21 research outputs found
What Influences Individuals to Use New Online Services: An Empirical Study of Online Banking
A considerable amount of academic research during the past decade has investigated what motivates individuals to use new online services by theory of reasoned action, technology acceptance model, theory of planned behavior, innovation diffusion theory, and/or the combination of the preceding two/three theories. As compared to understanding the adoption of a new online service from social psychology theories, which has been comprehensively investigated during the recent ten years, the literature on understanding individuals to move to a new online service or switch to another provider for the same new online service is seldom studied from the perspectives of economic theories. Therefore, this research aims to fill out the gap and make a contribution in this concern
What Influencing Consumers To Resist Using Mobile Banking
This study employed the theory of innovation resistance as a research basis to investigate main factors that influence individuals to resist using mobile banking. Compared to that numerous researches used innovation adoption theories to investigate what affects individuals to adopt mobile banking over the past ten years, this empirical study could advance current knowledge on the non-adoption of mobile banking. Besides, from innovation resistance perspectives to explore the mobile banking adoption and non-adoption, this study could provide banks valuable clues to develop elaborate and differentiated service, marketing, and business strategies in the mobile banking context
A Two-step Approach to Construct and Validate an E-lifestyle Instrument
A review of the literature suggests that traditional lifestyle instruments may not be adequate and sufficient for explaining and forecasting customer needs and behaviors related to information and communication technology enabled services/ products. Accordingly, this study first constructed an e-lifestyle instrument culled from literature review and panel discussion, and then took a two-step approach with the intention of maximizing the content validity to validate the constructed e-lifestyle scale. The empirical results demonstrated a valid e-lifestyle instrument comprising 39 items under seven components, and implications for understanding consumer e-lifestyles are also derived
A robust optimization model for stochastic logistic problems.
Abstract The main diculty of a logistic management problem is in the face of uncertainty about the future. Since many logistic models encounter uncertainty and noisy data in which variables or parameters have the probability of occurrence, a highly promising technique of solving stochastic optimization problems is the robust programming proposed by Mulvey et al. (Operations Research 43(2) (1995a) 264}281) and Mulvey and Ruszczynski (Operations Research 43 (3) (1995b) 477}490). However, heavy computational burden has prevented wider applications in practice. In this study, we reformulate a stochastic management problem as a highly ecient robust optimization model capable of generating solutions that are progressively less sensitive to the data in the scenario set. The method proposed herein to transform a robust model into a linear program only requires adding n#m variables (where n and m are the number of scenarios and total control constraints, respectively). Whereas, the current robust programming methods proposed by Mulvey et al., Mulvey and Ruszczynski and Bai et al. (Management Science 43 (7)(1997) 895}907) require adding 2n#2m. Two logistic examples, logistic management problems involving a wine company and an airline company, demonstrate the computational e$ciency of the proposed model
A Review of Deterministic Optimization Methods in Engineering and Management
With the increasing reliance on modeling optimization problems in practical applications, a number of theoretical and algorithmic contributions of optimization have been proposed. The approaches developed for treating optimization problems can be classified into deterministic and heuristic. This paper aims to introduce recent advances in deterministic methods for solving signomial programming problems and mixed-integer nonlinear programming problems. A number of important applications in engineering and management are also reviewed to reveal the usefulness of the optimization methods