7 research outputs found

    Обобщение исследований: программы психологической поддержки ЮНИСЕФ для школьников в Донецкой и Луганской областях

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    In the research summary describes the conditions, procedure and main results of one of the first systematic studies of the psychosocial problems of children and youth that live in a buffer zone of a military conflict in eastern Ukraine. It is shown that the information obtained in the study can become the basis for conceptualizing of a culture of specific resilience, as well as the platform for planning further competent psychosocial interventions in order to increase the effectiveness of overcoming the sadness and stress by the younger generations of Ukrainians who were directly affected by the military aggression of the Russian Federation in Ukraine.В узагальненні досліджень описано умови, процедуру та основні результати одного з перших систематичних досліджень психосоціальних проблем дітей та молоді, що проживають у буферній зоні воєнного конфлікту на сході України. Показано, що отримана в дослідженні інформація може стати основною для концептуалізації культури специфічної життєстійкості, а також платформою для планування подальших компетентних психосоціальних інтервенцій задля підвищення ефективності подолання смутку і стресу молодим поколінням українців, яких безпосередньо торкнулася воєнна агресія Російської Федерації в Україні.В обобщении ислледований описаны условия, процедура и основные результаты одного из первых систематических исследований психосоциальных проблем детей и молодежи, проживающих в буферной зоне военного конфликта на востоке Украины. Показано, что полученная в исследовании информация может стать основной для концептуализации культуры специфической жизнестойкости, а также платформой для планирования дальнейших компетентных психосоциальных интервенций с целью повышения эффективности преодоления грусти и стресса молодым поколением украинцев, которых непосредственно коснулась военная агрессия Российской Федерации в Украине

    Fear as a Regulator of the Process of Making Life Decisions in the Period of Late Adolescence

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    The article addresses the problem of making life decisions by people during the period of late adolescence; describes the specifics of the influence of various factors, in particular, the sense of life orientations, life position, impulsivity; the questions of the influence of fear on the process of making life decisions by young people; and the influence of various types of fears on this process. The results of the research show that the influence of fears on the process of making life decisions during the late adolescence is largely determined by characteristics of this age period, such as the formation of identity and the affirmation of one’s own self in the society. Thus, the most influential types of fears during this period are sociophobia, which consists of fear of social opinions and fear of social interactions; and fortunophobia (fear of fate). Sociophobia has such a powerful influence because young people go through the process of separation from their parents and joining society as separate individuals, and therefore the society’s opinion about them as an identity becomes very important to them. Fortunophobia is essentially the fear of the unknown and unavoidable fate, which is an inseparable part of making any life decision, especially in such a young age when people are only making their first crucial life decisions. According to the conducted research, meaningfulness of life has a reverse effect on the impact of fears on making life decisions, which means that with a greater meaningfulness of the individual’s life, the impact of fears is reduced. At the same time, impulsiveness has a direct effect, i.e. the more impulsive an individual is, the more influence fear has on their making life decisions. Life position of “Me + World –” is the least influenced by fears during the process of making life decisions. Also, the influence of fears appears to be more of a motivating factor rather than constraining, which forces young people to act and change their lives

    Психологічні особливості молодих людей, орієнтованих на пошук шлюбного партнера через мережу Інтернет

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    On the basis of conducted empirical research, the psychological features of young people who tend to search for a marriage partner on the Internet are established. The advantages of finding a partner through dating sites and social networks include a shorter search period; the ability to get basic information through correspondence with a candidate for the role of husband / wife; the opportunity to refuse to meet with those candidates whose life ideas, values, outlooks do not match their own; a lack of, to some extent, shyness and excitement of the first real meeting, an opportunity to reflect on their answers and control emotions. The general characteristics of the youth period, among which are general optimism, creation of future life prospects, professional and personal self-realization, and the opportunities to make independent decisions, are discussed. In addition, such features of the youth period as high activity and certain unpredictability in actions and behaviour are highlighted. It is emphasized that it is during this period that a young person for the first time really begins to feel that he or she is in charge of his/her life and can fully support him/herself in social, psychological, and financial terms. Attention is drawn to the fact that issues related to one’s worldview and re-evaluation of one’s own ideas about the world and to rethinking of issues related to religion, politics, and other worldview positions are finally resolved at a young age. Respondents seeking marriage partners through dating sites were found to have a higher level of social trust, less self-confidence, and more motivation to avoid failure than motivation to succeed, compared to those seeking marriage partners in real life. According to statistical analysis (Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient), no correlation was found between social trust indicators, self-confidence, and motivation to avoid failure / success. Instead, there is a correlation between self-esteem and motivation to avoid failure / success. The obtained results, in general, suggest that, despite the insignificant correlation between the studied variables, there is a correlation between these psychological features and the types of search for a partner.На підставі проведеного емпіричного дослідження описано психологічні особливості осіб періоду молодості, орієнтованих на пошук шлюбного партнера в просторі інтернету. Установлено, що респонденти, які шукають шлюбних партнерів через сайти знайомств, мають вищий рівень соціальної довіри, менш впевнені в собі, у них переважає мотивація уникання невдач над мотивацією досягнення успіху порівняно з тими, хто шукає шлюбних партнерів у реальному житті

    Страх як регулятор прийняття життєвих рішень у період пізньої юності

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    The article addresses the problem of making life decisions by people during the period of late adolescence; describes the specifics of the influence of various factors, in particular, the sense of life orientations, life position, impulsivity; the questions of the influence of fear on the process of making life decisions by young people; and the influence of various types of fears on this process.The results of the research show that the influence of fears on the process of making life decisions during the late adolescence is largely determined by characteristics of this age period, such as the formation of identity and the affirmation of one’s own self in the society. Thus, the most influential types of fears during this period are sociophobia, which consists of fear of social opinions and fear of social interactions; and fortunophobia (fear of fate). Sociophobia has such a powerful influence because young people go through the process of separation from their parents and joining society as separate individuals, and therefore the society’s opinion about them as an identity becomes very important to them. Fortunophobia is essentially the fear of the unknown and unavoidable fate, which is an inseparable part of making any life decision, especially in such a young age when people are only making their first crucial life decisions. According to the conducted research, meaningfulness of life has a reverse effect on the impact of fears on making life decisions, which means that with a greater meaningfulness of the individual’s life, the impact of fears is reduced. At the same time, impulsiveness has a direct effect, i.e. the more impulsive an individual is, the more influence fear has on their making life decisions. Life position of “Me + World –” is the least influenced by fears during the process of making life decisions. Also, the influence of fears appears to be more of a motivating factor rather than constraining, which forces young people to act and change their lives.У статті розглянуто проблему прийняття життєвих рішень особами у період пізньої юності; описано особливості впливу різних факторів, зокрема смисложиттєвих орієнтацій, життєвої позиції; розглянуто питання впливу страху на прийняття життєвих рішень молодими людьми, розкрито вплив окремих видів страхів

    Феномен резилієнс у контексті соціоекологічного підходу і дискурсу

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    The article provides a brief overview of resilience research and presents the main issues and problems in this field of science. Particular attention is paid to the issues of determining resilience by various researcher and the analysis of debatable issues in understanding this phenomenon. A more detailed analysis is provided regarding the views of authors who interpret resilience in the context of socio-ecological approach. There is a large body of empirical research on the resilience of children and adults, as well as social groups, in the context of the impact of various risk factors, stress and trauma, which allowed researchers to form insights into protective factors and assets that are powerful adaptation resources in difficult situations. The formation of the field of psychology aimed at the development of resilience as a holistic direction requires the definition of common theoretical and methodological foundations for its determination and construction of empirical procedures for its study in the context of different challenges and different cultures. Systemic and socio-environmental approaches can be distinguished among modern approaches to the definition and understanding of resilience. In the context of these approaches, resilience appears as a phenomenon and the process of interaction of internal and external factors, which is carried out under the determining influence of environmental factors. The environment contains the resources needed by people and groups, forms an idea of the effects of positive development and coping through the discourses it creates, and also regulates people’s access to these resources. The resilience considered in this way is not so much the property and the result of individual’s efforts (although this factor is important) as a manifestation of the ability of the social environment and social support networks to provide resources whose importance is recognized by culture.У статті здійснено огляд історії вивчення і сучасних підходів до феномену резилієнс, представлених у публікаціях. Особливу увагу приділено визначенню резилієнс різними дослідниками та аналізу дискусійних питань у розумінні цього феномену та його визначення. Більш докладно подано аналіз поглядів авторів, які тлумачать резилієнс у контексті соціоекологічного підходу і розглядають її як дискурс-залежне явище, що відкриває можливості для досліджень цього феномену в контексті різних культур і різних ризиків

    Developing a Culturally Relevant Measure of Resilience for War-Affected Adolescents in Eastern Ukraine

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    Psychosocial support in education that is provided during emergencies frequently aims to support children’s resilience, but strong, contextual measures of resilience are in short supply in Eastern Europe. In this article, our aim is to describe the development and psychometric properties of the first measure of resilience for war-affected adolescents in Eastern Ukraine. We used qualitative methods to identify the main cultural characteristics of resiliency and then used these constructs to develop the measure. We used exploratory structural equation modeling to extract five factors that showed high internal consistency: family support (ω=0.89), optimism (ω=0.87), persistence (ω=0.87), health (ω=0.86), and social networking (ω=0.87). Confirmatory factor analysis suggested that a concise model of resiliency fit the data almost as well as the exploratory structural equation modeling model. The measure demonstrated good test-retest reliability. In this article, we also discuss the importance of development, validation, and the use of culturally relevant measures of resilience for strengthening psychosocial support programs in schools, particularly in Ukraine