5 research outputs found

    Prehistoric Trade And Culture Contact Between Bukit Tengkorak And Other Sites In Southeast Asia And The Pacific Region.

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    This paper describes the initial results of my SEASREP research project entitled "Prehistoric trade a d culture contact between Bukit Tengkorak and other sites in Southeast Asia and the Pacific region". It presents the research activities and findings during the first year of the project from 2002-2003 and a brief overview of the background of the research project, the research aims and methodology as well as plans for future research

    The Obsidian Industry At Bukit Tengkorak, Sabah, Malaysia.

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    In 1994-95, archaeological research was undertaken by a joint Centre for Archaeological Research Malaysia and Muzium Sabah team at Bukit Tengkorak, a Neolithic site in Semporna, Sabah (Figure l). Geologically, Bukit Tengkorak forms part of the rim of a 2 kilometer-wide volcanic crater, surrounded by numerous isolated hills and mountains, most of them representing sites of extinct volcanoes ranging from Pliocene to Quaternary in age (HD 'Tjia, personal communication, Kirk l962,Lee 1970)

    The Pottery Technology From Bukit Tengkorak,A 3000-5000 Year Old Site In Borneo, Malaysia.

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    Bukit Tengkorak (Scull Hill) is a Neolithic period rock shelter complex and prehistoric pottery production site in southeastern Sabah, about 5 miles southwest of Semporna in Borneo, Malaysia at GPS N 4 7 20.08 and E 118 37 04.3. It was excavated for a 5-week season in 1995 and another in 1994 by a joint University of Science and Sabah Museum team under the direction of S. Chia

    Long-Distance Obsidian Trade In Indonesia.

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    Long-distance trade in obsidian from sources in the southwest Pacific has been well-documented for the Lapita culture complex, beginning about 1600 BC Analyses of obsidian artifacts from recent excavations at Bukit Tengkorak in southeastern Sabah (Borneo, Malaysia) indicate the use of obsidian from multiple sources in Melanesia as early as the 5th millennium BC The archaeological presence of obsidian, up to more than 3500 Ian from its source, is the surviving evidence of what was almost certainly the longest Neolithic trade route in the world. In addition, these results indicate that long-distance trade networks existed in Indonesia at least 2500 years prior to the Lapita culture, and strengthen hypotheses of its origins in southeast Asia

    The Conservation And Preservation Of Perak Man From Gua Gunung Runtuh Site In Lenggong, Perak , Malaysia.

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    In 1990-91, archaeological excavations were conducted at Gua Gunung Runtuh in Lenggong, Perak by Professor Zuraina Majid and her team from the Centre For Archaeological Research Malaysia, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang. The excavations uncovered a primary burial of a 10,000-11,000 year old human skeleton (Zuraina Majid 1994). This skeleton was named "Perak Man" as it was found in the state of Perak in Malaysia