4,498 research outputs found

    An Estimation of Elasticities of Consumption Demand and Investment Demand for Owner-Occupied Housing in Taiwan : A Two-Period Model

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    Buying a house usually satisfies housing consumption demand and housing investment demand, simultaneously. In order to disentangle the above two types of demand, households, in this study, are separated into three subtenure groups i.e. renters, owners owning one house, and owners buying a second or more houses. Presumably, renting a house is for consumption only, while buying a second house is usually for investment purposes. Applying a two-period model and two data sets from DGBAS and from Land Bank of Taiwan, the estimated results are as follows: Firstly, the income elasticity of pure consumption demand for housing is very close to unity (1.0413). Secondly, the income elasticity for a pure investment demand is greater than one (1.2643). Finally, for a household owning only one house, the shares for consumption motive and for investment motive are 26% and 74%, respectively.Consumption demand, investment demand, elasticity and housing, Taiwan

    Monitoring Costs and the Mode of International Investment

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    contract, vertical integration, opportunism, international investment, China

    Monitoring Costs and the Mode of International Investment

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    Our central proposition is that monitoring costs increase with physical distance, and hence, direct investments located further from the foreign investorā€™s home base should be more likely formed as joint ventures. Tests on a data set of Taiwanese direct investments in Mainland China provide robust support to the hypothesis. A project that was located 1000 kilometers further away was 13-17% more likely to be formed as a joint venture.contract, vertical integration, opportunism, international investment, China

    The Role of Rankl in Prostate Cancer Progression and Bone Metastasis

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    This study focused on the role of RANKL in prostate cancer EMT progression and metastasis. Activation of RANK, a receptor activator of NF-kB, by its ligand RANKL, in a paracrine manner is responsible for osteoclast differentiation and bone remodeling. RANK activation in cancer cells, however, is thought to be promoted by both autocrine and paracrine mechanisms because RANKL has been shown to be derived from either tumor or its microenvironment, such as osteoblasts, infiltrating inflammatory cells and stromal fibroblasts. In the present study, we demonstrated that autocrine and paracrine RANKL-RANK signaling could be responsible for driving prostate cancer bone metastasis by promoting epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT). We further characterized a novel converging RANKL-c-Met signaling network in which the activation of RANKL was found to promote the expression of both RANKL and c-Met in an autocrine manner in prostate cancer cells. The induced RANKL and c-Met in prostate cancer cells is biologically functional and contributes to increased osteoclastogenesis, epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT), cell motility, migration and invasion and conferred bone and soft tissue metastases. Remarkably, RANKL expression by 1,000 prostate cancer cells can provoke bone and soft tissue metastases of a ā€œdormantā€ population of prostate cancer cells which by themselves failed to form tumors and colonize mouse skeleton, suggesting RANKL can serve as a factor in ā€œreawakeningā€ cancer dormancy to initiate the re-growth and metastasis of cancer cells. We also showed that RANKL-induced RANKL feed-forward autocrine regulation is mediated through cMyc transactivation, allowing the establishment of a ā€œvicious cycleā€ further promoting prostate cancer growth and metastasis. The converging RANKL-c-Met signaling network is therefore a novel target that could be further manipulated for delaying the lethal progression of castration-resistant human prostate cancer bone metastasis

    The study of photochemical interconversions of sesquiterpenoids related to Ī±- and Ī²-vetivone

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    Ph.D.Drury S. Caine, II


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    This dissertation investigates childrenā€™s comprehension of demonstratives, such as this and that in English. As deictic spatial expressions, the interpretation of demonstratives is context-dependent: a proximal demonstrative (e.g., this) picks out the entity near the speaker, while a distal demonstrative (e.g., that) picks out the entity apart from the speaker; crucially, the entity-speaker distance is determined by the speakerā€™s perspective, which varies across contexts. Studies have shown that children tend to be non-adult-like when comprehending demonstratives uttered by a speaker who has a different perspective from their own (e.g., Clark & Sengul, 1978; Zhao, 2007). To better understand childrenā€™s comprehension of demonstratives, this dissertation explores (i) the cognitive factors which might hinder childrenā€™s adult-like knowledge, and (ii) the language-specific factors which might improve childrenā€™s demonstrative comprehension. This dissertation first discusses Theory of Mind (ToM) and Executive Function (EF) and how the development of each may hinder childrenā€™s comprehension of demonstratives. Successful comprehension of demonstratives requires the listener to incorporate the speakerā€™s perspective, in which cognitive abilities may play a role. It has been suggested that childrenā€™s non-adult-like demonstratives may be related to their still-developing ToM (de Villiers, 2007) and EF (Nilsen & Graham, 2012). Two experiments directly tested this hypothesis with English-speaking and Chinese-speaking children, respectively. Both experiments utilized two demonstrative comprehension linguistic tasks, and two cognitive tasks measuring ToM and EF, respectively. The results from both experiments suggest that childrenā€™s successful comprehension of demonstratives may be related to their ToM development, but not EF. This dissertation then examines whether a language-specific morphological representation of demonstratives may interact with childrenā€™s comprehension in a way that prevents them from committing non-adult-like comprehension. Demonstratives in Mandarin Chinese are of particular interest because they typically occur with classifiers. Classifiers are semantically dependent on their associated referents; interestingly, classifiers are known to facilitate adultsā€™ sentence processing (e.g., Hsu, 2006; Wu, Kaiser, & Andersen, 2009). Thus, this dissertation examined whether and to what extent the classifier may improve Chinese-speaking childrenā€™s demonstrative comprehension. Results reveal that the classifier semantics improves childrenā€™s demonstrative comprehension, particularly when the classifier semantics itself is sufficient to identify the referent. In sum, the results of the studies discussed in this dissertation suggest that both cognitive factors and language-specific factors play an important role in childrenā€™s demonstrative comprehension

    Molecular Mechanism of RNA-Mediated Gene Silencing in Human Cells: A Dissertation

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    Small non-coding RNAs regulate gene expression at posttranscriptional level in eukaryotic cells. Two classes of such small (~21-25 nt) RNAs that have been extensively studied in gene silencing are short interfering RNAs (siRNAs) and microRNAs (miRNAs). RNA interference (RNAi) is process whereby double-stranded RNA induces the sequence-specific degradation of homologous mRNA. The RNAi machinery can also be programmed in human cells by introducing 21-nt siRNA duplexes that are assembled into RNA-induced silencing complexes (RISC). In this dissertation, systematic analysis of siRNAs with deletions at the passenger and/or guide strand reveals that a short RNAi trigger, 16-nt siRNA, induces potent RNAi in human cells. The 16-nt siRNA more effectively knocked down mRNA and protein levels than 19-nt siRNA when targeting the endogenous CDK9 gene. In vitro kinetic analysis of human RISC indicates that 16-nt siRNA has a higher RISC-loading capacity than 19-nt siRNA. These results suggest that 16-nt duplexes can be designed as potent triggers for RNAi. RISC can be programmed by small interfering RNAs (siRISC) to cleave a perfectly complementary target mRNA, or endogenous microRNAs (miRISC) to inhibit translation by binding imperfectly matched sequences in the 3ā€™-untranslated region (3ā€™-UTR) of target mRNA. Both RISCs contain Argonaute2 (Ago2), which localizes to cytoplasmic mRNA processing P-bodies. This dissertation shows that RCK/p54, a DEAD box helicase, interacts with Ago2, in affinity-purified active siRISC or miRISC, facilitates formation of P-bodies. Depletion of RCK/p54 disrupted P-bodies and dispersed Ago2 throughout the cytoplasm, but did not significantly affect siRNA-mediated RNAi. Depleting RCK/p54 releases general and miRNA-induced translational repression. These findings imply that miRISC-mediated translation repression requires RCK/p54, also suggest that location of miRISC to P-bodies is not required for miRNA function, but is the consequence of translation repression. To elucidate the function of RCK/p54 in miRNA-mediated gene silencing, analysis of a series of YFP-tagged RCK/p54 mutants reveals the motif required for P-body localization, interaction with Ago2, and/or facilitating the miRNA-mediated translation repression. Additionally, rabbit reticulocyte lysate system was used to recapitulate the miRISC function in a cell-free system and confirmed the requirement of RCK/p54 for miRNA function in vitro. Analysis of Ago2 distribution in the polysome profiling in RCK/p54-depleted cells, compared to that in normal cells, revealed that RCK/p54 facilitates miRISC by trapping it at translation initiation complex. These data suggest that interaction of RCK/p54 with Ago2 is involved in the repression of translation initiation of miRNA function

    Enhanced Production Of Lignin Peroxidase And Manganese Peroxidase By Phanerochaete Chrysosporium In A Submerged Culture Fermentation And Their Application In Decolourisation Of Dyes TD897. [C434 2008 f rb].

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    Masalah utama dalam merawat air sisa buangan industri adalah untuk menghilangkan pencelup. The main problem when treating industrial wastewater is the removal of dyes
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