10 research outputs found

    Description of Ootibia

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    Novas espécies e notas sobre Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) do Parå e do nordeste do Brasil New species and notes on Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) from Parå and Brazilian norteastern

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    <abstract language="eng">Based on material collected by P. Jauffert in ParĂĄ and by L. Ianuzzi in Alagoas and Sergipe, four new species are described: Temnopis fasciata sp. nov. (Oemini) and Dihammaphoroides jaufferti sp. nov. (Cleomenini) from ParĂĄ. This species breads in branches of Pseudopiptadenia suaveolens (Miq.) J. W. Grimes, Fabaceae. Adetus tuberosus sp. nov. (Apomecynini) and Mimasyngenes lucianae sp. nov. (Desmiphorini) from Alagoas. New records and notes are provided for Neocompsa serrana (Martins, 1962) and Rhopalophora occipitalis Chevrolat, 1859

    Quatro novas espécies de Psyllobora Chevrolat, 1837 (Coleoptera, Coccinelledae)

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    <abstract language="eng">Four new species of Psyllobora Chevrolat, 1837 (P. batesi, P. borgmeiri. P. gorhami and P. huancayensis) from Neotropical Region are described and illustrated

    CatĂĄlogo dos Erotylidae (Coleoptera) Neotropicais Catalogue of Neotropical Erotylidae (Coleoptera)

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    <abstract language="eng">The present catalog is an inventory of names proposed in Erotylidae (from family through subspecies) ocurring in the Neotropical Region, up to the present date (1988). It updates the nomenclature of included taxa, adds taxonomic units proposed after the Kuhnt's Genera Insectorum (Kuhnt, 1909) and includes abbreviated references to the literature, which are fully cited at the end of this catalogue. The systematic order follows Kuhnt, 1909, and afterwards, the position given to each taxa by the original author