12 research outputs found

    The Addressee Types of the Internet Open Letters

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    The author considers open letters on Internet sites as a variation of an epistolary genre. A novel type of an open letter, a letter to the future is described. Computer mediated communication as a form of public discourse increases the number of recipients of the letters, introducing changes to the conventional model of a letter addressee. It is concluded that messages on the open letters sites, high in personalization (i.e. private) and low in exclusivity (i.e. public), allow bridging the gap between mass and personal communication, thus remediating an epistolary genre

    A Coursebook in a Trilingual Classroom: To Use or not to Use

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    Coursebook use has proved to be a controversial issue in methodology. In this paper we refer to different writing on this subject, and take the argument a step further. As the way out, we look at an aspect of teaching English as a foreign language (EFL) that sooner or later every teacher comes up against – a need to write his/her materials. As our research has shown, this becomes of major importance in a trilingual classroom. Here, we also refer to some of the theoretical positions underlying third language acquisition (TLA)

    SCADA system design and security

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    State Educational Insurance as a Basis for Continuous Wellbeing of a Man and Society

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    At the present stage of development of the Russian state its primary objective is to provide citizens with access to fully-fledged quality education conforming to their interests and abilities regardless of their material wealth, place of residence, nationality and health. The goal can be achieved if to develop state educational insurance. Establishment of the system of state educational insurance is possible if the process of shaping individuals' knowledge, skills and abilities (competences) is improved. The result of the system operation is the process of capitalization aimed at ensuring continuous well-being of individuals, households, organizations and country in general. Capitalization of knowledge, skills, and abilities (competences) generates individuals' financial interest associated with their education, i.e. interest in receiving education as a source of their future income. Financial interest, the subject of which is a man's accomplishment, enables studying opportunities for establishing intercourse on ensuring individuals' income, resulting from his accomplishment. This process, in its turn, initiates insurance of an individual's rights and guarantees in the field of education. On the one hand, regular insurance financing of educational system, ensures its stability for future generations of the Russian society. On the other hand, it will establish the basis for sustainable creation of workforce

    State Educational Insurance as a Basis for Continuous Wellbeing of a Man and Society

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    At the present stage of development of the Russian state its primary objective is to provide citizens with access to fully-fledged quality education conforming to their interests and abilities regardless of their material wealth, place of residence, nationality and health. The goal can be achieved if to develop state educational insurance. Establishment of the system of state educational insurance is possible if the process of shaping individuals' knowledge, skills and abilities (competences) is improved. The result of the system operation is the process of capitalization aimed at ensuring continuous well-being of individuals, households, organizations and country in general. Capitalization of knowledge, skills, and abilities (competences) generates individuals' financial interest associated with their education, i.e. interest in receiving education as a source of their future income. Financial interest, the subject of which is a man's accomplishment, enables studying opportunities for establishing intercourse on ensuring individuals' income, resulting from his accomplishment. This process, in its turn, initiates insurance of an individual's rights and guarantees in the field of education. On the one hand, regular insurance financing of educational system, ensures its stability for future generations of the Russian society. On the other hand, it will establish the basis for sustainable creation of workforce

    Employing electric resonance for reducing transmission losses

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    Resonator alignment is the most challenging step in the manufacturing of solid state lasers. Reduced dimensions and the high precision needed for achieving high output power efficiency make this procedure complicated to automate. A completely automated alignment of the resonator would significantly reduce costs and manufacturing time