9 research outputs found

    Endovascular Treatment for Pseudoaneurysms after Surgical Correction of Aortic Coarctation

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    Late complications after surgical repair of aortic coarctation are not uncommon. Among these complications pseudoaneurysms are the most frequent complications, occurring between 3 and 38%. Reoperation in these patients is associated with high morbidity and mortality. In the last decade, endovascular techniques emerged as an alternative to conventional surgery with excellent results. We report the case of two patients who presented with pseudoaneurysms after surgical correction for aortic coarctation, which were treated by endovascular means

    Primary Stenting Immediatly after Surgery in Occluded Anastomoses of Aortoaortic Tube Graft: A Case Report

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    The conventional elective open procedures for abdominal aortic aneurysm repair are reliable and yield durable results. The aortoaortic tube graft has the lowest morbidity incidence when compared with different techniques. Albeit infrequent, thrombosis can be present in the first 30 days. Its treatment consists in thrombectomy and anastomosis evaluation, but with an increase in morbidity, especially in patients with urgent reintervention. This is a case report of a patient with aortoaortic tube graft, who present critical left limb ischemia immediately after surgical procedure. Angiography showed complete occlusion of left common iliac artery, affecting the distal graft anastomosis. The occlusion was resolved with endovascular treatment, and a noncovered, self-expanding, nitinol stent was deployed (primary stenting) covering the distal bypass anastomosis, with no complications and complete lower limb perfusion recovery. One month later, the patient was still asymptomatic, with distal pulse palpable and ankle-brachial index 1

    Energy Levels of Light Nuclei A = 5 Table of Contents for A = 5 A. Nuclides: A = 5

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    Abstract: An evaluation of A = 5-7 was published in Nuclear Physics A708 (2002), p. 3. This version of A = 5 differs from the published version in that we have corrected some errors discovered after the article went to press. The introduction and introductory tables have been omitted from this manuscript. Reference key numbers are in the NNDC/TUNL format. Nucl. Phys. A708 (2002) 3 A = 5 For comparison, we also list in The single-level prescription of Lane and Thomas was used recently by Barker (1997BA72) to obtain an interpretation of the behavior of the cross sections near the J π = 3/2 + resonance in A = 5 equivalent to that of the complex S-matrix pole and shadow pole description of (1987HA20). A comparison of the tables for a given system shows that the resonance parameters from the two prescriptions can be quite different, however. The widths for the resonant reactance-matrix pole prescription tend to be much larger than those of the S-matrix pole prescription, and they do not usually correspond with the experimental values. For that reason, reaction numbers were not given in the In some cases, resonances seen using the recommended method are not present in the usual prescription, even though the input R-matrix parameters are identically the same. These differences, which are most evident for light systems having broad resonances, stem from the fact that the resonant K-matrix prescription is based on the apparent positions of the S-matrix poles as seen from 3 the real axis of the physical sheet. For broad resonances, as is known from the complex-eigenvalue expansion of the level matrix (1958LA73), the apparent pole positions can change rapidly (or even disappear entirely) as the vantage point is varied, causing significant differences with the actual positions (and residues) of the poles in the complex energy plane. GENERAL: References to articles on general properties of A = 5 nuclei published since the previous review (1988AJ01) are grouped into categories and listed, along with brief descriptions of each item, in the General Tables for A = 5 located on our website at (www.tunl.duke.edu/nucldata/General Tables/05.shtml). n (Not illustrated) 5 n has not been observed. It is suggested that it is unbound by 10 MeV: see H (Not illustrated) The previous review The quasi-free neutron knockout reaction was studied with 6 He beams produced by 115 MeV 15 N primary beams (1997KOZV, 1997KO07). 5 He was observed in the separation energy spectra. The 5 He → 4 He + n decay energy is reported to be consistent with the "known mass of 5 He" and is given as 0.97 MeV. 2. 3 At low energies the reaction is dominated by a resonance at E d = 107 keV; the mirror reaction shows resonance at E d = 430 keV. The branching ratio Γ Îł 0 /Γ n integrated over the resonance from 0 to 275 keV is (5.6 ± 0.6) × 10 −5 (1986MO05), in very good agreement with the earlier value of (5.4 ± 1.3) × 10 −5 for E d = 45 to 146 keV (1984CE08). Assuming Γ n of 5 He*(16.7) is 37 ± 5 keV (see reaction 8), then Γ Îł 0 = 2.1 ± 0.4 eV. (1986MO05) also report branching ratios up to E d = 0.72 MeV and summarize the earlier work to 5 MeV. More recently, a measurement a This prescription, based on the complex poles and residues of the S-matrix, is the recommended one (see Introduction). The channel radii are: a n = 3.0 fm, a d = 5.1 fm. The uncertainties in the widths and positions of the first three levels are less than 1%. Above 19 MeV excitation energy, they increase rapidly, varying from about 5% up to as much as 50% for the broad higher levels. Except where noted, all parameters in the table are newly adopted in this evaluation. b The fact that the sum of the partial widths is unequal to the total width in the extended R-matrix prescription is characteristic of non-Breit-Wigner resonances as was discussed in the appendix of (1992TI02). c The n* designation indicates n + α* where the first excited state of the α particle was included as a way to approximate the effects of three-body breakup on the two-body channels. d Situated 798 keV above the n + α threshold. This value is in excellent agreement with early measurements reported by (1963SM03; 790 ± 30 keV) and by (1960YO06; 800 ± 100 keV). e These large partial widths in closed channels have no meaning as decay widths, but rather as asymptotic normalization g.s. given by the conventional R-matrix prescription in The cross section for reaction (a) has been measured in the range E t = 12. ) have been measured for E d = 5 to 11 MeV An R-matrix formalism was used in a phase shift analysis of d + 3 H below 1 MeV to obtain the contribution of 2 S 1/2 -and P-wave channels near the 5 He ( + levels of 5 He and 5 Li are discussed in terms of conventional R-matrix parameters. The multichannel resonating group model has been used in a study (1990BL08) of partial wave contributions in this energy region. Improved formulae for fusion cross sections and thermal reactivities utilizing new data and R-matrix techniques are presented in (1992BO47). See also (1989AB21, 1989SC1F, 1989SC19, 1989SC25, 1989SC41). Reaction (b) has been studied for E d = 10.9 to 83 MeV. A study of reaction (c) leads to the suggestion of a resonance at E cm = 2.9 ± 0.3 MeV [E x = 19.7 MeV], Γ cm = 1.9 ± 0.2 MeV, consistent with J π = 3 2 − [see 4. 3 The elastic scattering has been studied for E d = 2.6 to 11.0 MeV: see (1984AJ01). For earlier measurements at other energies see (1966LA04). The excitation curves show an interference at E x ≈ 19 MeV and a broad (Γ > 1 MeV) resonance corresponding to E x = 20.0 ± 0. 5. 3 H(t, n) 5 He Q m = 10.534 At E t = 0.5 MeV, the reaction appears to proceed via three channels: (i) direct breakup into 4 He+ 2n, the three-body breakup shape being modified by the n-n interaction; (ii) sequential decay via 5 He g.s. ; (iii) sequential decay via a broad excited state of 5 He. The width of 5 He g.s. is estimated to be 0.74 ± 0.18 MeV. Some evidence is also shown for 5 He* at E x ≈ 2 MeV, Γ ≈ 2.4 MeV: see (1979AJ01). See also 6 He and (1986BA73). 6. 3 H(α, dα)n Q m = −6.257 A kinematically complete experiment at E α = 67.2 MeV has been reported by (2000GO35). They report observation of 5 He excited states at E x = 18.9, 19.9 and 20.7 MeV with widths of 0.3, 0.25 and 0.25 MeV, respectively. 7. 3 He(t, p) 5 He Q m = 11.298 Some evidence is reported at E t = 22.25 MeV for a broad state of 5 He at E x ≈ 20 MeV, in addition to a sharp peak corresponding to 5 He*(16.7): see (1979AJ01). See also 6 Li. 8. 4 He(n, n) 4 He The coherent scattering length (thermal, bound) is 3.07 ± 0.02 fm,σ s = 0.76 ± 0.01 b. Total cross sections have been measured for E n = 4 × 10 −4 eV to 150.9 MeV and at 10 GeV/c [see (1984AJ01)] and at E n = 1.5 to 40 MeV (1983HA20). 11 The total cross section has a peak of 7.6 b at E n = 1.15 ± 0.05 MeV, E cm = 0.92 ± 0.04 MeV, with a width of about 1.2 MeV: see The P 3/2 phase shift shows strong resonance behavior near 1 MeV, while the P 1/2 phase shift changes more slowly, indicating a broad P 1/2 level at several MeV excitation. (1966HO07) have constructed a set of phase shifts for E n = 0 to 31 MeV, l = 0, 1, 2, 3, using largely p-α phase shifts. At the 3 2 + state the best fit to all data is given by E res = 17.669 MeV±10 keV, Îł 2 d = 2.0 MeV±25%, Îł 2 n = 50 keV±20% (see Nucleon-α potentials have been derived from phase shifts by (1991CO05) and constructed from experimental data by the Marchenko inversion method as discussed in (1993HO09). The scattering amplitude in the vicinity of the 5 He ( is discussed in 9. 4 He(p, π + ) 5 He Q m = −141.150 As reported in (1988AJ01), differential cross sections were measured at E p = 201 MeV (1985LE19) and at E p = 800 MeV (1984HO01; also A y ). See also (1987SO1C) and (1985GE06). More recently differential cross sections and analyzing powers were measured at incident proton energies between 240 and 507 MeV, spanning the region of the ∆ 1232 resonance (1994FU06). Theoretical studies relevant to reaction (b) include: a study of effects of the proton Coulomb field on α, n resonance peaks (1988KA38); comparisons of measured cross sections and polarization observables at E d = 12, 17 MeV with a three-body model (1988SU12); a study of the influence of three-particle Coulomb dynamics on the cross section (1991AS02); a study of the effects of the internal structure of the α particle on the reaction (1990KU27); and a multiconfiguration resonating group study of the six-nucleon system (1991FU01, 1995FU16). 11. 4 He( 4 He, 3 He) 5 He Q m = −21.375 Differential cross sections for this reaction to 5 He g.s. were measured at E( 4 He) = 118 MeV, and compared with DWBA predictions (1994WA06). Measurements of angular distributions at E α = 158 and 200 MeV were reported by (1996ST25). 12. 4 He( 7 Li, 6 Li) 5 He Q m = −8.048 A study of this reaction and of the 4 He( 7 Li, 6 He) 5 Li reaction at E( 7 Li) = 50 MeV, and of the 6 Li( 12 C, 13 N) 5 He and 6 Li( 13 C, 14 C) 5 Li reactions at E(C) = 90 MeV was reported by (1988WO10). Properties of the two lowest states of 5 He and 5 Li, from R-matrix parameters (a = 5.5 fm) are displayed in (a) 6 Li(Îł, p) 5 He Q m = −4.497 At E Îł = 60 MeV, the proton spectrum shows two prominent peaks. In early work cited in (1979AJ01) these peaks are attributed to 5 He*(0 + 4.0, 20 ± 2): see (1979AJ01). The (Îł, p 0+1 ) cross section has been reported for E Îł = 34.5 to 98.8 MeV. A broad secondary structure is also observed (1988CA11). A review of photodisintegration data for energies up to E Îł = 50 MeV was presented in (1990VA16). More recently, measurements were made at E Îł = 60 MeV (1994RY01), at E Îł = 61, 77 MeV (1994NI04), and at E Îł = 59-75 MeV (1995DI01). In reaction (b) the missing energy spectrum shows strong peaks due to 5 He*(0, 16.7) and possibly some strength in the region E x = 5-15 MeV (1986LAZH). See also 6 Li, and see the recent triple cross section measurements of (1999HO02). Reviews of (e, e â€Č p) data are presented in (1990DE16, 1991VA05). See also (1989LA13, 1990DE06, 1990LA06). A microscopic cluster model used to interpret these experiments is discussed in (1990LO14). For reaction (c) at E π + = 130 and 150 MeV, 5 He*(0, 16.7) are populated (1987HU02). Measurements at E π + = 500 MeV were made by (1998PA31) to search for ∆ components. Reaction (d) was studied at GeV energies by (2000AB25) to deduce Fermi momentum distributions. 14. 6 Li(n, d) 5 He Q m = −2.272 Angular distributions of d 0 have been studied at E n = 6.6 to 56.3 MeV. At E n = 56.3 MeV angular distributions have also been obtained to 5 He*(16.7) and, possibly, to two higher states: see (1979AJ01, 1984AJ01). Measured cross sections and analysis for E n = 14.1 MeV are presented in 15. 6 Li(p, 2p) 5 He Q m = −4.497 At E p = 100 MeV the population of 5 He*(0, 16.7) and possibly of a broad structure at E x ≈ 19 MeV is observed: momentum distributions for 5 He*(0, 16.7) and angular correlation measurements are also reported. Measurements were reported at E p = 47 and 70 MeV (1983VD03), 70 MeV (1983GO06), 392 MeV (1996KAZZ, 1997HA15, 1998NO04), and 1 GeV (1985BE30, 14 1985DO16, 2000MI17). See also (1984AJ01). Experimental and theoretical studies for E p = 30-150 MeV were reviewed in (1987VD1A). See also (1987VD01). The influence of noncoplanarity on information obtained from these reactions was studied by (1990GO34). 16. 6 The angular distribution of t 0 has been measured at E n = 14. At E d = 24 MeV, the α-particle spectrum from reaction (a) shows structures corresponding to the ground and 16.7 MeV states and to states at E x ≈ 20.2 and 23.8 MeV with Γ ≈ 2 MeV and ≈ 1 MeV, respectively. Measurements of the α-particle energy spectra at E d = 13.6 MeV were reported in (1993PAZP). An analysis of cross section data measured at E d = 0-12 MeV is reported in (1997HAZX). Astrophysical S factors were measured at E cm = 57-141 keV by 36. 12 C( 6 He, 5 He n) 12 C Q m = −1.771 Peripheral fragmentation of 240 MeV/A 6 He was studied by (1997CH24, 1997CH1P). It was found that one-neutron stripping to 5 He is the dominant mechanism. 18 5 Li 1. 1 H(α, Îł) 5 Li → 1 H + α Q m = −1.69 Gamma rays were measured over a large dynamic range for E α = 200 MeV (2000HO18). Both inclusive and exclusive (coincidence with either α particle, proton or both) measurements were performed. A pronounced contribution from capture into the unbound ground and first excited states of 5 Li was observed. For the measured parameters of the 5 Li resonances, see 3. 3 He(d, Îł) 5 Li Q m = 16.66 The previous review (1988AJ01) describes the earlier work as follows: "The ratio Γ Îł /Γ pα has been determined for E( 3 He) = 63 to 150 keV [E cm = 25 to 60 keV] by (1985CE13) by measuring simultaneously the Îł-rays and the charged particles. Because of the large widths of the final states, Îł 0 and Îł 1 could not be resolved but the results are consistent with E x = 3.0 ± 1.0 MeV for the excited state. Γ Îł 0 /Γ pα is roughly constant for E cm = 25 to 60 keV at (4.5 ± 1.2) × 10 −5 and Γ Îł 1 /Γ pα = (8 ± 3) × 10 −5 at E( 3 He) = 150 keV (1985CE13)". For applications see (1985CE13, 1985CE16, 1988CE04, 1992LI32). "Excitation curves and angular distributions have been measured for E d = 0.2 to 5 MeV and E( 3 He) = 2 to 26 MeV. A broad maximum in the cross section is observed at E d = 0.45 ± 0.0

    Klinischer und experimenteller Beitrag zur Operation der Wanderniere

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