5 research outputs found

    A note on the neutrality of profit taxes and tax compliance with imperfect detection

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    In a tax-evasion model with profit tax, we reexamine and clarify the issues of neutrality and separability with imperfect detection of tax fraud. With this more realistic setting, we show that the profit tax is not necessarily neutral and the separability conclusion may not hold. Furthermore, the property of non-neutrality may coexist with that of separability or inseparability. However, in contrast to the traditional conclusion, raising the audit probability may reduce the tax compliance when the property of inseparability is present.

    Pricing and Searching in the Retail Gasoline Market

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    The paper studies consumers' search behavior and firm's pricing strategies in an economy with differential location among retail gasoline stations. The main findings are: (1) The consumer group in self-service gasoline markets searches more than that in full-service gasoline markets. (2) The consumer group in the regular gasoline market searches most among all gasoline markets. (3) A rapid price change raised the degree of consumers' search in most of the six gasoline markets, however the increase in the consumers' search index was more significant in full-service markets than that in self-service gasoline markets. (4) The average interval of credible pricing for each gasoline market that we studied is about two months. (5) A search index can be used to compare the intensity of consumers' search between different quality of gasoline markets. The successful application of this index suggests its usefulness in studying other monopolistic competitive markets

    Incomplete Search, Price Dispersion and Multiple Production Technologies

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    This paper shows that the incomplete consumer search will allow multiple production technologies to coexist in the same market, with different equilibrium prices for homogeneous products across firms. This study extends the work of Sadanand and Wilde in two directions: (1) firms are allowed to produce one homogeneous good with different production technologies and (2) consumers' shopping behavior allows non-random sampling strategies. This paper also shows that consumers' search for lower prices will enhance social welfare


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    [[abstract]]  There is a fundamental tention between a philanthropic corporation’s economic goal and social mission. Although there is a general belief that philanthropic corporations benefit the society, the reality is that these corporation’s good deeds may distort their production thus causing inefficiencies for the society. There is little literature on how the firm’s in-kind donation impact its production efficiency, so we setup a model to study how these philanthropic behaviors affect the corporations’ profit and production. In the model, we found the philanthropist’s in-kind donations are more likely to distort the firm’s production planning, causing the firm to produce more than the profit-maximizing quantity, and in turn prevents the firm from the economic goal. Furthermore, even when a firm engages in in-kind donation to strategically reduce production cost, the philanthropist’s preference on donations is also likely to distort the production decisions. However, there will be no production distortion if the donation is made in cash as a percentage of the firm’s profit. In this case, the philanthropic corporation can achieve both economic and social goals.   慈善公司的獲利經濟目標與其社會使命之間可能產生衝突。一般普遍認為慈善公司對社會是有利的。然而,在某些情況下慈善公司的社會使命可能導致其生產無效率。然而很少文獻探討有關實物損贈對公司生產效率的影響。本文基於以慈善為一種商業策略,建立了一個模型來探討公司的慈善行為是如何影響公司的利潤與生產。我們並檢驗慈善行為是否扭曲公司的生產,本模型中顯示當公司以實物損贈作為慈善策略時,其慈善偏好與損贈數額將扭曲公司的生產決策而無法利潤最大化,然當以一定比例的利潤做為現金損贈時將不會有生產決策扭曲情況,因此慈善公司可同時達成獲利經濟目標與社會使命