79 research outputs found

    Constraining Halo Occupation Distribution and Cosmic Growth Rate using Multipole Power Spectrum

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    We propose a new method of measuring halo occupation distribution (HOD) together with cosmic growth rate using multipole components of galaxy power spectrum P_l(k). The nonlinear redshift-space distortion due to the random motion of satellite galaxies, i.e., Fingers-of-God, generates high-l multipole anisotropy in galaxy clustering such as the hexadecapole (l=4) and tetra-hexadecapole (l=6), which are sensitive to the fraction and the velocity dispersion of satellite galaxies. Using simulated samples following the HOD of Luminous Red Galaxies (LRGs), we find that the input HOD parameters are successfully reproduced from P_l(k) and that high-l multipole information help to break the degeneracy among HOD parameters. We also show that the measurements of the cosmic growth rate as well as the satellite fraction and velocity dispersions are significantly improved by adding the small-scale information of high-l multipoles.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter

    Biasing and Genus Statistics of Dark Matter Halos in the Hubble Volume Simulation

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    We present a numerical analysis of genus statistics for dark matter halo catalogs from the Hubble volume simulation. The huge box-size of the Hubble volume simulation enables us to carry out a reliable statistical analysis of the biasing properties of halos at a Gaussian smoothing scale of R_G>30Mpc/h with a cluster-mass scale of between 7*10^{13}Msolar/h and 6*10^{15}Msolar/h. A detailed comparison of the genus for dark matter halos with that for the mass distribution shows that the non-Gaussianity induced by the halo biasing is comparable to that by nonlinear gravitational evolution, and both the shape and the amplitude of the genus are almost insensitive to the halo mass at R_G>30Mpc/h. In order to characterize the biasing effect on the genus, we apply a perturbative formula developed by Matsubara (1994). We find that the perturbative formula well describes the simulated halo genus at R_G>50Mpc/h. The result indicates that the biasing effect on the halo genus is well approximated by nonlinear deterministic biasing up to the second-order term in the mass density fluctuation. The two parameters describing the linear and quadratic terms in the nonlinear biasing accurately specify the genus for galaxy clusters.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in PASJ (Vol.55, No.2, 2003

    Perturbation Theory for BAO reconstructed fields: one-loop results in real-space matter density field

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    We compute the power spectrum at one-loop order in standard perturbation theory for the matter density field to which a standard Lagrangian Baryonic acoustic oscillation (BAO) reconstruction technique is applied. The BAO reconstruction method corrects the bulk motion associated with the gravitational evolution using the inverse Zel'dovich approximation (ZA) for the smoothed density field. We find that the overall amplitude of one-loop contributions in the matter power spectrum substantially decrease after reconstruction. The reconstructed power spectrum thereby approaches the initial linear spectrum when the smoothed density field is close enough to linear, i.e., the smoothing scale RsR_s larger than around 10h−1h^{-1}Mpc. On smaller RsR_s,however, the deviation from the linear spectrum becomes significant on large scales (k<Rs−1k\lt R_s^{-1}) due to the nonlinearity in the smoothed density field, and the reconstruction is inaccurate. Compared with N-body simulations, we show that the reconstructed power spectrum at one loop order agrees with simulations better than the unreconstructed power spectrum. We also calculate the tree-level bispectrum in standard perturbation theory to investigate non-Gaussianity in the reconstructed matter density field. We show that the amplitude of the bispectrum significantly decreases for small kk after reconstruction and that the tree-level bispectrum agrees well with N-body results in the weakly nonlinear regime.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publications in PR

    Primordial Non-Gaussianity and Analytical Formula for Minkowski Functionals of the Cosmic Microwave Background and Large-scale Structure

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    We derive analytical formulae for the Minkowski Functions of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) and large-scale structure (LSS) from primordial non-Gaussianity. These formulae enable us to estimate a non-linear coupling parameter, f_NL, directly from the CMB and LSS data without relying on numerical simulations of non-Gaussian primordial fluctuations. One can use these formulae to estimate statistical errors on f_NL from Gaussian realizations, which are much faster to generate than non-Gaussian ones, fully taking into account the cosmic/sampling variance, beam smearing, survey mask, etc. We show that the CMB data from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe should be sensitive to |f_NL|\simeq 40 at the 68% confidence level. The Planck data should be sensitive to |f_NL|\simeq 20. As for the LSS data, the late-time non-Gaussianity arising from gravitational instability and galaxy biasing makes it more challenging to detect primordial non-Gaussianity at low redshifts. The late-time effects obscure the primordial signals at small spatial scales. High-redshift galaxy surveys at z>2 covering \sim 10Gpc^3 volume would be required for the LSS data to detect |f_NL|\simeq 100. Minkowski Functionals are nicely complementary to the bispectrum because the Minkowski Functionals are defined in real space and the bispectrum is defined in Fourier space. This property makes the Minksowski Functionals a useful tool in the presence of real-world issues such as anisotropic noise, foreground and survey masks. Our formalism can be extended to scale-dependent f_NL easily.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ (Vol. 653, 2006
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