940 research outputs found

    Two-photon Absorption Engineering of 5-(Fluorenyl)-1,10-phenanthroline-based Ru(II) Complexes

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    International audienceThis study deals with the fine tuning of the photophysical characteristics, and especially two-photon absorption (2PA) properties, of several homo- and heteroleptic ruthenium(II) complexes involving 5-substituted-1,10-phenanthroline ligands. The 2PA spectra of the complexes were determined in the 700-930 nm range by investigating their two-photon excited luminescence (2PEL). Structure - linear and nonlinear optical properties correlations are discussed, and potential applications (therapy and optical power limiting in the near infrared) can be anticipated

    Live Genomics for Pathogen Monitoring in Public Health

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    Whole genome analysis based on next generation sequencing (NGS) now represents an affordable framework in public health systems. Robust analytical pipelines of genomic data provides in a short lapse of time (hours) information about taxonomy, comparative genomics (pan-genome) and single polymorphisms profiles. Pathogenic organisms of interest can be tracked at the genomic level, allowing monitoring at one-time several variables including: epidemiology, pathogenicity, resistance to antibiotics, virulence, persistence factors, mobile elements and adaptation features. Such information can be obtained not only at large spectra, but also at the “local” level, such as in the event of a recurrent or emergency outbreak. This paper reviews the state of the art in infection diagnostics in the context of modern NGS methodologies. We describe how actuation protocols in a public health environment will benefit from a “streaming approach” (pipeline). Such pipeline would include NGS data quality assessment, data mining for comparative analysis, searching differential genetic features, such as virulence, resistance persistence factors and mutation profiles (SNPs and InDels) and formatted “comprehensible” results. Such analytical protocols will enable a quick response to the needs of locally circumscribed outbreaks, providing information on the causes of resistance and genetic tracking elements for rapid detection, and monitoring actuations for present and future occurrences

    Genetic Competence Drives Genome Diversity in Bacillus subtilis

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    This deposit is composed by the main article plus the supplementary materials of the publication.Prokaryote genomes are the result of a dynamic flux of genes, with increases achieved via horizontal gene transfer and reductions occurring through gene loss. The ecological and selective forces that drive this genomic flexibility vary across species. Bacillus subtilis is a naturally competent bacterium that occupies various environments, including plant-associated, soil, and marine niches, and the gut of both invertebrates and vertebrates. Here, we quantify the genomic diversity of B. subtilis and infer the genome dynamics that explain the high genetic and phenotypic diversity observed. Phylogenomic and comparative genomic analyses of 42 B. subtilis genomes uncover a remarkable genome diversity that translates into a core genome of 1,659 genes and an asymptotic pangenome growth rate of 57 new genes per new genome added. This diversity is due to a large proportion of low-frequency genes that are acquired from closely related species. We find no gene-loss bias among wild isolates, which explains why the cloud genome, 43% of the species pangenome, represents only a small proportion of each genome. We show that B. subtilis can acquire xenologous copies of core genes that propagate laterally among strains within a niche. While not excluding the contributions of other mechanisms, our results strongly suggest a process of gene acquisition that is largely driven by competence, where the long-term maintenance of acquired genes depends on local and global fitness effects. This competence-driven genomic diversity provides B. subtilis with its generalist character, enabling it to occupy a wide range of ecological niches and cycle through them.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia grants: (PTDC/EBB-BIO/119006/2010, PEst-OE/EQB/LA0004/2011, SFRH/BPD/89907/2012, SFRH/BD/29397/06); FEDER grant: (LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-007660).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sequence verification of synthetic DNA by assembly of sequencing reads

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    Gene synthesis attempts to assemble user-defined DNA sequences with base-level precision. Verifying the sequences of construction intermediates and the final product of a gene synthesis project is a critical part of the workflow, yet one that has received the least attention. Sequence validation is equally important for other kinds of curated clone collections. Ensuring that the physical sequence of a clone matches its published sequence is a common quality control step performed at least once over the course of a research project. GenoREAD is a web-based application that breaks the sequence verification process into two steps: the assembly of sequencing reads and the alignment of the resulting contig with a reference sequence. GenoREAD can determine if a clone matches its reference sequence. Its sophisticated reporting features help identify and troubleshoot problems that arise during the sequence verification process. GenoREAD has been experimentally validated on thousands of gene-sized constructs from an ORFeome project, and on longer sequences including whole plasmids and synthetic chromosomes. Comparing GenoREAD results with those from manual analysis of the sequencing data demonstrates that GenoREAD tends to be conservative in its diagnostic. GenoREAD is available at www.genoread.or

    Sequence verification of synthetic DNA by assembly of sequencing reads

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    This is the publisher’s final pdf. The published article is copyrighted by Oxford University Press and can be found at: http://www.oxfordjournals.org/Gene synthesis attempts to assemble user-defined DNA sequences with base-level precision. Verifying the sequences of construction intermediates and the final product of a gene synthesis project is a critical part of the workflow, yet one that has received the least attention. Sequence validation is equally important for other kinds of curated clone collections. Ensuring that the physical sequence of a clone matches its published sequence is a common quality control step performed at least once over the course of a research project. GenoREAD is a web-based application that breaks the sequence verification process into two steps: the assembly of sequencing reads and the alignment of the resulting contig with a reference sequence. GenoREAD can determine if a clone matches its reference sequence. Its sophisticated reporting features help identify and troubleshoot problems that arise during the sequence verification process. GenoREAD has been experimentally validated on thousands of gene-sized constructs from an ORFeome project, and on longer sequences including whole plasmids and synthetic chromosomes. Comparing GenoREAD results with those from manual analysis of the sequencing data demonstrates that GenoREAD tends to be conservative in its diagnostic. GenoREAD is available at www.genoread.org

    Mechanisms of nuclear pore complex disassembly by the mitotic Polo-like kinase 1 (PLK-1) in C. elegans embryos

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    The nuclear envelope, which protects and organizes the genome, is dismantled during mitosis. In the Caenorhabditis elegans zygote, nuclear envelope breakdown (NEBD) of the parental pronuclei is spatially and temporally regulated during mitosis to promote the unification of the maternal and paternal genomes. Nuclear pore complex (NPC) disassembly is a decisive step of NEBD, essential for nuclear permeabilization. By combining live imaging, biochemistry, and phosphoproteomics, we show that NPC disassembly is a stepwise process that involves Polo-like kinase 1 (PLK-1)–dependent and –independent steps. PLK-1 targets multiple NPC subcomplexes, including the cytoplasmic filaments, central channel, and inner ring. PLK-1 is recruited to and phosphorylates intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) of several multivalent linker nucleoporins. Notably, although the phosphosites are not conserved between human and C. elegans nucleoporins, they are located in IDRs in both species. Our results suggest that targeting IDRs of multivalent linker nucleoporins is an evolutionarily conserved driver of NPC disassembly during mitosis.This work was supported by a PhD fellowship from the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research (to S.N.N.), fourth year PhD fellowship from the Foundation ARC (to S.N.N.), CONACYT grant CVU 364106, and the CM/SECTEI/201/2022 fellowships (to G.V.-A.). Research in the Seydoux laboratory is supported by the NIH (grant no. R37 HD37047) and by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. This work was also supported by the Agence Nationale pour la Recherche (ANR), France - ANR-17-CE13-0011 (to L.P.); Ligue Nationale Contre le Cancer Equipe Labéllisée, France (to L.P.); Spanish State Research Agency, the European Union, and the European Regional Development Fund (CEX2020-001088-M and PID2019-105069GB-I00; doi: 10.13039/501100011033) (to P.A.).With funding from the Spanish government through the ‘Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence’ accreditation (CEX2020-001088-M).Peer reviewe

    Estimating DNA coverage and abundance in metagenomes using a gamma approximation

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    Motivation: Shotgun sequencing generates large numbers of short DNA reads from either an isolated organism or, in the case of metagenomics projects, from the aggregate genome of a microbial community. These reads are then assembled based on overlapping sequences into larger, contiguous sequences (contigs). The feasibility of assembly and the coverage achieved (reads per nucleotide or distinct sequence of nucleotides) depend on several factors: the number of reads sequenced, the read length and the relative abundances of their source genomes in the microbial community. A low coverage suggests that most of the genomic DNA in the sample has not been sequenced, but it is often difficult to estimate either the extent of the uncaptured diversity or the amount of additional sequencing that would be most efficacious. In this work, we regard a metagenome as a population of DNA fragments (bins), each of which may be covered by one or more reads. We employ a gamma distribution to model this bin population due to its flexibility and ease of use. When a gamma approximation can be found that adequately fits the data, we may estimate the number of bins that were not sequenced and that could potentially be revealed by additional sequencing. We evaluated the performance of this model using simulated metagenomes and demonstrate its applicability on three recent metagenomic datasets

    Draft Genome Sequence of the Wolbachia Endosymbiont of Drosophila suzukii

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    Wolbachia pipientis is one of the most successful and abundant symbiotic bacteria in nature infecting more than 40% of the terrestrial arthropod species. Here we report the draft genome of a novel Wolbachia strain named “wSuzi” that was retrieved from the genome sequencing of its host, the invasive pest Drosophila suzukii