35 research outputs found

    The Value of Transportation for Improving the Quality of Life of the Rural Elderly

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    When an elderly individual living in a rural community is no longer able to drive, issues that come with living in an isolated area (i.e. limited access to health and personal services, distance between home and town centers) are exaggerated and the individual may experience a decrease in their quality of life. Public transportation that supports elderly individuals may be an important issue for rural communities to consider in creating an aging-friendly community and maintaining quality of life for residents who are no longer able to drive. The purpose of this research is to obtain an understanding of opinions about public transportation for the elderly held by rural county residents and their WTP for transportation options through an additional vehicle registration fee. To achieve this objective, a survey with choice experiments was distributed to residents in Atascosa and Polk County, Texas in September 2011. Researchers employed a conditional logit model to analyze the choice survey data and examine county residents’ WTP for various transportation options. The results of this study provide public transportation managers insights into the attributes taxpayers expect in transportation routes and programs.Elderly Transportation, Rural Transportation, Rural Elderly, Rural Quality of Life, Community/Rural/Urban Development,

    Accessing primary health care: A meta-ethnography of the experiences of British South Asian patients with diabetes, coronary heart disease or a mental health problem

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    Objectives: To develop an explanatory framework of the problems accessing primary care health services experienced by British South Asian patients with a long-term condition or mental health problem. Methods: This study used meta-ethnographic methods. Published qualitative studies were identified from a structured search of six databases and themes synthesized across studies to develop a new explanatory framework. Results: Initial searches identified 951 potentially relevant records from which a total of 27 articles were identified that met inclusion and exclusion criteria. Twelve of these articles were chosen on the basis of their quality and relevance. These 12 articles described themes relating to the cultural, spatial and temporal dimensions of patient experiences of accessing and using health care. Our interpretive synthesis showed that access to primary care among British South Asians with diabetes, coronary heart disease and psychological health problems is co-constructed and negotiated over time and space along the key domains of the candidacy model of access: from help-seeking to interactions at the interface to following treatment advice. In the case of each condition, British South Asians’ claims to candidacy were constrained where their individual as well as broader social and cultural characteristics lacked fit with professionals’ ways of working and cultural typifications. Conclusion: Interventions that positively affect professionals’ capacity to support patient claims to candidacy are likely to help support British South Asians overcome a broad range of barriers to care for physical and mental health problems. </jats:p

    Exotic Corn Lines with Increased Resistant Starch and Impact on Starch Thermal Characteristics

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    Ten parent corn lines, including four mutants (dull sugary2, amyloseextender sugary2, amylose-extender dull, and an amylose-extender with introgressed Guatemalen germplasm [GUAT ae]) and six lines with introgressed exotic germplasm backgrounds, were crossed with each other to create 20 progeny crosses to increase resistant starch (RS) as a dietary fiber in corn starch and to provide materials for thermal evaluation. The resistant starch 2 (RS2) values from the 10 parent lines were 18.3–52.2% and the values from the 20 progeny crosses were 16.6–34.0%. The %RS2 of parents was not additive in the offspring but greater RS2 in parents was correlated to greater RS2 in the progeny crosses (r = 0.63). Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) measured starch thermal characteristics, revealing positive correlations of peak gelatinization temperature and change in enthalpy with %RS2 (r = 0.65 and r = 0.67, P ≤ 0.05); however, % retrogradation (a measure of RS3) and retrogradation parameters did not correlate with %RS2. The %RS2 and onset temperature increased with the addition of the ae gene, likely because RS delays gelatinization

    Transit Management Certificate Program

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    "In this report Texas Transportation Institute(TTI) worked closely with the Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning Department (LAUP) of Texas A&M University (TAMU) to develop a transit management certificate focus for the current Graduate Certificate in Transportation Planning (CTP) housed in the College of Architecture at TAMU. This program is the first step in the development of future educational opportunities in public transportation in Texas.

    Examining Challenges, Opportunities, and Best Practices for Addressing Rural Mobility and Economic Development Under SAFETEA-LU's Coordinated Planning and Human Services Framework

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    This report evaluates the recently developed coordinated transit and human services plan both the processes that have been adopted throughout the state as well as they types of outcomes that have emerged