44 research outputs found

    Small molecule compounds identified from mixture-based library inhibit binding between plasmodium falciparum infected erythrocytes and endothelial receptor icam-1

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    Specific adhesion of P. falciparum parasite-infected erythrocytes (IE) in deep vascular beds can result in severe complications, such as cerebral malaria, placental malaria, respiratory distress, and severe anemia. Cerebral malaria and severe malaria syndromes were associated previously with sequestration of IE to a microvasculature receptor ICAM-1. The screening of Torrey Pines Scaffold Ranking library, which consists of more than 30 million compounds designed around 75 molecular scaffolds, identified small molecules that inhibit cytoadhesion of ICAM-1-binding IE to surface-immobilized receptor at IC50 range down to ~350 nM. With their low cytotoxicity toward erythrocytes and human endothelial cells, these molecules might be suitable for development into potentially effective adjunct anti-adhesion drugs to treat cerebral and/or severe malaria syndromes. Our two-step high-throughput screening approach is specifically designed to work with compound mixtures to make screening and deconvolution to single active compounds fast and efficient

    Increasing the Strength of Carbon Sorbents from the Extracted Larch Bark by Using Additives of Oil Bituminen

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    Исследовано влияние нефтебитумных добавок к образцам угля-сырца, полученным пиролизом экстрагированной коры лиственницы, на свойства активированных углей. Показано, что увеличение количества нефтебитума в углях-сырцах приводит к уменьшению их сорбционной активности по йоду и к увеличению прочности на истирание. Установлено, что при пропитке исходного угля-сырца раствором 10%-го нефтебитума в толуоле активность по йоду активированного угля достигает 73 %, при этом прочность на истирание превышает 90 %.The influence of oil bitumen additives to charcoals, obtained by the pyrolysis of the extracted larch bark on the properties of the active carbons was studied. It was shown that the increase of the amount of bitumen in the charcoal reduces their sorption activity on iodine and rises their abrasion resistance. It was found that after the impregnation of raw charcoal by 10 % solution of bitumen in toluene the sorption activity of activated carbon on iodine reaches 73 % and their abrasion resistance is more than 90 %

    Sorption of Oil Products by Carbon Sorbents from Siberian Larch Bark

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    Исследована адсорбционная способность по нефтепродуктам зерненных сорбентов, полученных из карбонизованной коры лиственницы методом парогазовой активации в псевдоожиженном слое. Изучено влияние температуры и продолжительности активации на сорбционную емкость сорбентов по нефтепродуктам. Показано, что повышение температуры активации от 750 до 850 °С и времени активации от 30 до 90 минут приводит к увеличению статической сорбционной емкости сорбентов по нефтепродуктам. Максимальная нефтеемкость (6,8 г/г) достигнута для образца сорбента с размером зерна 1-2 мм, полученного активацией карбонизованной коры при 850 °С в течение 30 минутThe adsorption capacity for oil products of granulated sorbents prepared by preliminary carbo-nized larch bark activation with water steam in a fluidized bed was studied. The effect of temper-ature and time of carbonized bark activation on the oil sorption capacity of obtained sorbents was investigated. It has been shown that the increase the temperature of activation from 750 °C to 850 °C and the time of treatment from 30 minutes to 90 minutes leads to the increase of the oil static sorption capacity. The maximum oil capacity (6.8 g/g) was achieved for the sorbent with a grain size of 1-2 mm which was prepared by activation of carbonized bark at 850 °C during 30 minute

    Features of Steam Activation in Fluidized Bed Reactor the Larch Bark and Solid Residues of Its from Extraction Processing

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    Исследованы особенности парогазовой активации коры лиственницы и твердых остатков ее экстракционной переработки в реакторе с псевдоожиженным слоем. Установлено, что реакционная способность угля-сырца, полученного из предварительно экстрагированной коры, значительно выше, чем угля-сырца, полученного из необработанной коры, и продолжительность активации угля-сырца из экстрагированной коры в 3 раза меньше, чем угля-сырца из исходной коры. Показано, что выход активированного угля и его сорбционные характеристики зависят от размера фракции исходного сырья и практически не зависят от количества этапов экстракционной переработки. Образцы активированного угля из коры лиственницы имеют высокую адсорбционную активность по йоду – до 99 % , превышающую аналогичный показатель для промышленного активного угля марки БАУSome features of water-steam activation in fluidized bed reactor of larch bark and solid residues of bark extraction processing were studied. It was established that the reactivity of charcoal obtained from the extracted bark is significantly higher than the reactivity of charcoal obtained from raw bark and the duration of activation of charcoal from extracted bark is less by 3 times as compared to charcoal from original bark. It was shown that the yield of activated carbon and its sorption characteristics depend on the size of the fraction of the feedstock and they practically do not depend on the number of stages of extraction processing. All samples of activated carbon from larch bark have a high adsorption capacity on iodine (99 %) which is higher than that of the industrial active charcoal BA

    Supported Erythrocyte Membranes on Piezoelectric Sensors for Studying the Interactions with Nanoparticles

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    Applications of nanoparticles (NPs) in nanodrugs, food additives, and cosmetics can result in the presence of nanomaterials in human circulatory system and their attachment to red blood cells (RBCs), which may lead to cytotoxic effects. To investigate the interactions of NPs with RBC membranes (RBCm), supported erythrocyte membranes (SRBCm) were developed on the piezoelectric sensors in a quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation (QCM-D) at 25 °C. A well dispersed RBCm suspension at 1 mM NaCl and 0.2 mM NaHCO3 was obtained from whole blood, and comprised of colloidal membrane fragments with the average hydrodynamic diameter and zeta potential as 390 nm and -0.53 mV, respectively, at pH 7.0. The thin and rigid SRBCm was formed mainly through the deposition of RBCm fragments on the poly-L-lysine modified crystal sensor, leading to the average frequency shift of -26.2 Hz and the low ratio of dissipation to frequency shift (7.2 × 10-8 Hz-1). The complete coverage of SRBCm was indicated by the plateau of frequency shift in the stage of SRBCm formation and no deposition of negatively charged 106 nm polystyrene nanoparticles (PSNPs) on the SRBCm. Atomic force microscopy and immunofluorescence microscopy images showed that RBCm aggregates with the average size of 420 nm and erythrocyte membrane proteins existed on SRBCm, respectively. The methods of determining attachment efficiencies of model positively charged NPs (i.e., hematite NPs or HemNPs) and model negatively charged NPs (i.e., PSNPs) on SRBCm were demonstrated in 1 mM NaCl solution at pH 5.1 and pH 7.0, respectively. HemNPs exhibited a favorable deposition with an attachment efficiency of 0.99 while PSNPs did not show any attachment propensity toward SRBCm

    Small Molecule Compounds Identified from Mixture-Based Library Inhibit Binding between Plasmodium falciparum Infected Erythrocytes and Endothelial Receptor ICAM-1

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    Specific adhesion of P. falciparum parasite-infected erythrocytes (IE) in deep vascular beds can result in severe complications, such as cerebral malaria, placental malaria, respiratory distress, and severe anemia. Cerebral malaria and severe malaria syndromes were associated previously with sequestration of IE to a microvasculature receptor ICAM-1. The screening of Torrey Pines Scaffold Ranking library, which consists of more than 30 million compounds designed around 75 molecular scaffolds, identified small molecules that inhibit cytoadhesion of ICAM-1-binding IE to surface-immobilized receptor at IC50 range down to ~350 nM. With their low cytotoxicity toward erythrocytes and human endothelial cells, these molecules might be suitable for development into potentially effective adjunct anti-adhesion drugs to treat cerebral and/or severe malaria syndromes. Our two-step high-throughput screening approach is specifically designed to work with compound mixtures to make screening and deconvolution to single active compounds fast and efficient

    The Carbon Materials Obtaining by Thermochemical KOH Activation of Bark Birch

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    Методами элементного и термогравиметрического анализов, сканирующей электронной микроскопии и БЭТ-исследованиями изучена возможность получения микропористых углеродных материалов (УМ) с удельной поверхностью около 1350 м2/г из бересты березы методом щелочного активирования при 800 °C гидроксидом калия, используемым в твердом виде и в форме раствора. Пористая текстура полученных материалов изучена исходя из изотерм адсорбции N2,снятых при 77КMethods of elemental and thermogravimetric analysis, scanning electron microscopy and BET-studies explored the possibility of obtaining obtaining microporous carbon materials (CM) with specific surface area about 1350 m2/g by chemical activation at 800 °C of birch bark with potassium hydroxide used in solid and in solution form. The porous structure obtained from birch bark and betulin CMs was studied based on the N2, adsorption isotherms taken at 77

    Influence of Organomineral Fertilizers Based on the Birch Bark and Inner Birch Bark on the Soil Properties

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    Изучены свойства органоминеральных удобрений, полученных нанесением мочевины на пористые подложки из коры и луба березы. Установлено, что внесение органоминеральных удобрений в почву приводит к увеличению содержания в ней гуминовых кислот и водорастворимых микроэлементовThe properties of organomineral fertilizers obtained by urea deposit on the porous supports from birch bark and inner birch bark were investigated. It was determined that addition of the obtained organomineral fertilizers to soil increase humic acids and soluble microelements contend in it

    The Influence of Sulfuric Acid Catalyst Concentration on Hydrolysis of Birch Wood Hemicelluloses

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    Изучено влияние концентрации сернокислотного катализатора на гидролиз гемицеллюлоз древесины березы в мягких условиях (температура 100 °С и атмосферное давление). Установлено, что максимальный выход ксилозы (72,4-77,1 % мас. от исходного содержания гемицеллюлоз в березе) достигается при концентрации H2SO4 2-3 % мас. и продолжительности процесса гидролиза 5 ч. Газохроматографический анализ полученных гидролизатов показал, что они преимущественно содержат ксилозу и незначительные количества маннозы и глюкозы. Твердые продукты гидролиза древесины березы содержат целлюлозу (56,8-70,4 % мас.), лигнин (19,8-28,8 % мас.) и гемицеллюлозы (2,8-15,3 % мас.). Они имеют более высокий индекс кристалличности, чем исходная древесина березыThe influence of sulfuric acid catalyst concentration on hydrolysis of birch wood hemicelluloses under mild conditions (temperature of 100 °С and atmospheric pressure) was studied. It was found that the maximum yield of xylose (72,4-77,1 % wt. of the initial content of hemicelluloses in birch) is achieved at a concentration of H2SO4 2-3 % by weight and hydrolysis process duration of 5 hours. According to gas chromatographic analysis the obtained hydrolysates contain mainly xylose, and at minor amounts mannose and glucose. The solid products of birch wood hydrolysis contain cellulose (56,8-70,4 % wt.), lignin (19,8-28,8 % wt.) and hemicelluloses (2,8-15,3 % wt.). They have a higher crystallinity index compared to initial birch woo