Aim. Assess the prevalence of women at risk of primary infections by TORCH pathogens in Palermo, Sicily, Italy, in the decade 2012-2022. Methodology. A retrospective study was performed to evaluate the serological status (IgG and/or IgM) of 2359 women of childbearing age (WCBA), ranging from 16 to 46 years, attending the AOUP 'P. Giaccone' University Hospital of Palermo.Results. The results showed an overall prevalence of anti -TORCH IgG of 90.5 % for herpesvirus (HSV), 81.2 % for rubella virus (RV), 72.1 % for cytomegalovirus (CMV), 20.9 % for Toxoplasma gondii (TOX) and 4.8 % for Treponema pallidum (TP). IgM positivity was 16.9 % for HSV2, 10.3 % for TOX, 4 % for CMV and, 2 % for RV. A recent/active infection by TP was confirmed in 28.3 % of the seropositive women. Our results indicate that only a small percentage of WCBA were subjected to a comprehensive TORCH serological screening, while most WCBA were only tested for a single pathogen. In addition, no significant differences were found in terms of the overall TORCH IgG seroprevalence among different age groups (P>0.05).Conclusion. Identifying WCBA at risk of exposure during pregnancy allows us to prevent and reduce possible congenital infections, providing detailed guidelines and instructions. The results of this study showed that in Italy the risk of acquiring a primary infection by a TORCH agent is still high, therefore effective prevention strategies, including serological screening, should be implemented

    Sicilian semi- and supercentenarians: identification of age-related T cell immunophenotype to define longevity trait

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    : The immunophenotype of oldest centenarians, i.e., semi- and supercentenarians, could provide important information about their ability to adapt to factors associated with immune changes, including ageing per se and chronic Cytomegalovirus infection. We investigated, by flow cytometry, variations in percentages and absolute numbers of immune cell subsets, focusing on T cells, and pro-inflammatory parameters in a cohort of 28 women and 26 men (age range 19-110 years). We observed variability in hallmarks of immunosenescence related to age and Cytomegalovirus serological status. The eight oldest centenarians showed the lowest percentages of naïve T cells, due to their age, and the highest percentages of T effector memory cells re-expressing CD45RA (TEMRA), according to their Cytomegalovirus status, and high levels of serum pro-inflammatory parameters, although their means were lower than that of remaining 90+ donors. Some of them showed CD8 naïve and TEMRA percentages, exhaustion/pro-inflammatory markers comparable to the younger ones. Our study supports the suggestion that immune ageing, especially of oldest centenarians, exhibits great variability that is not attributable to a single contributor, but should be the full result of a combination of several factors. Everyone ages differently because he/she is unique in genetics and experience of life and this applies even more to the immune system; everybody has had a different immunological history. Furthermore, our findings on inflammatory markers, TEMRA and CMV seropositivity in centenarians, discussed in the light of the most recent literature, suggest that these changes might be not unfavourable for centenarians, and in particular for the oldest ones